Bring it on Santa!

OK folks you better get used to this, all the Christmas goodies are gonna come in thick and fast now that its the 1st Dec. You’ll be so sick of red and green by the time I’ve finished with ya.

Ghanima of Blue Blood has made the most gorgeous dress for her lucky chair, the cute Santa’s have been drawn with her own fair hand, this will be available on the chair until Christmas so don’t all rush at once, even though I know you want to.

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Amazing hair shop Waka & Yuki has a new group gift hair in store, this is where I have been getting most of my hairs lately. Fantastic styles at great prices, most items are less than 100L and some are scripted to change colour/style. To get this one you must join the group and touch the sign in store, check out the huge bow made out of hair on top of the head. Lubs!

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The festive green fur is a group gift from xxYOMESHOUJOxx , also comes in red. The gorgee skin I am wearing is by Wigwambam, you can find this at Free*Style in the skin section.

Take a deep breath before you look at the next pic….





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Boots with Xmas Lights AND Tartan!! I can’t contain myself. These are a group gift from /NoLabel/ a store which Cheri introduced us to on this blog previously, (remember the amazing cowboy boots?). Join the /NoLabel/ group and look in the notice archives for these.

Are you in the festive spirit now? I am and I’m gonna get me a nice glass of Sherry.

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