Archive for December, 2008

Ow My Head

December 31, 2008

So I woke up at 4am this morn after a sum total of an hours sleep! Hangover ahoy!! Not only was it NYE for me, Q’s hubby got back yesterday too FTW!


Anyhoo, logging in at 4am led me to Prim & Pixel for a mini hunt. These silks are your prize, divided up into 5 snowflakes for you to find. They’re very well done, and I didn’t have to adjust the prims, yay! I hadn’t been to this store in a long while, Halloween was the last time I think. It’s all changed now and an absolute pleasure to wander round. Check out the beautiful skin. This is a New years gift from Tokeo Plastik. You’ll need to join the group and head to the main store with your tag active.


This lushness is the Prim & Pixel POE gift, which I stumbled upon during the hunt. Royal Purple is one of my favie colours, never fails to make me smile!


The cute lingerie was a group gift from Damiani, and I’ve shown it with a skin I got from Prim & Pixel. Heaps of you asked about the masked skin Sasy made, so when I found this I was terribly excited! It was a Halloween gift, but it’s back out and still free, I don’t know how long for though, so best to grab it now.


This powerful piece is from Luna’s Boutique, a new to me store that I found through a Fashcon notice. It’s another New Years gift, it will vanish on the 2nd I think, possibly sooner? I got so many notices today I’m totes confuzzled.


And last but not least, a blood covered Cinderella dress from Little Heaven! The blood looks so awesome, all soaked in and old mmmm! Okies, time to flush my head down the toilet have a shower. Ash out.

Pic 1
Prim & Pixel Mini Hunt
Hair (not free)
Gritty kitty
Skin (group gift)
Tokeo Plastik
Shoes (not free)

Pic 2
Prim & Pixel POE Gift
Hair (not free)
Damiani (Old Gift)

Pic 3
Damiani Group Gift
Hair (not free)
Prim & Pixel
Shoes (not free)
Shoe Fly

Pic 4
Luna’s Boutique (limited time gift)
Hair (not free)
Curio (old group gift)

Pic 5
Little Heaven Lucky Chair
Hair (not free)
Curio (old group gift)

Group gifts from Canimal and MichaMi

December 30, 2008

Hi. Sleepy Ach here. I woke up at 5AM for no good reason, so I decided to write about two awesome group gifts. The first is Canimal’s brand new subscribe-o-matic gift, a cute little dress called the Naughty Nautical. I’m wearing it with a free top hat that I found on onrez from Curio Obscura. I’m a huge fan of that shop, and the top hats are nicely made! They come in a box of five. The second outfit is from MichaMi’s update group, her December gift. It consists of two lovely corset-outfits, the Carmela Bustier in green and red. So cute and carefully constructed!

Free or cheap:
***Necklace: Rebel -X- Free Crossed Bones Necklace
***Socks: Shop Seu Kushukushu kutsushita lucky chair item
***Hair: Calico Ingmann Creations Heather – Ivory (10L for a huge pack of colors)
***Outfit 1: MichaMi Group Gift: Carmela Bustier in Red and Green
***Outfit 2: Canimal Subscribe-o-matic group gift Naughty Nautical
***Hat: Curio Obscura OnRez freebie — five free tophats in a variety of colors

Not free:
***Skin: Schadenfreude Alabaster Elsa Black Face Intact Upper Chop Lower (anat)


December 29, 2008

I’ve been horrible. I haven’t been on Second Life for an extended period. I jump online, check notices, irritate people in IM, and then I poof! back into the real world.

The lovely Ashia and her Q told me about a delightful skin that makes me feel all frosted chic.

This is the gorgeous skin given to the group members of Rockberry!!
The lips are so delicious! Look that them! H-O-T.
I love the gorgeous details around the eyes. Stunning!

To get this skin, you’ll need to shuffle up some room in your groups. Join the Rockberry group, check the notices and wear, wear, wear!!!!!!

