Archive for the ‘Animations/Poses’ Category

monday morning coming down

August 18, 2008

[edit: yeah. wrote this this morning and ran out of the house without publishing. ooops!]

eeeuuuurrrggggggh. moar proof of my intrinsically procrastinatory nature – i do believe i took these pictures saturday sometime, felt all proud of myself because i got them uploaded soon after… and then i pissed all my good intentions away fucking with imeem playlists and running around gesturetarding with certain parties who shall remain nameless. and now i’ve got about ten minutes before i leave for my lovely job (no, really. it is 😀 ), ten minutes to conjure all the proper adjectives these things deserve. yay!

there have been hunts galore on weekends lately, enough going on at once that i think i snatch up stuff and hoard it before i can quite wrap my mind around what i’ve got. the latest victims to my slshopping attention defecit disorder were the velvet hunt and the hunt at annah’s george5 store. the velvet hunt consists of purple boxes scattered throughout the sim’s stores (shown here are vette’s fantastic slcelebrity tee and the vixenish purple cardigan from mimikri). annah’s got 12 smallish boxes around her new store (including POSES!) and if i can find them all, anyone can (okay so i may or may not have had a little bit of help from our darling adaire).

so yeah…. photos 1-3 show combined stuff from the annah/velvet hunts, and the yummy lo momo babydoll in photo 4 i would never have discovered if not for welmita in our free*style flickr pool! thanks welmita 😀

also of note is the jewelry i’m wearing. the talented and saintly-patient orchid zenovka of deco dropped me oodles of goodies about a week ago, and i’m not even kidding when i say that i gasped IRL when i started trying stuff on. she manages to make skulls + pearls elegant all at once, like if grace kelly were a reanimated corpse and needed perfect accessories (and um, were made of pixels) for the zombie jamboree she’d go to deco. i mean, BRAIN BAUBLES? how awesome is that?! again, what i chose to wear isn’t free (though very reasonably priced) but there IS a gift in the store:

FREE Pave Swing Set - Available in Store

yes, in my excitement i somehow forgot to snap my own pics of it. i’ve come to terms with my suckassness when it comes to photographing jewelry, so look around orchid’s flickr stream for closer looks at her amazing creations. i’m never taking the triple skull strand off again. or the copper skull ring. mhm.

from the velvet hunt: purple unbuttoned mimikri cardigan, vette’s boutique grey slelebrity tee
from the annah hunt: black sarah minishorts, nailpolish gloves, grey paris shorts, antonia outfit
black babydoll dress from lo momo

not free:
curio skins, 1000L
kitties lair silver vintage peep toe pumps, 290L
schadenfreude lucent heels, 200L
etd, lannah, 175L
hiccup, amelieish, 175L
booN, UPP18 hair
katat0nik, alice hair

IN OTHER NEWS: fat fannies is having a best in freebies event tonight:

MONDAY – Aug 18
DJ Colin Nilsson- Manic Monday!
7pm-9pm SLT
“BEST IN FREEBIES!” Toss on the good, the bad, and the ugly in freebies that you have in your inventory. $300 (Minimum) to Best Dressed! Dance the Mondays away at Fat Fannies! Live DJ, Hawt Sploders, Costume Contest, Curvy Dancers, and fresh sea air!

it’s always a delightful wacky time there, and free*style’s slowly but surely putting together a little booth on the seaside pier, so put on your freebie faves and come dancing!

Vain Inc

August 14, 2008

Toko Voom runs an amazing group called Vain Inc for designers and advertisers alike.

At the moment the group is closed, BUT, it will reopen on 18th-20th for 3 days ONLY (put that in your diaries!), so if you like amazing quality, high fashion previews and gifts it would be well worth making a space for this group… Not only do you find gifts, but designers have secret sales, promotions and really handy information that is often limited to this group!

I wish I had more time to blog today because there are some really lovely items in the group right now, this is the ‘Gangsta’ dress by OOPs

These gorgeous stilettos are the color change ones from Unique Needs, there are 66 colors!! a Must have, and currently FREE!


