cruisin’ on blue

When I left for the tedious task of learning today, after reading that Ashia was looking for children’s underwear…..*giggle*, I really didn’t expect to see marsh-mellow clouds of fluffy perfection cruising across a perfect sky. I was ready for a cool morning, but no. I had of course, worn a jumper for no apparent reason.
Inspired by the blue skies of Sydney, here is a cute lil ensemble that makes me happy, because I’d never pull off something so figure hugging in RL!

I picked up this alternative-style blue outfit from the Ivalde sim,from a new store called L’Able, which is in the same building as Ivalde.Walk straight inside and you’ll be in L’Able. The brand features a nice range of affordable pices, with nice tops, awesome pants (which I saw Abra drooling over!) and pretty dresses.
The entire Ivalde sim is a new build, and it’s very modern. Go and have a look, I really like it!

I first spotted the necklace on the fashion feed, in a blog by Nina Becker.
You can grab one for yourself, but you’ll need to wait for the lucky board. Luckily, it changed every 3 minutes,so you won’t even notice the time slipping away!
While your at
Mezzo, make sure you check out the amazing jewelry. It’s affordable and some of the pieces are cute, some gothic and some of my favourites feature elements of boho styles and hippie style bracelets!

You can also get this bag from Mezzo. It is located in the lucky board next to the necklace. Grab some friends and head down there. Like I’ve already said, the board changed really fast, and the prizes are worth the wait!

Cruisin’ on blue outfit requires:
*Skin: Curio Moonbeam Breeze in DARK Robins Egg 1
*Hair:(VW) Fashion Pop hair with Hair Bow
Eyes: Poetic Eyes in Christmas (No longer available)
Eyelashes: Pididdle (Old hunt gift)
Necklace: Mezzo Square long necklace gold [on spine]
*Braclet: .::FabulouS::. Black Sheep Bangle(R)- Gold
Bag: Mezzo Lucky Chair School Bag
*Shoes: Shoefly Sinderella Plats in Diamond
Blue outfit: L’Able Opening gift Basha in Blue (without leg prims)

(* indicates not free items.)

[I’ve included SLURL’s to the items I’m featuring in this blog. For everything else, Search is your friend! Alternatively, you can irritate me inworld for a LM! ]

There is one thing I want you all the know, the blog I mentioned in my last blog was removed all pictures and content from it’s pages, and from my rough Google translation, wants people to leave her alone. Fair enough.

Thank you to all your kind commenter’s who left over 29 comments on my last blog. You kind words are for the entire Free*Style team. I’m sure we all love hearing it, but I am so happy people enjoy reading the blogs the F*S team produces!

And for everyone else who contacted me, Yes. I used spellcheck this time.
*rolls eyes* Love you all!

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