
I haven’t done an artsy farsty picture for ages, and rarely do them for the blog as I’m petrified of over processing and not showing the clothes off properly. But, one of my amazing new skins from Miasnow was screaming for some special treatment!

This incredible dress I won from the Haute Couture lucky chair this morning. It is just stunning, and I totally felt all regal when I put it on. There’s 3 outfits in the chair that I saw, and the time between letters is only 5 minutes. I won 2 dresses in no time at all! The Cleo hair from Inorite just seemed to fit perfectly with the look I was going for, not free, but tell me it isn’t the shiz!! The gorgy crown is seperate, so it can be worn with other hair, but why would you wanna?!

Check out my pretty top! OKR tp’d me to Fishy Strawberry to get my hot little hands on this a couple of mornings ago, I love love it. Isn’t the skin just so amazing. The lovely Feo from Freebie Telegraph told me about it while we were stalking the Miasnow chair together. Please don’t faint, yes we do share tips and don’t scratch each others eyes out, sorry to disappoint πŸ˜› You can grab this from the Ami’s Style group. I’m not sure how much longer it will be in the archives though, so best to hurry. I’ve shown it here with a yummy necklace from Sable Rose, not free, but fabulous and just my style, mhm they’re handcuffs πŸ˜› Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Foxygirl Skin (not free)

Necklace (not free)
Sable Rose

Jeans (dollarbie)

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