Free your Speerit.

Happy Easter!

It’s officially Sunday in Australia. My parents are having a Matt Damon ‘Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum’ movie-fest in the lounge room, and I decided to be anti-social and teach myself how to use Photo Shop.
So please, bare with my lame photo editing ‘skillz’.
And, on the image above. I must thank my friend Az for my new butt. He reckons a big butt is a healthy butt. My I honestly think I look like I’m about to topple over with the extra weight at the rear. What do you reckon? Big pixel Butts = sexeh?

I am so thankful for my new freebie-hunting buddy, Sileny Noel. She let me know about these gorgeous goodies from the newly opened Free Speerit! yes! they’re back! And the new skin range is AMAZING.

If you’re smart, you would have already joined the group and headed down to the main store.
There is a special makeup of the new skin range for group members. Wear your tag, and click the sign on the far wall. Be warned, it’s only for a week, so race down there kiddies!!


How tasty is it! Just the right amount of shading, gloss and SHAZZAM! You’ll be melting hearts in no time, baby!
The scrumy bra and panties set is all thanks to the Lucky Boards at Nenashingusa Nest, which Sileny just blogged. Thanks to Vampire for posting the letters in the Lucky Chair Stalkers group chat! I was there is a few seconds, I’m sure!!

The first thing I noticed when I arrived at the new Free Speerit store was the huge freebie wall!
I was so excited! The wall features clothes, skins, hair, eyes…’s crazy! And all so well made!
Here are a few of my favourite things. All free or dollarbies.

(There is also another dress available instore. It’s really cute also.)

(Yes, that is two people going at it on my back.)

(I reckon this is what Borat would wear if Borat was a girrrlllll)

Check out this YUMMY skins.
I was going crazy!


All the hair, clothes, skins worn here are from Free Speerit.
There are about 8 different free hairs, and they come in fatpacks. I was in sock at the quality. Get your butt down there!!

You need to know:
Free Speerit
Nenshingusa Nest

Also, If you are into getting your clothes off, or just wanna get into the whole Easter-porn Bunny thing, Or, in my case, just really wish she was one of Heffner’s betches (*smirkcoughvomit*), I have a competition for the Lucky Chair Stalkers group. Post your seixest bunny image over hurrrr, and be sure to include something from one of the wonderful hunts running over easter. Promote your pixel bod and a new store!
Details are in the notices and in the flickr group. I’ll post the winner hurrrr when the comp ends on the 19th!

Off to stalk the elusive Lindt bunny my mum promised,
Dahlindah xo

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