Archive for the ‘Animations/Poses’ Category

Paint Splatted and Androgynous

January 10, 2009

This post is for the girls who are boys who like boys to be girls, who do boys like they’re girls who do girls like they’re boys

Random Fashions has a free (or 1L) paint splattered suit upstairs and everything else on that floor is 10L – OMGWTF!!


Check it…all clothing worn below is 10L Random Fashions.

By the way, it’s the WIFE’s fault I made Eisa look like a sex offender here. We are totally into the MiA skins and she made me get the one with the tasche. Guys, you must check out these skins, they are GORGEOUS (they don’t all have facial hair)


Come on boys, get brave with your colours and patterns. Guys look cool in animal print too ya know! (think Rod Stewart…ummm….yeah)


All clothing by Random Fashions .(paint splat suit 0/1L all other clothing 10L)

MiA– Male Medium Skin-Suave
Female Skin: Adrianna – Bazy (not free)
Chucks – Akeyo (not free)

The female hair worn above is a group gift by Rock Candy. You must check out the store too, upstairs you will find lots of 1L and 10L clothing, hair, AOs which suit males and female and those who are a combo of both. I’ve shown only a small selection of items below.

rc outfit

Boy Pants for 5L for a set of 5 at Rock Candy

rc pants

Shape, Poses, Hair, Pants, Jacket, Boots all from Rock Candy (1L – Shape 25L)
Skin and grey tshirt by Garbage Prototype at Gnubie Store(0L)

Moar Shopping to the MAX

December 17, 2008

YAY, I had the perfect RL shopping expedition today!

Gift boxes with Anim: Stitch By Stitch (1L)

I needed to buy an outfit for a girly night out tomorrow, so off I went into town. The first shop I visited…THERE IT WAS, the perfect dress…and only £25 (so of course I had to spend a fortune on accessories, because the dress was so cheap).

I was only shopping for an hour, which is not enough, so I logged onto SL to quench my shopping urges and look what I picked up. Many of these were found whilst I was doing the Footprint Hunt, but not all items are part of the hunt.

Skirt and Jacket found in 2 stockings (Footprint Hunt) : Anuenue (0L)
Colour changeable Hat/Hair: (Footprint Hunt) Waka & Yuki (0L)
Xmas Skin: Sin &Secrets (1L)

Pucci Dress found in gingerbread man (Footprint Hunt): C’est La Vie (0L) – there are 2 gifts there but I only found one
Hair: Glitter (Group Gift, join group and look in notices)
Shoes: Fuel: (not free)

Both of these following cute dresses are free group gifts in the C’est la vie store and include the poses
Dresses: C’est la vie (group gifts in store)
Blonde Hair: Glitter, Footprint Hunt gift found in stocking (0L)
Hat Hair: Waka & Yuki (as before)
Socks: The Sock Shop (1L)
Skin: Tuli (previous group gift)

I hunted high and low for the Footprint gift at LikeA but no luck there, until I saw the group joiner in store, clicked to join and look what I found in the notices. The most amazing jeans which can be worn in various styles


Jeans: LikeA (group gift, look in notice archives)
Jacket: Anuenue Footprint hunt gift as before
Hair: Waka & Yuki Foot print hunt gift as before

Sole Sisters have a really cute pair of white Holly Shoes as a 1L holiday gift in store, love these. Other colours are available for 100L


Jeans: LikeA (corrected LM) Group gift (as before)
Holly Shoes in white: Sole Sisters (1L)

Have I missed anything? Ok i’m going back to LikeA (corrected LM) to see if i can find the hunt gift. This is a great store.

I’m cooooold

November 21, 2008

Today is the first day of snow here in my part of Scotland. It’s freeeezing! It’s not that lovely white fluffy snow though, its the wet, sleety grey stuff, the one positive thing about it was my kids actually wanted to leave the house earlier for school this morning because they were excited – the wierdo’s! I think I will have to hang out at warm sunny places in SL to make myself feel better.

