yer mom…

…you know when you’ve had too much wine on a Sunday and you can’t think of a title? If I look like yer mom in this post then yer mom is cute and foxy.

You need to see this new skin store ti’ko, there is a beautiful 1L skin, only available at this price until tomorrow so hurry on down and get it quick.


Check out this cute little Christmas outfit from Luxurious World, it comes in red and green with cosy legwarmers and shrug



Eloise McCullough knows me so well, she contacted me today about Lemania Indigo’s Tartan outfit under the tree…cos Creamy loves tartan. Thanks Eloise! (There’s load more lovely gifts under the tree here)


I made the Asia shape I am wearing in this post today and I’ll put it at the Hotel Dare Free Shizzle Forest location for 1L (or whatever you think it’s worth)

Asia Shape

Other items worn
The skins worn throughout this post are by ti’ko, but only the first one shown is 1L, the rest are full priced.

Poetic Color eyes are by Lano Lang (1L)
Bikini worn is in the POE globe at Digit Darkes (free)
The colour changeable stilletto’s from Unique Needs (free)
Hair by Diversity (not free) but remember if you are under 30 days old you can choose any hair you like in the store, and there are also gorgeous free female skins for new players

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