to put it plain, clear and without any distraction:

I’ve gone naked for this post.
But never fear, my dearly beloved anti-naked avatar people out there, you can only see ma toosh.

These GORGEOUS boots were dropped to me today and OH MA GOD.
I seriously had nothing to wear with them, that would work. Because these boots are just so damn hot I want to squeel and jump up and down.
In world, of course.


These gorgeous boots are available at Vixen Fashions. You need these boots. Seriously.

Here’s what’s on the notecard I recieved!!
‘Vamp Fashions is offering another great FREEBIE! Come down to our display at The Dominion Fashion District and get your FREE pair of SEXY purple patent leather stiletto boots with laced detail! These boots are fully sculpted in luxuruious black patent leather with wicked 4 inch heel!. Beautifully styled and FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME!’

I didn’t have a chance too look, but I hear there are some other cheap shoes and ladies items around the area so go for a shopping expedition with your girls!

You need:
Hair: Aoharu (not free)
Skin: [42] (not free, but cheap!)

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