I’ve got another lovely mix of stuff to show you here today.

This is the So Chic outfit by Thalia Fashion Collection
Whoops my bad! I saw the free group gift text on this sign but it is not this outfit which is free. The outfits on the other side of this sign for this outfit are free and lovely too. Thanks to Schnaeppchen for pointing this out.

OUTFIT NOT FREE, sorry for misleading anyone, I’m half asleep still.
20 nov thalia

I found the Meu and Ska Shack store on a shopping trip around Osaka a few days ago and it has some great free gifts. Meu has really fun girly stuff, vintage style with bold prints, I really love. The top was not free (only 80L), the skirt was a free gift and there are some Tshirts there too.
20 nov flower

Also worn (not free):
Barber Hair: yumyum
Skin: :: DUTCH TOUCH :: Skin Indie Summer MU 7

Here’s one I’ve been meaning to post for a while, the fantastic Stuka dress, lucky chair gift at Blue Blood . I have been wearing this permanently over the past 3 days. Thank God we don’t get smellyvision on SL.

20 nov bb lucky chair

Fantastic new free outfit in the Blue Blood store too.
20 nov dress1_009

Also worn
Wild Woman Hair: MiaSnow
ByrneDarkly skin: MiaSnow (not free)
Ribbon Boots: Shiny Things (not free)

We have a new little store at Blue Blood, there’s a small collection of items there so far (if you would like to provide a free or 1L gift let me know) .

I made these a couple of AO’s a few weeks ago and today seems like the perfect day to blog them. You can find these at the Free*Style Blue Blood location.

Cooold AO’s, one for men and one for women. They show perfectly how it feels to live in Scotland today. They are 1L each (or pay what you wish.)

If you click on the photo and view it in original size in Flickr you can see these animated
Cooold AO

Cooold Male AO

♫ Truuuly Scrumptious ♫

November 18, 2008

♪ We 3 are truly scrumptious ♬

Voshie Paine TP’d me to see the scrummy new hair from DP yumyum today. I even fell in love with the demo’s, they make you hold these little cakes in a knife and fork. I wish that we could get the cakes and poses seperately…but until then I’m gonna wear the demo ‘cos it’s sooo cute. (Oh and I bought the hair too)

Big thanks to pretty Liri Jewell for posing with us here.

So then I saw a sign FREEBIES in the store and cammed over, saw some goodies which I already had, so cammed further around the wall…lo and behold…NEW 1L DRESSES..wooohhhhhooo!

Lokum Shilova of Rezzable TP’d us over to Greenies Lawn Rezzable to take our photo’s, this place is the perfect setting for flouncing around in these pretty dresses.

This cute 3 person ‘Love Hearts’ pose was a free gift from Snookies.

Button and Rose Dresses DP yumyum (1L each)
Secret Friday Dress in Brown, DP yumyum (36L)

If you haven’t been to Greenies lately you must check it out, this garden makes you feel like a little tiny fairy.

This Greenie looks like he’s been overdoing it on the sunbeds, he’s radiating!

Much thankies to Voshie and Lokum for modelling in these pics with me

You will also get to meet Lady Bartlok the frog and give her a lovely big kiss, she likes that!

[13:20] The wind in the grass whispers: Lady Bartlok of Lawnpond looks very happy.

Next on my travels. I hadn’t visited UnTone for a little while, this is another store I really love. Outside the store they have a little truck with this adorable check pants and sweater, both free.

*UnToneQuilt* Check pants (0L)
*UnToneQuilt* Duck brown sweatshirt (0L)
*UnToneQuilt*patchwork bootee (not free)

Inside the store you will also find some gorgeous free earring (just seen) and this bangle. The skin I am wearing here is a group gift from Glanz. See the Skin Love blog for more details and pics of the different makeups. They are absolutely lovely!
If you are a skin hoar like me, please bookmark the Skin Love blog as they are not on the feed yet. I’m showing some free skins on there when I have the time too.


