The Day Green Took Over The Grid!

Why? . . . WHY! More GREEN?

Didn’t I say I liked green?

Well there is a good reason for this post. The Sim “Magic of Oz” is holding a hunt! If ever you have been to a Oz hunt, you’ll know the quality of the stuff is to die for. Even in a sea of green. This hunt is no different. Want to see some of the lovely clothing? you’ll have to go visit Strawberry’s blog for that, just click Here!

I’m blogging everything else for you to oggle at.

But first I’ll give you the official info:

Times:March 17th-March 22nd

Sim Mainstores
.:: eyecandy ::. (2 Gifts)
malContent (formerly Treasured Visions) (2 Gifts)

Sim Vendors
KessKreations (2 Gift)
MnM Design Store (1 Gift)
KatatOnik (3 Gifts)
silentsparrow (1 Gift)
Laughing Academy (1 Gift)
Aqua Shop (1 Gift)
Schadenfreude (1 Gift)
Wasabi Pills (1 Gift)
Guild of Crie Eyewear Store/Reve du Crie (1 Gift)
Risusipo Shop (2 Gifts)
The Stringer Mausoleum and Shrine (1 Gift)


1)Coins are what you are looking for. They appear all over the island.
2)Wear the coin, in the name of the coin, and in scripted chat, it’ll say what store it is for.
3)go to the coins store on the island. eg. You have a coin that says *Oz* St. Patrick’s Cuardach Gold Coin:Silent Sparrow. This means you have to find the Silent Sparrow Store on the island.
4)find the pot of gold in each store. You have to go up close to them.
5)Click the coin you are wearing. Your gift Will poof to you! Accept it, and there you go! Now don’t be RL Blonde like me, and try to click the pot of gold. It wont do anything!

Some stores have more then one gift. This means you’ll get one of them randomly. So in order to get both, you have to try again with a new coin. It takes a few tries some times, but the coins are easy enough to find.

Okay enough of that, on with the goodies!

Clothing from Silent Sparrow. There are a bunch of pieces in the gift, these were for the dudes, but I didn’t feel like crossdressing today. The jewelry is by EyeCandy. I’m not big on rings and things, but I do like this one, and it was super easy to fit. I also love the clasp on the back of the necklace, I didn’t take a pic, but the detail is great. I find as a RL jewelry designer, much of the items in sl are lacking that fine detail quality I expect in my own works. EyeCandy keeps surprising me with these little things.

Particles always suck when blue screening, I should have done an “on Location” shoot for this one. But the head bobbers are really nice inworld. They and the necklace come as one of the gifts from KessKreations. The clothing is some more bits and pieces from Silent Sparrow.

The lashes are from Wasabi Pills, and were not hard to mod to my face. The eyes are one of the gifts from the rebranded malContent. Malkavyn is going to be diving into a few other types of content, other then eyes. All the backgrounds in my pics he made, and they are the other gift in his pot.
It’s like a mini Pope! This is from the Aqua Shop.

The hat here is the 3rd gift from Katat0nik. The other 2 are the dresses from Strawberry’s post.
These have nothing to do with OZ, I really just needed to snag these before Ashia did =) Kat sends group gifts out here and there. These both came in the one today. The other great thing about the group is there are secret group only sales and other benefits of being in there. Kat sends an invite once you have spent L$250 in the store, it should come within 24hours. bug her if it takes more then a week, or mob the store with pandas. Think of it as a group fee, but you get something automatically.

I saved the best for last. Lookatthisthingy! It’s a ridable Clover! It makes me want to make random things to ride now, maybe that can be the next craze after sticking odd things in our mouths!

Stop thinking sick things you!

Other items I’m wearing that aren’t from the hunt:

Skin(Pic 1-6)-Domestic V-Mairmalade-03-Sketchy Mustard Skin-JPTRC 2009-L$25 for 3tones in 5 different makeups
Shoes(Pic 2-3)-Duh!-Light Green Leather Pumps-past gift-Join the Subscribo to learn when new ones are out!
Lashes(Pic 6-8)-La Sylphide-Natural Prim Lashes-L$0
Eyes(Pic 6-8)-Elv’an-L$5 for a bunch of colours
Dresses(Pic 7-8)-*katat0nik*-(lime) Dollie Dresses-group gift
Skin(Pic 7-8)-{Frick}-Goth-Shamrock-lucky chair gift
Boots(Pic 7-8)-SN@TCH-Oblivion Boots (Black Leather)-L$300

Next post-Under The Sea-Stay Tuned

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