Ash’s Second Crush

I got so excited telling you about my first crush the other day, I completely forgot about my second! Never fear, it’s waiting for you in all it’s glory at the end of the post.


First up this beautiful group gift from Evie’s Closet. The group is now closed, but if you are a group member and mebbe haven’t received your group notices (not that that *ever* happens in SL) you’ll find this hidden somewhere in store. Wear you tag when you find it. It’s just too gorgeous not to post it. The stunning necklace and earrings are a POE gift from Essentia. I wish I could have got a better close up for you, but the grid just wasn’t rezzing stuff right for me again.


Then we have another A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Pair of boots from Eva. As with the Dalmation pair, posted by myself and Ach, these are fully scripted, so you can turn stuff off and on (poses, sounds and such). Shown here with one of the advent gifts from Damiani, all of which are transfer btw, how cool is that!


The shoes!! Sweeter Than Candy sent these out today, via the subscribo, can you say yum! Another of the Damiani advent outfits, and Denier Cri‘s POE gift skin.


There’s a reason I love Yohan from Strayer, he totes understands my need for showing off my ass/boobs!! These teeny tiny hotpants are available for a limited time. Shown with some super cute boots from the Brain Restriction group. They were sent out very early this morning, so you have awhile to grab them. Also shown is the POE gift skin from Rockberry, so gorgeous! Ah, and now onto my crush. Kings Of Leon, Caleb especially, I wanna take him home, sober him up and swoon all over him!! So damaged and so talented……enjoi, Ash out.

Sex On Fire

Shtuff (No slurls today, search is your friend 😉
hair (not free)

Lionskins -Limited Time Freebie (no longer available)
Rockberry- POE Hunt
Dernier Cri- POE Hunt

Essentia POE Gift

Damiani- Advent Gift
Strayer- Xmas Gift
Evie’s Closet- Group Gift

Eva- Xmas Gift
Brain Restriction- Group Gift

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