Hair: barberyumyum*11(M)/honey, yumyum (120L)
Skin: koharu – pale.Red, Glanz (Group Gift in store)

Also, not quite done yet…here’s some info aspiring models may find interesting.

Voshie has opened a modelling agency called Nocturne, and is having an open call for models.
She is looking for unique looking avatars. Are you different from the rest?

Here’s some info copied from the notecard.

Are you a vampire, a Neko, a burlesque and curvy pinup, a latex diva or gunslinger? Do you have a distinctive look? Do you feel comfy being different from the normal SL Barbie or Ken? Perfect! Then you might be just the right model for us.

Do you like to work with ambitious models in a highly-motivated and experienced team environment? Do you know which light setting makes a pale vampire skin look sexy? Have you got enough patience to wait until a Neko’s ear stops twitching? Then you might be the right photographer to work with us.

If you think you are the man/woman/not of this earth person, for the job, please contact Voshie Paine for an application for or visit Nocturne.

You will also find some unique free poses at the agency created by Helianthus Mesmer.

MnM Hunt, and it is a hunt….oh yes….

November 16, 2008

….AKA, the most confusing hunt in the virtual world (if you don’t speak Japanese).
Once I had completed it though, in hindsight it was really rather simple. Info on the MnM website HERE

So the hunt started yesterday and runs through to 24 Nov and you win wonderful prizes from *BP, MCH and Honey Kitty.

You begin at the Okinawa sim, you are looking for a large acorn which appears randomly in certain locations. It is the same acorn which appears all of the sim, so you don’t need to collect them from all over the sim. I found 3 places it where the acorn appears but there are more locations.

The 3 places I found acorns
hunt okinwama Acorn locations

BUT, it’s not as simple as you collect an acorn and you get a prize…oh no! you are sent on a trail for your prize, you have to work for it.

When you collect an acorn you are also given a notecard which gives landmarks to 3 more locations : Electro Kitty, MnM at Glass Earth and MnM at Oz. So my tip is, stay where you are and keep collecting around 8 or more acorns (in case lag swallows them, which happened to me).

Go to one of the locations on the notecard you are given (it is the same notecard with each acorn), where you will find treasure chests.
Click on the chest to open, see your name above the chest.
Ctrl + drag the acorn from your inventory into the open chest)
*You don’t need to put an the acorn in every chest. I have written on the photo’s below how many acorns you need at each location, please read the pictures carefully.

The 3 locations on the notecard given with the acorns.
Hunt - acorn drop chests

When the chest accepts your acorn (any problems please read the MnM blog), you will be given a leaf which says *wear* and a notecard with the prize location LM.

Hunt - Take your leaf to next location

Take your leafs to the prize location and touch a chest to open. When you see your name above the chest drag your leaf into the chest.
Honey Kitty and MCH have the same prize in each chest so you only need one leaf for these. BP* has 3 prizes so you need 3 leaves.

BP* has 3 gifts, drop a leaf into a chest at gift 1, 2 and 3 location as shown on the photo below.
Hunt - BP Leaf Drop Chests

You only need to drop a leaf in 1 chest at Honey Kitty and MCH as they all contain the same prize
hunt HK & MCH Leaf drop chests

After all your efforts, well what do you win? Cute stuff, that’s what!

hunt prizes 2
Gorgeous Smooch pumps worn above are from Vinyl Cafe, free for a limited time

Hunt prizes 1

hunt prizes 3
The skirt and top worn above are by Pink Outfitters. The top is a group gift (search Pink Outfitters and look in notice archives) and the skirt is 1L in the Pink Outfitters store.

The Xmas tree with couple pose shown below is also a BP* prize, comes in snow particle or no particle version and different sizes.