I really love the high collar and subtle textures of this dress, the leather belt gives it a certain edge. Along with it I’m wearing this absolutely divine ‘Toko Headpiece’ by Valena Glushenko of Diamonde (self tinted) Everything Valena makes is a treat of proportions, her flair for the unique, glamour and high fashion come through always.



These Glamour eyelashes by *GG* Boutique were found on the Fat Fannies hunt Olivia blogged so wonderfully HERE These particular ones are not for sale yet, but available on the hunt ONLY… Hunt finishes today, so if you want them hurry on over to Fat Fannies, you’ll love this sim 🙂

I really love this ‘Nocturnal’ skin in opaline by Gala Phoenix of Curio the lumine blue eyeshadow is so well done and perfectly captures the mood I was trying to create! The Gertrude hair also by Curio gives it a classic 20’s feel.



The ‘TaDa’ pose I used in the closeups was made by Toko Voom and it’s free in the group.


Curio Nocturnal skin
Curio Gertrude hair
Celestial Studios black fishnet tights
*Amrita* Black lace gloves & rose wristlet

Have fun ❤

PLEASE refrain from IM-ing Toko Voom for an invite as the group will be open as above and you will have a chance to join then.

Doin’ it for the Kids

July 17, 2008

I’ve had quite a few requests lately to show some freebies for child avatars.

The other day on my travels I found this cute Little Angel skin which is free from JD Skins and Shapes. This skin does come with a child shape, but I decided to make my own and I will give this away for free.

My RL kids helped me create the looks for this little girl, so I have named the shape after their initials – CJ. I also made her an AO with animated poses, all the poses shown here are in the AO and it also includes a little skipping walk. This will be 1L, just because I kept borking it up and spent quite a lot on uploads.

Probably anyone who plays a child avatar will know the Babydolls store, the freebie room there is huge and full of clothes, toys and furniture. Here are some of the outfits my girls picked as their faves.



This one not my personal taste, but it’s Bratz, ya know what kids are like.


I’ve also shown some adult clothes which look cute on kids too, these are the camo cropped pants free from Yy Shop which I have shown previously, they look so cute on kids. The Dusties sneakers are a group gift from Akeyo, they are resizable with a click so will suit adults and children.


This is is the new free dress by Mayuki, it looks adorable on little girls.


It looks gorgeous on adults too and can be worn in various ways. It has 3 skirt attachments, bows and a strap or strapless top.


Little Angel Skin: JD Skins and Shapes.(0L)
Nocturne hair (worn on child): Tricolore (group gift)
Childrens Clothes: Babydolls (0L)
Camo pants: Yy Shop (free)
Pirate Tee: Relance (free)
Dusties sneakers: Akeyo (group gift)
Dot Dress Kana (worn on child and adult): Mayuki (0L)
Summer hair (worn on Adult): Tekuteku (0L)

Not free
Tail and Ears: WaRmth (70L)

P@rk y0 @ss!

June 21, 2008

It’s no mystery to anyone that knows me well, that I love bright colored, cute and fun clothing too!

I did a double take when I stumbled upon Utsuku City, a place that’s full to bursting with venues where you can camp for items, including edge grafica (previously blogged on free*style).

There is a cute shop called AMIPuu with a gorgeous build where you can sit on your jacksy for 10 minutes to win an item. While I was doing my usual mundane rl stuff I did so and won this pretty Ami skin, helmet & hair, umbrella (with cute animation), bag, shoes & some cute leggings which I unfortunately forgot to show!

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aww bless, cute babbai pingu’s in the background

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The skin is so cute, such a fresh complexion with gentle rosey cheeks, the eyebrows are very well done, to compliment the pretty skin I camped just 15 minutes for these pretty anime style blue eyes at Omeme. This funky chunky beaded choker by Wednesday Soon of [Woo’s] (not yet released), lurvely group gift denim shorts from Cupcakes (Now $250 to join, but, if you see the quality of what mimi Coral has given so generously in the past I can only imagine what’s coming!)& the Nylon Outfitters stripey skull sweater freebie goes perfectly with this ensemble!

