Moar Gifty Goodness

Oh what a day in SL for little ol me!! Not only did I get to take pics with Boi Ach (be still my heart) but I found some amazing things to show you!

No I haven’t knocked the slider all the way to the right by accident, it’s one of the skin options from my yummy landlady Poppy 😛 The LL Popfuzz group will now be for land and rental purposes only. Poppy has a kiosk up in the mainstore for a subscribe group that won’t pinch one of the precious 25. Join the subscriber, then wait for the chat to tell you you’ve been added to the database. Once you get that, touch the picture next to the subscriber to receive these amazing skins. You get all skin tones, ranging from super pale to a gorgeous chocolate shade. Aaaaaand for each tone you get 4 skins, light and dark brows, cleavage or no cleavage. Shown here with a cute bikini from Pixel Passion that I nabbed for 10L. There’s a whole table of cheapies there.

This is another of the 10L outfits. With this one you get a choice of latex or fabric, yum! There’s a couple of lucky chairs, prize camping and of course gorgeous clothes and lingerie of all kinds. The RFL outfits look especially gorgeous.

Loli’s favorite store Kuri Style has put out these super cute numbers, for 2L and 5L respectively. The little shorts remind me of an outfit my bestie Kenlee used to wear when she was being Rollergirl, I know she’ll love these ones. The dress is all kinds of gorgeous, and you can get other colours for 100L, which is totally reasonable.

One of the amazing things about the RFL Clothing Fair (apart from the money raised) was having some many designers in one place and being able to join their subscribos. One such store I joined was Devilish Cupcake, who sent out this gorgeous dress this morning. It has wee tiny cuppycakes all over it, yes I tried to nom myself 😛 The skin in the last pic is this weeks dollarbie from KOSH. It’s fecking lush, the eyemakeup is to die for *sighs happily* See the shoes? Both pairs were sent out in the Duh! subscribo, join now dammit!! Thanks Renee, sorry it took so long for me to post em! Right I’m off to fantasize about Boi Ach sort inv. Ash Out.

Not Free
Black Maria

Skins not mentioned

JE Republic

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