RFL Part Deux

I have some absolute stunners to show you today from the RFL Clothing Fair. I sent Q there all cashed up and ready to spend!! Also got her to join heaps of subscribos too, some of which gave out welcome gifts. Also, again, please note, although I am including slurls to the designers featured main stores, these are RFL gifts and or subscribo welcome gifts, click here to get to sim 1.


This first dress is the RFL gift from Blueblood. I love Ghanima’s clothes and this dress is no exception, just gorgy.


This offering from Greenwood Designs may look like 3 different dresses, I assure you it’s not! I haven’t even shown the half of it either, the options, layers, it’s a pack to play with to your heart’s content. I pinched this from the card that came with the dress: Greetings! This gown would NOT settle down in my mind. Every time I thought I had it down, it changed again. So, you will be getting a gown of many moods. Depending which skirt or corset or jacket combination you pick, you may go formal with purple stripes or purple overtones or dress for a dance in crimson and black! There are also two sets of sleeves and a jabot. Play with the clothing, find out what you like. I hope you enjoy it while you do, and all the prim pieces are scripted as always. I hope you enjoy your new gown[s] from Greenwood Designs! Cordially yours, Kembri Tomsen
I think this may have been a subscribo welcome gift, but don’t quote me on that 😛


I nearly died when I found this. A stunning offering from Mashooka Designs. I’m so stoked cos it’s a new to me store and I got that tingle I get when I find something amazing. As soon as I get time, I’m off to the main store to spend!


For a fun, super cute treasure hunter outfit, head to the eLDee booth. Eye patch included of course, and the belt has a treasure map! Also, stay tuned for a skin from me that will be up at Freestyle’s Horst location, all monies will go to RFL, so donate what you can. Ash Out.

Not Free

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