Vampires Like Easter Too, You Know…

…..we identify with the whole “coming back from the dead” thing. Plus – chocolate, hello?

Especially when we come across these insane Easter raver pants from Veko for all of 10l. They flash through a whole rainbow of colours – yes, scripted and fully prim. I didn’t have to size them at all. Just put them on and enjoyed the blurred vision and fits that ensued.


I came across these on Xstreet, and also stopped to crow at some other seasonal delights. Like this wonderful bunny ears hat wrapped with barbed wire and roses free from Natalia Rachter


After I found this high quality free shirt by Baron Daxter, friend-of-a-friend (Hi Aubergine!) I wore it happily until I discovered that Prozak has released new tatts, this one was a dollarbie. I’ve been a fan of theirs for ages, and I own pretty much all the ink they’ve ever released. Yep, I know this one is somewhat girly, but it just went too damn well with these pants.


And sure you’ve seen these all over the feeds today, but these Easter gift shoes from Hoorenbeek are not to be missed. I bought several pairs of these at 520l the other day – yeah, cheers guys – and they are the best retro trainers ever. Get these, and wear them when you are trying to outrun the Zombie Jesus – that IS what this holiday is all about, isn’t it? It’s not?


Can someone explain it to me again once I’ve woken up from this chocolate coma, please?

Also shown –
Belleza Miguel skin, not free
Moderno Jack hair, not free.

Disclaimer – if you have an issue with the whole zombie comment, feel free to take it up with me directly inworld. Or egg my house. Just don’t fill the shoutbox with drama, ‘kay?

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