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You can see for yourself the wonderful details on the accessories and the cuuuutest teddy bears on the bag! They are a pinch for sitting down doing nada for 10 minutes!

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And onto these beary cute, phatass bootaiz…

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You will also find hair in Utsuku City to camp for, as well as lingerie etc.

Please remember to join the ‘Utsuku City Members’ group so that your ass will be counted!

Non-free items worn:

[Woo’s] Pink Stars on black – Chunky Bead choker (not yet released) Currently having a 50% off sale, go grab yourself a bargain!

Picnic Lace gloves

Light yellow socks by saltcandy Voom (LM is missing from profile, please IM if you wish to purchase these wonderful socks which come in many colors).

Bye for now, Cheri <333

My Boi AO

June 20, 2008

I’ve lovingly crafted an AO (Animation Override) for men in need. I poured blood, sweat and tears into it and pulled out some of my hair (ewwww funny mix!), but I’m quite happy with the result. It’s a first attempt at animated poses, so it’s not perfect.

The Boi AO has 3 animated stands, a walk and a run. (I created the stands, but not the walk and run). If you like looking edgy then it’s perfect for you, the stands are kind of moody looking and there’s a bit of head scratching and dust kicking.

The anims are contained in a ZHAO II HUD, which for those of you who don’t know, you simply wear this and your Avatar will run through the animations automatically. You can pick this up at Free*Style for only 1L.


I’d like to give big credit and thanks to Torley for his excellent video tutorial on Qavimator, helped me lots in the creation of these animations.

The male outfit worn here is in a free gift box from Fetch Alternative which contains a really great pair of jeans and two tee’s. There is also a box of free female clothes which contains jeans, shorts, a top and skirt (some of which I have shown previously). Hair is the 1L Kensei from Truth.

Oooh yes and while I am talking about Fetch, they have given another preview of their beautiful new skins to the group, it’s pouty and pretty, search Fetch Alternative to join this group. This outfit is the free skirt and top in their free gift box.

Tillie Shape by Creamy, Free*Style (1L)

Check out this cute little photobooth Gogo has placed on the boardwalk behind Free*Style , it’s free to use and great for group pics too.

Non Free items
Male ‘Justin’ Skin: Good Life
Female ‘Scene’ Hair: Gritty Kitty


June 12, 2008


Yay, I’m so glad to be back and alive! Honestly everytime I get on a flight I feel like I am dicing with death and that I have survived when the plane lands. Drama queen, Moi?

It’s taken me a while to get back in the swing of things here, I’ve returned to lots of notecards and IMs and emails. If you have contacted me and I don’t reply in the next few days, I’ve probably lost your notecard/not received your IM so please contact me again, I’m in such a muddle!

Anyway on to the goodies. I took a pic in SL a few weeks ago and edited it to look like a sort of pop art print. Tarissa Tripsa left a comment with a great idea that it would look good on a tee. I attempted to create it myself and, well, it looked like shit.

Four Yip kindly created one for me and it rocks! I’ve placed it for free at Free*Style. It comes in yellow and purple with little ribbon ties on the shoulders. Thankiiiieeees Four.


You also get these googly oogly glasses too.

Free*Style Tee’s, Glasses, Poses: Free*Style (0L)
Alex Suit Pants: Yip’s at the gallery of Waelya Tenk and Shaun Mayo (0L)
Destiny-Shambi Skin: Ashia Designs (group gift)
phine_chocolate Hair: Little Heaven (Prize Camp)

I’ve also been working on making AO’s cos it’s fun. This one is called Badgurl AO, for girls with biatchitude, (it’s not ideal for girly girls, but I’ll work on one of those soon.). It includes sexy walk, and various poses. I am new to this so it’s not perfect, but hey it’s free and just for fun.

biatchipoo AO2
Eeps, bad graphics situation, that’s what happens when you try to be too fancy schmancy!