Thank you to the lovely Ashia, yes, you may impregnate Dahlindah with your Pixel babies. ^^

Other stuffs:
Hair- Aitui


December 28, 2008

So just before Christmas, I got a cryptic IM from Sasy. Something about cats and my fave way to kill spare time in sl!! Turns out, there was a purpose for the vagueness, cos when she tp’d me, I squealed like a 16yr old school girl seeing her favorite boyband! We were in the Popfuzz basement, where I’d been a million times, but I hadn’t seen *this* before!


Do you see that picture? Zoom in if you need to, then take in the awesomeness. The deal is this. There’s a pad with the alphabet on it to the left. You click on your letter and it brings up the slurl of any chair that’s part of the network and currently on say “A” for example. You pick the prize you want, click on the slurl in local chat, and away you go!! I’ll also copy some of the card Hazel gave me:


1. Besides the alphabet list on the side, you can also click on the blue letters directly on the board, those are the newest listings.

2. This board is moderated, we try to keep it filled with decent designers and creators who make their own things. Stores with chair farms, business in a box or resale items are not allowed on the network . We encourage chair hoppers to let us know if a shop isn’t up to par.

3. You can contact Hazel Coppens or Indigo Lucerne if you’d like to get a Lucky Chair Box for your shop. Indigo Lucerne scripted the board and was/is instrumental in its being here.

4. Although you need to visit on-site, you can choose as many locations as you want as SLurls via chat.


I’ve shown just a couple of things I picked up. There’s some huge designers already taking part, if you’re not part of the network and would like to be, contact Hazel to get your kitty box! It’s dead easy to set up, apparently you just fill in the settings card and you’re good to go. Chair stalkers, remember your chair etiquette too, as I’m sure the place will get packed! Ash out.

Who, What, Where
Lucky Chair Station
Popfuzz Bargain Basement

Outfit 1
Noble Intentions Lucky Chair

Necklace (not free)
Violet Voltaire (part of my Chrissy pressie from Loli!)
Hair (not free)

Outfit 2
Costume Depot Lucky Chair

Alienbear Lucky Chair

Hair (not free)

Kuri Style Yummys

December 27, 2008

Normally our darling Miu would blog the gorgeousness from Kuri Style, so I hope I do it justice!

I found these 2 beauties outside the store. I love love the knit detail, seeing as it’s Winter in SL land!

These New Years dresses are 2L each, and can be found in a room off to the side, along with some gogeous kimono, eyes and other goodies.

And this gorgy tartan number, for Creams!! Go grab it! I know I’m wearing hoofies that dont match any of the dresses today (I usually try and co-ordinate colours!) But that’s because these were a present from the luffley Adi for Christmas. I’ll be showing what all the girls got me, mostly cos I’m totes chuffed, and they have impeccable taste!! Ash out.

Edit: I forgot the slurl, bah!!! Too much cold and flu medication. Anyhoo, there’s a new freeb there now too. This will take you to the 4 dresses outside, the rest I mentioned are all inside xoxo

Hair (not free)

Skin (old gift)
KA Designs

Hoofies (pressie From Adi fucken yeah!!)
Winter Black Swan hoofies

30L frocks from Uncle Wiggily

December 27, 2008

Hello! Christmas might be over, but Uncle Wiggily just released three lovely little frocks for just 30L at Esme’s clothing shop (location in the credits). Along with these cute frocks I’m wearing the free Uncle Wiggily hair that can be found at Savoir Hair’s HQ in Hairspray, and cuuuute dollarbie mechanical monkey shoes from WEBER, a gift under the Axis Mundi tree. Violet Voltaire is giving away this gorgeous jewelry set at her shop in Haven Shire, right next to a cute holiday headband that will be just perfect for Christmas in July.