Here I am posing with my real life cousin (SL name ‘Chapman’). He’s wearing a normal male shape here for a change, he normally looks like a turkey in SL. I remember when he was born…arghhhghghghghghg (I feel old now)
hunt prize 4

Big thanks to Jojoruno, elka lahane and a lovely mysterious girl called Teshi (who if she reads this blog won’t realise it was me, as I was playing an alt) for helping me with this hunt.

Also to my fellow confused hunters Zuzu and Uma Ceawlin for making me realise that it was not only me who felt like a total retard doing this hunt. XD

Clothes for pretty girls

November 10, 2008

Miu has a new mainstore and to celebrate there is a hunt. You have to find little cups of darjeeling tea, there are many around the store but only 4 contain goodies. I managed to find 3 with the help of Noir Gothly (thankyoooo).

We both struggled to find the 4th cup which contains the turtleneck sweater, so good luck with that Chica’s – cos you’ll need it ツ




You can also find many other really cute low priced items all around Miu‘s store, this hair and top were free (the top is unisex). The shorts are by Garbage Prototype (Random Designs) at the Gnubie Store (0L).

The beautiful skin worn is at Diversity and if you are under 30 days old you can get a free set and also a free hair of your choice. TP to the store and follow the instructioons given to you when you arrive.

Girls & Boys

October 6, 2008

YAY, it’s Monday…the start of the weekend, (I’ve decided my weekends start on a Monday from now on)

I’ve been having fun dressing up my transgender alt Eisa over the past couple of days. SL’s gender swapping exploits made me think of this song by Girls & Boys by Blur.

“Girls who are boys, who like boys to be girls, who do boys like they’re girls, who do girls like they’re boys….Always should be someone you really love!”

On to the freebies.

halloween boy_001

Halloween Gloves and Hat ::sey:: (group gift in store)
Moss Cardigan: Savvy Avvy, (group gift) look in notice archives
Pants: Savvy Avvy (previous group gift)

halloween boy_003
Knit Vest Set: B11 at FS Mall (0L)
HalloweenGiftHair FLURRY 2 +++DEJAVU HOMME+++ (
Dejavu group gift– look in archives)
Emoooo Skin:
Free*Style at Hotel Dare (0L)
Belt: Key at
FS Mall

halloween boy_004

Grey Bubble Tee: Aitui Group Gift, join and look in notice archives
Downtown Jeans *Get Psycho* by iNFLiCT (group gift at the members area)
HalloweenGiftHair FLURRY 2 +++DEJAVU HOMME+++ ( Dejavu group gift– as before)
Scarf, B11 at FS Mall (part of previous outfit )
Wristband : [WaRmth18] at
FS Mall (0L)

I really loved #7 in the SL Secrets, Shopping Cart Disco blog, “I fucked my alt…and I liked it”, it made me laugh out loud! Maybe I should try it with Eisa, is that so wrong??

Oh and before I go, I found a some great free gifts for girls at the FS Mall too. This hat/hair is free from W&Y and the top is by Izumya, take a walk around the FS Mall for lots more free items for men and women.

fs mall

I was totally amazed today when I stopped by at Domestic V and saw that ALL the skins are on sale for 5L each!!!! There is also a box of the complete skins collection for 100L!!! Shocked?? Oh yes!! These skins are beautiful, I’m wearing the cheeky sheen hybrid2 (NATURAL) skin in the pic above, only 5L!!

Treasures Of The Soul

September 13, 2008

Surprise surprise the grid was playing up again!! Seemingly getting to be a more regular occurrence these days. Everything…..was………so……..super………..slow…………..rez. Makes doing treasure hunts suck full!! I did have heaps of funs doing the Love Soul hunt however, with a sim full of purdy fluffy white clouds with name tags!! Also, still playing with my Q alt, whose inventory is sparkly clean, yay!