White Top: Tres Blah @ Gnubie Store (free)
Necklace: Shiny Things @ Gnubie Store (free)
i.k.i. Dark Jeans: Torridwear (1L)
SDR Skin: PixelDolls (subscribomatic group gift)
Kizu Tattoo: B11 (Kowloon) (0L)

Not Free
Ivy Hair/Hat in Cherry: Kin (100L ? approx)

I’m also working on a male AO, not as easy to do as the female version. I’m not happy with the one I have made, so I’m perfecting it. Hopefully it will be ready soon.

No cameras, please!!

June 12, 2008

When I saw a note about Sai Pennell’s “Paparazzi” pose release for couples, I think I was the first person to hit “buy.” I loved the idea and started hunting around Imperial Elegance for other poses when I ran into Sai herself. It went something like this:

Adaire: “Sai, this is such a great idea!! Could you make single paparazzi poses??”
Sai: “Sure! I love ideas from customers. I could probably have it done by next week.”
[Meanwhile, a nooblet tps into the shop and begins to pace back and forth, a seemingly common nooblet trait.]
Nooblet: “Can I have some lindens?” [comes to a halt]
Sai & Adaire: [in unison] “No.”
(Long, dramatic pause.)
Nooblet: “Why?” [begins pacing again]
(Another long, dramatic pause.)
Adaire: “Because panhandling isn’t sexy in any world, including Second Life.” Please note: the circle R symbol does not need to be used within the context of a quotation. I has lawyer skillz.
(Yet another long, dramatic pause. At this point, the pauses couldn’t be any more dramatic.)
Nooblet: “Sexy. Mmm.”
(Dead silence)
(Sai & Adaire switch to IM)

Poor Sai was mortified that the nooblet was harassing her customers, but I assured her it was quite alright. It seems to be always mysterious as to how any nooblet finds his or her way to a nice shop and not a free sex beach, but it is what it is.

The good news is that Sai did make individual paparazzi poses and they are superfantastic! They are available in her shop as a pack for $500L or as individual poses for $50L. You can see the “I’m so famous I have to throw up my hand to block the cameras to demonstrate just how famous I am” poses below as I go shopping around like said famous person would at Velvet.

“Adaire the Faux Famous” arrives on the scene in a helicopter to go shopping, as crashing cars while trying to park on the street are so 2007. I picked up the new KatatOnik on Axis Mundi freebies earlier and they couldn’t be more yummy! KatatOnik (or “Kat” for short, because I’m never sure if that is a capital “O” or a zero) did a pink version of the much loved black legwarmer boots! YAY! The butterfly skirt is just $1L and has the perfect flounce to it when you strut like a celeb. The sheer top (you can wear 2 layers of it if you aren’t feeling like showing off the tatas) is available in a pack of 3 colors for $90L and went so well that I couldn’t resist. You can check out more pictures of newness from Kat here.

The Fresh Baked goods “salt water taffy” bracelets are free at Velvet and the “Silver Jelly Gem Donut Bangle” is available for $100L (which is script-driven for both the bangle colors and the gems on it, making it so versatile!). The skin is a free and very pretty Eloh mod by W&Y. The “Knotted, Too!” hairstyle is available in a 3 color pack for $150 at Tousled that I picked up while snagging a freebie style that comes in every color!

Clio Cardiff of Clio -Pret a Porter- has done it again and put out two to-die-for dollarbie dresses in fun summery colors that are perfect to be caught on camera wearing. This purple halter dress called “Silvia” is available for a limited time in just her Little Italy location.

This delish “Shambi” skin is a subscribe-o-matic gift from our very own Ashia Tomsen of Ashia Designs and is still available (and newp, she didn’t put me up to it!). This is the first time I tried a darker skin and now I have to go back and buy more because it’s gorgy! The “Matera” sunglasses in Purple are free at Mokoptica towards the back of the store. These stunning “Classica” shoes of smexyness are free as of today from Allesse in Rue D’Antibes. Hit up the subscribe-o-matic for the shopping centre to get a head’s up on other great deals.

