Valentine Gown

Just a quick update before I go to bed, I ,met the cutest puppy today, he talks too! Although he tried to jump and pee on me, I gave him my signature evil stare and he didn’t…. lmao…

Puppy tries to jump on me

Taken @ ATTITUDE DESIGNS MALL, home of HD Designs and Attitudes Coffee Shop (awesome cosy place to hang out), puppy and I killed some time and talked.

Valentine Gown

Time has come for me to dance! I went to Frank’s Jazz Club to see if my friend Jonathan was working, but he wasn’t, so I chilled here while beautiful couples dance away…

Valentine Gown

Gown from Sweet’s Beach, it is $1L for 24hrs only. It’s beautiful and include the fur shawl! There is a pink gift box on the floor which contains the black gown and set to $1L. If you click on the colors on the wall, they are all set to normal price of $125L.

Goodnight everybody!

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