After The Clock Strikes 12…

A breakout occurs.. Designers open the lock to their Greatest Love gift boxes, the hunt begins..approx er..12hrs ago. Things like this happen every time I go to sleep! Now I’m playing catch up. How are the rest of you doing? Before I show you what I have so far, here is a male shirt I got from English Element‘s lucky chair. Special thanks to my friend JasonX for TP-ing me to it! We wear mens clothes ENGLISH ELEMENT – ARGYLE STYLE in BLUE Spexx me! Have to love accessories! I have not near enough glasses, here at Spexx in L.A. Scene, a couple of goodies awaits you, they have a hunt going on as well (*pants*). Join the Spexx group and get the group gift (just make sure you have the group tag active), and check out the table for another freebie!

1. Spexx – Heart Shades You can also follow Creamy’s post: MWahhhhhh! to see how the other gifts look.
2. Shirt: Etoile – La Coeur Tee for the GL hunt.
3. Hair: Marlys – Socially Awkward Cupcake (avaliable in a variety of colors) for the GL hunt.
4. Pants from Armidi, not free.
5. Shoes from Soreal, not free.
6. Necklace from Fuel, not free.

Queen of Dreads
This is Sari Telling’s picture taken from the Greatest Love Flickr group, anyone who loves ethnic clothing and dreadlocks would love this too! Hair: *Sari’s* Queen Of Hearts Dreads.

Role Magazine HQ
This photo was taken at Role Magazine HQ, Ding & I are featured in this month’s issue. It has an interesting section of mens clothes which features some striking pink shirts! Get an copy here!

Dress: G&N Quality Design – Cleo in Red for the GL hunt.

GL Hunt Gifts Time for a mixture of accessories (yay!)

1. Monocles from Home of Sanu for the GL hunt; look out for the lucky chair in store too!


2. Animated fan from Digital Eyes for the GL hunt.

3. Bracelet from Hectic Moon for the GL hunt.

4. Nails: Risa’s nails for the GL hunt. I am wearing the skull nails, camp chair prize; the 2 smaller pictures are the GL hunt gifts! Male version avaliable too!

Risa Nails Owner: Risa Oppewall
This is Risa, wearing her delicious chocolate nails! Not free, but you can buy it in store. SHAG for GL!

I am seeing lots and lots and lots of sculpty hearts ALL over the grid, welcoming Valentine’s Day! This set of hearts and a bench is from Shag for the GL hunt.

Thank you Clarissa for posing with me, miss you, girlie!
Clarissa wears the Belen Dress from Orange Creations, you can follow my previous post @: ‘Cause Every Girl’s Crazy ‘Bout a Sharp-Dressed Man.

GL hunt Here I am in more pink colored stuffs!

1. Outfit: Cake from Bijou, not free.
2. Hair: Line – Bahar in Black, newest group gift.
3. Necklace: Blonde – Vintage Swallow Chain for the GL hunt.
4. Shoes: Ella Flats Valentine Edition from Kookie, only $45L, bargain! 5. Pose by Essential Soul – The Solo.

Gothic Castle
Now for some gothic glamour, I totes loves this outfit and the necklace is gorgy, makes me feel like a million lindens!

1. Dress: Paper Couture – Gypsy, not free.
2. Hair from Truth’s $50L Sale.
3. Necklace from Secret of Gaia for the GL hunt.


Offerings from Thistle are these limited edition tables in two wonderful pink textures come complete with a different sit pose in each table!

Before I leave you all for a short while, Fab Renee gave me the link to the following video that had me up in sticthes, I wish to share with you all!

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