Yummy Gifts For You!

Have you all had a fabulous Easter so far? I’ve had an absolute ball catching up with people I usually only get to see fleetingly due to timezones.

I have some beautiful things to show you. First is this subscribo gift from Trap. The “Koi” tattoo is designed to go with the infamous skins of the same name, I own the Rose, but I thought I’d show off the art work on a plain skin, no other tatts. You can see the progress on Selos’s blog, as well as a really gorgeous full sized shot.

The next outfits are an Easter gift from LeLutka. You get the pants, several belt versions and 4 colours of the shirt. And ssshhh, look closely. There’s a sneak peek of an upcoming release from Dare Designs. The shoes are called “Mistress’ and they are the awesome. Stay tuned for a release date.

And here is one of 67809567854794768 group gifts sitting in the archives of Lemania‘s group atm. The group received a massive box of goodies this morn, but just so you know, if you’re joining now, there will be a 500L fee. The fee will be waived when the gift poofs from the archives, as a way of ensuring loyal Lemania groupies get rewarded. Sounds fair enough to me. The skins I’m wearing throughout the post are from Laqroki, who is having a massive sale. This “Tasha” skin in olive was the most amazing value. 21 makeups for 950L. I’ll just let that sink in for a mo 😛 If you do want to take advantage of the sale, head to the second flooor where the “Portrait” skins are located. And now I’ma run back to Photoshop and fiddle with stuff, sound profesh don’t I! Ash Out.

Pic 1
Hair (not free)
TRAP subscribo gfit

Pic 2
Hair (not free)
LeLutka group gift
Sneaky preview from Dare Designs 😛

Pic 3
Lemania group gift
Hair (not free)
Boots (not free)

Skins worn throughout
Laqroki (massive sale I got 20 skins for 950L) *faints*

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