Ash’s Wish For Christmas

Dear Santa (Philip Linden) could you pretty please with tier on top fix it so that I get group notices? Even when I’m online, I don’t get messages from my all time favorite group Silent Sparrow. I love getting notices from Hya, I *hate* finding out about new releases 4 DAYS LATER. It makes me emo dear Phil, there is much sadness, for me and the poor people on my friends list who have to listen to my whining. Also, while I’m asking for stuff, for the love of all things holy, give us more group space please. Love Ash.


Now onto fabulousness!! There is a new lucky chair set in the group only chair at Silent Sparrow. There’s something for the girls and as always, something for you boys too. It’s been ages since I’ve given my boy av Longest Jonson an airing, and what better excuse to dust him off than a suit from Hya?


The suit is actually unisex, as there are attachments for both guys and girls. I love the Toxine suit, I have it in 3565246 colours already and the lolita versions too!

I logged in this morning to a folder from Evangeline Eames (that awesome lady Eva shoes is named after!). You can get a gorgy pair of mules for free under the Christmas tree at the Dominion, as well some cute lingerie for 10l a set. The tree is located round the corner from Eva shoes.


This morning I’ve been dragging myself round the grid, yesterday was minime’s birthday and I am exausted!! Not to mention a wee bit sunburnt! The perfect antidote for that was this beautiful group gift from Evie’s Closet. You can now join the group for a nominal 100L fee, which is nothing really, considering the value of gifts given this month alone. Now I’m gonna plow through all my groups on both avs just to make sure I haven’t missed anything (cos I’m totes not busy or anything…..srsly) Ash out.

Hair That Aint Free But Rocks
Gritty Kitty
Philotic Energy

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