Yay Me!

Abra, darling Abra, I blame you ya know. Having resisted plurky goodness for ages and ages (I had an acount but never used it) I am now utterly addicted. You can find me here, crapping on about stuff and things!


Angie Dryke sent me a LM very early this morning for a store called Cybernetic. For today only you can get the fecking gorgeous skin shown above for free. I even remembered to send a notice to the group, double yay me!! The super cute dress is from the lucky chair at *Sisters*. The wonderful Eden TP’d me in, and bless her didn’t ask why I was wearing a Slutty McSlutterson prison uniform and no shoes, that’s a troo friend!


My favorite pant maker in SL has set out another dollarbie for you to enjoy. Get thee to Strayer to grab these rockin pants. The gorgy top and shrug were part of this weeks group gift from Sweeter Than Candy, really pretty colour candace, thank you so much!


And another dress from Sisters, my letter came up twice in a row, there was much happiness πŸ˜› The lovely boots are from TD Boots, really cute store. Thanks to Cornelius for letting me know πŸ™‚ K, it’s back to crack smoking Plurk for me ;P Ash out

Hair (not free)

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