Project kiwi

A new day, a new start hopefully. It’s a long weekend here in Aus, and so far, it’s been tres relaxing (apart from my epic hangover today 😉



Normally, when I have a top or shirt to show off, I immediately reach for my Torridwear dollarbie jeans. But now I have an alternative! For a very limited time, as in get down to Project Kiwi before 8pm slt today, the 2 pairs of jeans shown here are free. You get 3 different versions in each pack and they’re totes totally gorgeous. The first shirt is a Valentines gift of the Ash kind from A-Bomb. Even the note card announcing the shirt made me laugh, Lavea is a jaded bitch and hates Valentine’s Day, so if you are looking for fluff and hearts, don’t bother to come pick up our 1L V-Day tee. Men’s and women’s versions included on all layers. Hot. The sweater shown is 10L until Sunday, matches my hair perfectly!


While I was there, I won shoes on the lucky chair (which I’ll show in a later post) and checked out the cheapy section on the second floor. Nothing over 10L, and I found some really cool stuffs!



Perfect if you’re on a budget, but still have a wee bit of cash to spend. Wish me luck, it’s grocery shopping time. Ash out.

Things that aren’t free, but I cannae live without.
House of Munster

Custom Inkz

Lazy Places

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