Poppy Saves The Day!

I remember when I was new, I spent a month on Orientation Island learning stuff, sorting out my “look” and whatnot. I thought I looked pretty spiffy when I hit the mainland infohub. The I saw “her” this vision in a tank top and jeans, with the *most* amazing hair. Why the hell didn’t my hair do that, I remember thinking to myself. She sent me a LM to Taunt, there was a hair treasure hunt (not sure if they still do it). I too could have swishy hair!! She also gave me a halter top she had made and I was so stoked. Someone told me about Girl6, and I stood for hours in that store, trying to get my default skin to look like the skin in the posters!! I also was beside myself that I could pick *any* hair in *any* colour I wanted, and Six would give it to me for free.

For so long I walked like I had a stick up my butt, (who knew ao’s existed) and so many other funny things I did or said. I would have *killed* for this new resident pack from Popfuzz. You get the clothes shown above, perfect basics that should be in every inv. Also, manicures and pedicures, all of which are gorgeous.

And skins baby. Beautiful, luminous skins with yummy natural makeup, in every tone you can think of.

There’s even a neko skin. I tell you, new players will be so spoilt with this pack!! Everyone goes through a Neko phase in SL, I remember how excited I was about getting my first neko skin. It cost a fortune though, but now thanks to Poppy, you get a head start.

Did I mention there’s eyes too? There is a colour to suit everyone’s taste.They do have prim attachments, so if you’re helping out a new friend, you may want to stick around and show them how to torture prims!! Let all the new players you know about this pack, they can grab it from Popfuzz until they’re 30 days old. Also direct them to their Library, show them whats in it. Options and choices are good, choices from amazing, established designers are awesome! Save the grid from every new chick wearing “Alina”, that’s your mission, should you choose to accept it! Ash out.

Hair (not free)

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