Flowers + Bunnehs= Spring

so I’m going to try & make this as short-quick as possible because it has been enough that one: i take so long to take good pictures, two: then edited them even nicely, & three: to write exactly what i want to go with it. (I’m a bit of a perfectionist)
Ive also been a little occupied building a necklace or at least trying to. i will make one especially for all the loving free stylers because — i love yous ❤

this awesomely cute outfit is by Medusa Joy. comes with puffy sleeves & two pants, pink, floral pattern – as shown. i then matched it up with the Dominions stilettos sculpted feet in purple (the pink can be found at Vinyl Cafe – as i blogged before HERE.)

& speaking of the Dominion, Eva Footwear has a new extremely cute & free ankle boots on behalf of the Easter occasion. it’s gold & white, with a cute lil bunneh huddled up around a basket full of eggs (as if we haven’t seen enough around the sl-world lol). the bottom of the shoe is hot pinkish, i think its like really cute. it’s another shoe that id say idk what to wear with but really really do want to wear lol. i think you’d understand. if you miss out on this offer they will be available for 99L along with past freebies.

i paired it up with this cute little set of egg earrings & necklace way way cute. by Milestone Creations I’m not sure when i got this, most likely when i was hunting their egg – of course it’s a freebie, it has to be because then so i wouldn’t own it :me loves freebies: dude i don’t even remember where it was located anymore. i believe it will have a hover text saying freebies? may also be from the subscribe-o-matic (ty Sileny) lol sorry I’m slacking, but my mind is blurring. how about you go their shop & locate the freebie section, join the subcribo, & get your copy today!

now who doesn’t think bunnehs are like way cute? my hat hurr is wayy cute, & if you don’t agree, there’s something really wrong with you (LOL). it’s by the way lovely Creamy, i could once have sworn she said she didn’t know what she was doing when building or that it was really hard to make, well id say it’s paying off miss lol. this is well done, & did i mention i’m in love? lol the hair comes in blond, black, redish brown (in my view), & black. not really sure when she may be giving this out, might be apart of the RFL. so just contact her if you’d like more infos, either way i wanted to it show off because it’s like.. GREAT!

lastly, these rose flats – special version – are both on sale for a l.dollar from Studio M can only be found at the location provided, on the floor in big pink gift boxes. while you’re there out front of the store are more low priced goodies from Baby Couture, pillow peep, nohm peep, & bunny flats (also as blogged before) all in the range of 30L & or under (probably less but that’s from the top of my head)

this is all i have for you. hope you enjoyed my post of freebie finds

other freebie:
pic one – hair by kin freebies click HERE to buy them for 0L

anything else not named, not free.

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