Things That Make Me Crash

We’ll get to the crashing bit in a mo! First, my other RL best friend Honey gave birth to her beautiful daughter Summer Rae yesterday afternoon. She was born very quietly at home with not much fuss at all, fed for ages and promptly went to sleep!! Honey was the first one of our group to get married (ps she’s still the only one that’s taken the plunge!) and everything has come full circle for her. Congrats to mum and bub and all the family, heart you and miss you all terribly.

Now onto the clothes!! Silk & Satyr is a store I featured a few weeks ago. They have a beautiful group gift out at the moment, 3 arm cuffs *scans photo to make sure she actually remembered to wear one*! The silks shown are dollarbies at the main store, the second set can be found at Vanity Universe. Which brings me to the title of my post.


All the clothes shown here are either dollarbies or cheapies from various designers that have set up shop at Vanity for A Winter Fairytale. It’s a charity event for Care International, with limited edition clothes you can purchase for a donation to the charity. I don’t know what it is about that sim, but my computer hates it. I walk into walls, do the never ending walk out of the sim, under water etc. The skin shown in all the Vanity pics is one of the amazing Chai skins I got from the hunt.


Things that make me crash: Walking, not walking, turning off my Mysti, leaving my Mysti on, taking off my AO, leaving my AO on, going bald, wearing hair, moving my camera, forgetting to light the incense on my Linden shrine, lighting the incense but not bowing down to the shrine, opening my inventory, leaving my inventory closed, lowering draw distance, raising draw distance, gesturtarding, resisting the urge to gesturetard.


Taking photos, not taking photos, changing my lighting, leaving the lighting on default, talking in voice, not talking in voice, opening an IM, ignoring an IM, having PS open at the same time as Sl, looking at the PS icon on my desktop before opening the program, taking a RL phonecall, sending a RL txt. Changing skins, rebaking, changing anything on the advanced menu. I think I have it all covered!!! If I left anything that makes you crash, feel free to put it in the comments!! And to make myself feel better about all the damn crashing, here’s another taste of my boys Kings Of Leon. This one has it all, moody drums, epic guitar solo, and Caleb, looking so fragile…totes enjoi! Ash out.


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