Now back to the ham torpor, and a warm mocha to wake me up…

***Jewelry: Violet Voltaire Silver Bell Necklace – Holiday gift, under the tree in her shop (near a dollarbie cute christmas headdress too!)
***Eyes: BP* eyes /jan,sep2008ver. green (freebie on a shelf in the BP* shop)
***Skin: Nomine sylvan skin – china white from the skin hunt. (Not sure this is still going on.)
***Shoes: Dollarbie Pink Mechanical Monkey Boots by Weber, under the Axis Mundi tree
***Hair: Uncle Wiggily free styles for Savoir Hair – May / Platinum (no mod)

For 30L:
***Frock 1: Uncle Wiggily mushroom deer dress
***Frock 2: Uncle Wiggily honeycomb & deer dress
***Frock 3: Uncle Wiggily ants & deer dress

Not free:
***Legwarmers: BP* Angry rabbit legwarmers

Collecting Dresses

December 27, 2008

I want as many as possible! More dresses, MORE dresses!!


The dresses fairy definately calling on me..what? Collect dresses? Yes, I am doing that!!

Dollette – Rucker Dress (Holiday gift exclusive for the Fashion Consolidated Group)

Shopping At Crush Row

This lovely green dress is by Girls Style, avaliable only at the B11 Mall.


There are 2 lucky doughnuts out at Canimal! They are very lucky indeed, considering I haven’t ate them up already..The gifts are so gorgeous, but my initial rarely came up I only managed to win this dress.

Canimal – Rebel Yell in Red (lucky doughnut gift)


If you have not got the notice already, Minnu are changing its name to LeLutka, anyone who is in their update group should now join this one (just search Thora Charron under people if you cannot find this group). There is normally a $250L enrollment fee, but it is free right now. Hurry though! This group has many great gifts to offer!

In the current group notice, you will find 2 gift packages for men and women. I am only showing 2 of the lovely dresses being given.

Archange xmas

Another group that regularly gives out lovely dresses are Archange. This time I am showing this Odette Skirt, which is avaliable in long or short version. Please activate your group tag when getting the dress!

Pretty Necklace worn throughout from Untone Quilt, also includes earrings and headband in 2 variations (not shown)!

All Over Bar The Shouting

December 26, 2008

So it’s the end of Boxing Day here. I’m sick, minime is sick and it’s official……other peoples kids suck like woa!! Q’s hubby has gone home for 5 days, so there is much sadness, txt messaging and token msn sessions!! And digesting (yup ate so much I swear I’m still trying to digest it all XD!)




But! Katatonik always has the power to make me smile, despite myself! Find these yummies under the tree at Axis Mundi. The first one is 25L, the last 2 free. I’ve shown them here with some amazing jewels from Sanu. Group gifts, so join now, and stay in the group! Also, if you love Sanura’s store, for the love of god put her in your picks in your profile. She would never ask, but I can, cos I haz no shame!! She has always been so terribly helpful to me, chatty, accommodating and just totes awesome.


This was a group gift from Analise, shown in a different form by our luffley Suri hurr. The whole outfit screams subtle sex to me, so I had to post it (mostly cos I’m a vain egomaniac who only blogs to see pics of myself *coughs*) Anyhoo, time for that random MSN session 😉 Ash out.

Hair And Stuff That Aint Free
Agrace (old group gift)
Dejavu (old group gift)

Lazy Places

Gifts from Sprawl and Rebel -X-

December 26, 2008

I come bearing two lovely gifts on this strangely warm Christmas day! The first, above, is for boys AND girls from the newly-rechristened Sprawl. There’s a box for each gender in the upstairs part of the store beneath the cute /artilleri/ Xmas tree. The scarf, it is huge, and it covers the face like a fremen’s robe.

The second is below, the adorable group gift outfit from Rebel -X-. It’s purple so that you can wear it beyond Christmas day, and it’s got subtle reindeer cuteness peeking from the front of the jumper. Also nearly free are the dollarbie skins that I’m wearing for boy and girl ach — both from the treat tray that still remains in the skin room of MiaSnow’s shop in Hwang.

