Bold Prints and Big Shoes

To make up for the fact that the group shoes in my last post aren’t available, I’ve got some lovely sculpty shoes here which are free at Blue Blood this week.


I have a confession to make that I still have not done the POE hunt yet (just not had the time). I just happen to randomly visit a store and a globe is there, which is what happened with this beautiful dress I found at a lovely store called salon de pigeon blanc . You will find this gorgeous dress in the POE globe in the store, all the clothes are so cute and inexpensive here too.


The lamp in the background is free at an adorable store called Roseo, which I only discovered today. Check out the clothes upstairs too.

I’m scared of my inventor(ies), yeah I’ve not got just one to keep clear – they are all filling up now *my brain hurts*

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