Meghindo’s Touch

It’s gift season!
I have just put up my Christmas tree at home with red tinsel and tiny little gold angels, much like the one I am seeing right now at Meghindo’s Touch.

As I discover the gift boxes underneath that Christmas tree, I got a bit vurious and clicked on them. Voila! There are gifts inside..shall I take ’em? *wonders*

Well y’all know what happened there! I left my lindens and took those boxes home. Good job most of them are only $1L each!


Meghindo’s Touch – Fur Line, $1L
Includes shoes as well, but i JUST couldn’t get those Moody wedges off…who can?!

Striking Poses (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift): Angel of Peace Commemorative Pose

Globe in my hands


Meghindo’s Touch – Catsuit, $1L. There is a red version in one of those boxes as well!

my tartan

Meghindo’s Touch – Red Series,not free. Found in a box under the tree; new from Meghindo’s Touch, at discounted price, I think.

Picture by: Meghindo Romano

How about a little bit of SJP for the day! I am in love with this white flower dress!!! Shame I don’t have THOSE chunky gladiator boots in my inventory, I guess I will wear my Frenzy Boots for now :)) When I shown Abra this dress her answer was simply: “me wants”. 😛

Meghindo’s Touch – SJP Dress, not free. You will find this dress on the wall along with their current releases!

Cuffs worn are from Georgiabean Lately on Crush Row (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift)

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