Only a week until 2009! What a year it’s been…

***Boots: J’s gift Engineer Long Boots
***Eyes: BP* sep2008eyes/green store dollarbie (hidden in a vase on a shelf)
***Hair: *booN free hair NMR32 mat big
***Skin: MIASNOW gifts december 2008 dollarbies Jack 2
***Sweater, scarf and gloves: *Sprawl* Christmas Box (boys)
Not free:
***Pants: /artilleri/ jonas jeans
***Boots: J’s gift Engineer Long Boots
***Outfit: Rebel -X- Group Gift 2008, skirt and sweater in seven bits!
***Eyes: BP* sep2008eyes/green store dollarbie (hidden in a vase on a shelf)
***Skin: MIASNOW Gifts December 2008 dollarbie Jasmine Evening Out 1
Not free:
***Hair: House of Munster Edgy Black & White (not free)
***Socks: (Shiny Things) Plaid Socks in soft purple (not free)

Guest Post: Silver Belle by Jhuzen Ketsugo

December 25, 2008

Almost everyone knows that Neferia Abel of ~~Ivalde~~ has been gifting us all something fabulous each and every day of December with her amazing Advent Gifts. Today marks gift number 25, and this is the one you absolutely cannot miss out on. Not only is it an absolutely darling ballerina inspired party dress called Angelica Ballerina the box comes complete with a special set of jewelry cooked up by ~*Fresh Baked Goods*~. Just wear your ~~Ivalde~~ (Ivalde,Embla&Ask Design Group) Tag and touch the box numbered 25 under the tree in the main entrance, and you will be delivered a folder including all the goodies your little heart could ever desire on Christmas. There is a group invite sign at the main store, in case you can’t find it in search.


The dress is a frothy silver confection, with a sculpted ruffle skirt, a sculpted bodice with ruffle, and a matching pair of ruffled thigh high stockings. The ~*FBG*~ Angel Food Cake jewelry set includes the Tiara, Choker, Tennis Bracelets, and Matching Ring. Really a lovely set that is apparently only available with the Angelica Ballerina gown. Also included in the Advent Gift is a Guitar made by Neferia’s husband Brumm Bricklin, so something for the guys and gals alike!


If you haven’t been to PXL Creations yet to get the lovely Profile Picks Gift yet, make sure you head over to get it while it lasts. This amazingly stunning skin is Hart Larsson’s gift to you this holiday season. Just put PXL in your profile picks, wait a short while (may take up to 24-48 hours) and then touch the sign in-store to get this Frozen Skin. The fluttery lashes I am wearing are another ‘hurry up and grab em’ gift from [the oBscene] at the Crush Row location. The Silver Ice lashes can be found in a stocking at the Crush Row location of [the oBscene]. Check the awning outside of the shop, but hurry, this stocking and over a dozen others are out in every store in the shopping district, but may be gone very soon. Just as a reminder, the hair I am wearing here is ETD’s Juliana, and it is currently available for just $30L or less, as is the rest of Elika’s amazing hair, shoes, and other offerings. The sale ends tommorrow, so make sure you get to ETD while you still can.


Happy Holidays Everyone!
~ Ketsy

Limited Time Free Gifts:
~~Ivalde~~, Advent Gift #25 (Includes Dress, Stocking, ~*Fresh Baked Goods*~ Jewelry Set)
PXL Creations, Profile Picks Frozen Skin (Linda_Natural_FrozenMakeup_BlackEB_G2)
[the oBscene], Silver Ice Lashes [Crush Row Stocking Gift]

Not Free:
Hair – ETD, Juliana (Black)[Just $30L On Sale NOW, Sale Ends Dec. 26/08]
Shoes – Maitreya, Slinky Stilettos (Silver)
Eyes – Miriel, Hazel Eyes (Big)