The “Tuli” hairstyle in Black from House of Heart isn’t free, but if you do the hunt that is ending today, you can get “Tuli” in Berry for free and 13 other great styles too! Hurry!

Hmmm…even though crashing cars may not be in vogue, I like how I look getting out of this one, lol. Clio’s other dollarbie is available at her main location for group members. Join Clio Cardiff & Co. and visit her shop to snag it and find out about other great deals. The “Push” hairstyle in Rebel is available for $199L as a three color pack from Philotic Energy.

The Kunglers sisters are also spoiling us rotten with a brand new top this week. I paired it with a Kunglers pair of black jeans to drool on this kyoot Mini that I’d love to cruise Rodeo Drive with while making angry gestures at paparazzi. The clutch is free from the above mentioned Allesse. The choker and earrings are free from Talisman. The sunglasses are another freebie from Mokoptica that is also in-store. The “Tayler” hair in Charcoal is available from Philotic Energy ($199L).

Could you get any more paparazzi-feisty than this pose?! This dress is the newest group member dollarbie from Marinoco Fashion and screams sassy. The skin is a recent subscribe-o-matic gift from BiancaF. Thanks to Silk Aeon, freebie huntress extraordinare, I found this +LALA Moon+ hair in Hairspray!’s freebie area.

That’s quite enough faux famousness from me for one day. I’ll get back on the helicopter and go back to being a little shy and sarcastic. Stay tuned for some readers’ photos from the Free*Style Flickr group!

50 Neko First Dates

June 8, 2008

I couldn’t help but make a bad pun on that movie’s title, because it captured exactly what G and I were up to yesterday. All kinds of different things you could do on a date in SL. Well, I can’t promise they’re overly normal things, but things to do just the same. And when G djs at the Zodiac Lounge in City of Lost Angels on Thursdays, he shows up as a junkie neko boi and pulls it off perfectly. It’s highly questionable that I pull off his vampire girlfriend at all when I go listen to him, but I do my best. As for the neko thing, some of you have given me some great encouragement, so I thought I would give it a whirl with G and see what happened.

I was finally able to get to Rezzable’s Aloha beach yesterday after G and I visited NekoGear. There’s nothing like showing up at NG and seeing DarkLour Watanabe, the owner and probably the most badass-looking male neko in SL, in lifeguard gear! Yup, he’s just made some kyoot beachy Neko clothing and lots of it is free!

I don’t normally go for clothing with logos on it, but the logo is subtle and check out the ah…”details” on the kini top! I’m wearing the free flip flops and kini, and we’re sitting on the free NG towel. I also have on the “Pirate Bead Bracelet from Accessories by Eolande that was a lucky chair gift.

The skin is a really gorgeous gift from the opening of Velvet Island, Bianca Foulon’s new and very posh shopping sim. There are hearts all around the sim – find them to receive some equally posh gifts! This skin is called “Adriana” and it’s from a LessThan3 gift heart. The “Kensei” hair from Truth is a recent dollarbie and the FlipSide “Starz” tats are available for $200L. My neko “Rent Punk” ears are from SWEET LEOnard and the tail is from Hybrid (both are not free).

Gecko has on the free NG trunks and flip flops as well as a free necklace and bracelet that is in a freebie-specific section loaded with good stuffs. His Belleza skin is available for free for group members in-store and the “Danny” hair is a dollarbie from Truth. The Hybrid “Counter Culture” ears and “Wasteland” tail are both available for $200 each.

Thundercats, hooo!!!

Yep, we turned into ninja cats in Straylight to goof off a bit after we got these freebies from Muism. (Don’t all great ninja fight scenes happen while running on tops of trees with swords? Or was that just Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. That was the thought behind the location. Meep.) I’m wearing the “Sweet Peach Kimono” and he has on the “Sasaki Kojiro” outfit.

The poses we’re busting out are by 5ifth Order. If you ever wanted to look badass with a sword, a gun, or even your fists, you want to visit Jonny Dusk’s shop. Inspired by comic books, video games, and his own vivid imagination, he makes the most unique poses in SL hands-down (and they’re great for all of the goofy adventures I like to go on and take pictures of, lol). There are also some nice fashion poses for both guys and girls. This “Non-Combat Sword Animation Ovverider” is available for $1350L, or you can pick up individual poses for around $100L each.

