ballet in the backstreets.

so, I’m kinda happy i ended a recent RL relationship before this stupid Valentines holiday is apon us once again.
/me groans and kicks cupid in the butt.

But I guess we should be happy that some of SL’s finest are getting on board and giving us lovelly freebie hunters some great new items to flaunt around in.

i’ve noticed a sudden trend of ballet boots. I’m not one to jump on a trend, but these are fair cute, I say!

You can grab a pair of these boots from TD Boots. They’re new to SL, and if you head to the mainstore, you can also grab yourself another cute pair of ankle boots for a meer $1L!!

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ballet boots_003

The Low down:
Ballet Valentines Boots from TD Boots
Fishnet outfit (Sn@tch) Not free.

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