All good things come to an end.

By all good things I mean my long weekend. By come to an end I mean I had to drag myself into work today like a dead weight. I must be coming down from a sugar high or somesuch!


EDIT: The pic that was here has been temp removed as the dress posted had a glitch 😦
Tuli sent out a truly stunning skin to her group today, although it came with a sobering message. Named “Faith” as it’s something we could all use, and can never have too much of. My thoughts are with Tuli and her family, lets all send her some good vibes and positive energy 🙂 The skin has beautiful painted lashes, luscious lips and comes in three tones, so y’all are catered for 😛


A new store is something I always get excited about. Kayla Radikal sent me a card letting me know about a lucky chair at Grim Kitteh. While I wasn’t lucky enough to win the skirt, I did this super cute outfit for joining the subscribo. I’ve paired it with some of my fave (not free) acessories, you can grab the slurls for those down below. Now I need some caffeine…stat. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Prim & Pixel
Tuli Group Gift
Hair (not free)

Pic 2
Grim Kitteh Subscribo join gift
Tuli Group gift
Hair (not free)
Legwarmers (not free)
Sweet Leonard
Tattoo (not free)
Custom Inkz
Collar (not free)
Cats Of A Feather

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