The Mushashi blades aren’t even close to free and I’m an idiot just for buying them for fashiony pics, but Muism has cool free katanas to complete your look.

Here’s a close up of the kimono and the very lovely skin Bianca F is giving out at Velvet Island in her hunt for hearts.

After the ninja cat shenanigans, we decided to get a little casual chic and go to my favorite blues bar, Toby’s Juke Joint Blues Club. For our last Neko date, I have on the Zenith freebie dress from the Don’t Ask opening Ashia blogged, and it’s available just until tonight, so go get it!

The bag is a group gift from GaZoV Designs that is also available in-store. You must pick this up to at least see the kyoot box it comes in that celebrates soccer! The silver bangles are free from Lapointe & Bastchild’s awesome sauce freebie area. The “Micha” hair is new from Philotic Energy and is available in a 3 color pack for $199L.

Gecko is wearing the Lapointe & Bastchild’s Retro “Sunday Fade” shirt in light blue that is also in their delicious freebie room of goodness. The rest of his items are non-free but quite nice (hey, cut him a break – he hasn’t been at this too long!), including jeans from Dutch Touch ($150L), Urban Bomb Unit “Sk8trs” shoes ($395L), and Ekstras’ Ginza Wristband ($75L). The lurvely pic is courtesy of The G. [grins]

All in all, I’d say it was a good day. Stay tuned for more shenanigans and freebies. There is so much going on in the fashion world that I can barely keep up!

Cassiopeia Carnival Finds

June 1, 2008

*Creamy peeks into the blog*

Hiiiii, this is going to be another quickie one from me, I’m very busy playing my RL at weekends.
I thought it most important that you see this this stunningly striking ‘werd’ skin from Unpredictable group, it’s so unusual and really makes the eyes stand out, I loooove. So beautiful and perfect for those of you who like a vampire/gothic or even a neko look, there’s also a male version.


It works so well with my findings from the LV’s & Co. Cassiopeia Carnival which I think is on all weekend (maybe longer). Lots of freebieness to be found at many stores on the sim. I only managed to find a couple of items as I don’t get much time to come online at weekends, so here’s a lil taster.

Oh my god how hot is this lingerie from Janeways boutique (free)carnal_001

For all you kitteh’s out there, this Anime Fan Girl outfit from My Dead Kitty comes in 4 different colours (1L each) and includes the backpack and legwarmers.


carnal_003 carnal_005

Our very own Olivia loves to get her pasties out. She makes everything look filthy sexeh and here she is in the beautiful Fishnet Dollie outfit from The Dolls House also free (or 1L) at Cassiopeia, why have I never been to this store? I also picked up this outfit and fell in love with everything else. I neeeeed moneyz, I want to buy everything in there.

Noooo Olivia….don’t do it!

This cool gun pose and gun is from Animonics, if you subscribo to this group by touching the sign, (doesn’t take up an group space) you will receive a free pose monthly ya bunch of posers. Click the sign after subscribing, click it again and choose option 2 and you get a ‘yer dead’ pose.

This is the ‘yer dead’ free pose you get as a group gift this month.

Count Chocolate Belt from Passionate Neko at Cassiopeia (free or 1L)

i.k.i Jeans: Torridwear (1L)

Top : My Dead Kitty (part of the Anime Fan Girl outfit above – 1L for set)

Ugh…turns out that wasn’t quick at all, SL wouldn’t let me TP so I’m sorry if any of the LMs are incorrect and I’ve probably forgotten to list some items. I’ll sort em when things work again.

*runs off to get on with her RL stuff*

What do you draw?

May 29, 2008


I introduce a lovely hat and the pose today. 🙂
The hat can be gotten by the item camp only for the group.
Please join the group of “Double Paradox” and sit for 20 minutes.

Hat : **DP**yumyum (FREE)
Animations : ::: u:