Being an epic failure at hunts at the best of times, I only found a few items out of the 20. And I didn’t dare go shoot zombies, as the note said that lag would ruin the shooting of the zombies!! But the outfits above I did find, including the gorgy shoes. While wandering round, I found heaps of other freebies which are shown below.

This luciousness is from Parallel Love, which is just opposite Love Soul. It’s been ages since I’ve explored this sim, and a few of the stores have changed.

These drop dead gorgeous dresses are from Honey Soul, also opposite Love Soul. Take your time and explore while doing the hunt, you never know what you might find!

Pics 1&2
Love Soul Hunt Items

Pics 3&4
Parallel Love

Pics 4&5
Honey Soul

Hair (not free)

I Wish Upon A Сладък Star

August 29, 2008

You can wait your whole sl for something incredible like this. I thought I’d found my nirvana with the Facelight 3000, but this group gift from Bettypage tops that. It’s amazing, it’s Rozkošný beyond compare and it’s my own personal spotlight!!!

You get 3 versions in the box, including one you can wear, in case of a sim with build off. Theses pose props have to be the Süßt things I have ever seen. Fankyoo Betty, the stars are made of awesome!

Kenlee and I were wandering round the Sugarmill sim, dressed as Alice and Malice, playing with all the Sød poses. There’s even twister kids, too much fun!! I hadn’t been there for ages, and we ended up in Fluky. We were lucky enough to bump into the owner Bronwyn Llewelyn, who was a heap of fun to talk to, and was kind enough to let us try our luck with the Fortune Teller gift giver thingo! I actually won!! Wonders will never cease, and this Knap dress was my prize! It’s blood covered perfection!!

There’s also a huge box of freebies, of which I’ve shown a couple of the Joli outfits. I luff the star tank, perfectly in keeping with my theme du jour! The jeans have the belt drawn on them, so perfect for that laggy event you can’t say no to!! The hair alas is not free, but it comes with it’s own super carino tiara *whispers* you all need a tiara! Grab yours from the Deviant Kitties booth at Hair Fair.


BP* Group Gift

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)
Deviant Kitties @ Hair Fair

And as a closing thought, I luff the word Χαριτωμένος, it’s just so Atraente doncha think! 😉

Intergalactic Planetary

August 27, 2008

Hurry up!!! Today is the last day to get some wicked freebies from the Juicy Bella sim. For a super duper detailed post on other outfits you can find there, check hurr!! The shoes are from Unique Needs, The Death Dolly Goth Mary Janes, All Colors. Another triumph from Ann O’toole, with a nifty colour change script thats easy peasy to use. Click and change!! Even I can manage it. They’re not free, but so worth the lindens IMHO. The hair is a freebie from Magika, that can be picked up from Hair Fair.

It was checking Adi’s post that led me to the title of mine!! Once again, I’m running round the house singing badly, while my daughter yells “shuddup mummy I’m trying to watch the Wiggles”!! Well excuuuuuuse me! Katatonik has put a new dollarbie out at the Free*style main store, the Ghostfire dress in blue,it’s out of this world (punny pun punnnyness)!! I’m wearing it with the amaaaazing Wish hair, which at the moment can only be picked up at Hair Fair

And bubbles!!! I stalked the HPMD lucky chair till I was triumphant. I saw off many other a’s including mermaid Ach!! You get 6 different bubbles, each with it’s own super kyoot pose, and the poses seperately, in case ya wanna stick em in some other random piece of furniture! I have furniture and houses in general on the brain, having just packed up my store and moved, and found one of the best sky boxes I have ever seen!! I will be taking lotsa pics in my new home woot!!! A massive thankyou to Suri Christen, who helped me more than I can say in terms of decorating my home, with some pretty unique and quirky items. Heart yooooo xoxo

Shtuffs You Need To Know
Juicy Bella

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Magika Gift @ Hair Fair

Rest Of The Pics
Katatonik @ Freestyle Main Store

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)
Katatonik @ Hair Fair