Disclaimer : I do not know any of these designers…

…. but I wish I did 🙂

I just feel the need to respond to a negative comment on a previous post from our friend ‘anonymous’ accusing us of mostly blogging our friends stores (which is absolutely crap by the way). I have made friends with many lovely and talented creators since starting this blog and I often feel bad because many of them I have not featured…YET! I would absolutely LOVE to do them all, believe me – but genuinely time is a big factor). I was so annoyed last night I actually said the F word TWICE in my response to the comment.

Fact is that myself and my fellow bloggers get sent many reviews and we always try to feature these first (sometimes we don’t manage to because we are so busy or we can’t find something to go with it etc…but we try our best, if you have sent us something and we haven’t featured your item yet, it is nothng personal, we are just so busy and persistence really does pay off). If you wish to send me a review of your free gift please send it in a folder with all info to my alt FREESTYLE ADAMSKI, as Creamy’s inventory is a horrible mess and I lose stuff.

When we have time we also love to do our own freebie hunting, that was my original hobby, but nowadays it’s really had to find unique items which have not already been blogged elsewhere.

We obviously all have our own styles and favourite stores, just like everyone else does, which of course we feature regularly as we are often in the update groups or get tip offs. It doesn’t mean we are know the designer.

Ultimately though we are doing this for fun and to help people who can’t afford lots of clothes, and I also like it if we can help advertise new talent. We don’t get paid so we aren’t obliged to do anything we don’t want to do.

Nuff said and on to the freebies…

I adore Slow Kitchen and I wish I knew the creator XD. They have a new free gift in store – this really cute dress in grey, the red version is on the lucky chair. The shirt underneath also comes with it. The skins worn here are Lion Skins…EVERY THING IS FREE…OMGWTF? They rock! Helianthus told me about it last night, so I went down this morning and the place was completely packed, you probabaly know about it already. The hair worn is the Diversity VIP group gift as shown by Ashia.

3 dec slow kitchen

Also in the above pic I am wearing tights and shoes by Little Fish, I’ve been showing this store a lot lately because I love it…oh yes, I do not know the designer, but I wish I did!

Little Fish are also participating in the POE hunt so search for the globe in store and you will find one of these items (I think it was the yellow dress), but not only that, there’s a Xmas tree in store with a new free gift everyday. So far this gorgeous red tang top, TARTAN shoes (yesssss) and tights. The skins worn below here are stunning and they are 1l at Beauty Avatar on the desk, also a male outfit there.

3 dec little fish

These shooooz *gasps)

3 dec_005

I’m offski, its sunny outside and I need fresh air. Have fun peeps!

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