Attack Of The Killer Barbie

Oh joy!! I can safely say that school holidays are in full swing, judging by the amount of assholes I’ve run into in the last 2 days. Anyhoo



On with awesomeness. The scrumptious Fae Eriksen from Fishy Strawberry has put out a couple of gifts for us for the silly season and and and a new lucky chair set! I’ve shown the top and the shrug from that set, paired with some (not free) jeans I’ve coveted since seeing them on Dakota, eons ago. They’re from Tokeo Plastik, and after Creams and I had been to their latest fashion show (totes not cam perving on the hottest av on the grid, swear) I had to run get em. The beautiful chokers shown are from a store the luffley Eden sent me to, and I’m so glad she did. Sanu has some really special pieces. I fell in love as soon as it rezed. There is a lucky chair too, a wall of freebies and if you join the group, there’s 576456578 gifts in the notice history. Sanura Sakai is terribly generous to her group, as well as being an amazing designer.



Tinker Hax sent me an IM to let me know that her store Amplify is having a hunt. The clothes shown here are some of what I found. There’s 25 candy canes all up, you have to hunt “high and low”. The hunt runs all this week so you have plenty of time!


A few months back, I posted about a gorgeous store I had found called Inara’s Fantasy Couture. A massive wall of dollarbie silks can still be found there, as well as these stunning dresses you can camp for. The prize camps are a half hour each, so so worth it. Now I’m off to boink my ken doll in our Barbie Dreamhouse. Ash out.

Hair (not free)
Gritty Kitty

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free)

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