
I spent most of the weekend either in PS or decorating with Kenlee, oh then there was the getting griefed in a sex sim, but that’s a bedtime story for another time 😛


In between travels, I was TP’d twice to Silent Sparrow to grab the Valentines newness from the chair. Luckily enough, one was for the boy’s suit and the other was for the girl’s. First time in ages I’ve actually won it not bought it so I’m stoked! Thanks Eden 😉 CHECK OUT THE SHOOZ!! Oh Nonko could quite possibly be the slove of my life. Their shoes are unique and detailed and gorgeous. These are called “Alice Stepped In Chocolate” and they will keep me out of my beloved hoofies for a bit! Join the JAPAN SOUL group, then touch the box in the main store for your amazing footwear.


I haz cupcake on my head, and it’s part of my hair!!! Violet Morellet, the yummy designer from inorite dropped these on the group this morn. Even the names of the colours are fecking imaginative, “Suicide Blonde” “Morphine And Chocolate” “Pot Kettle Black” I could go on, but I won’t. Back to PS I go. Ash out.

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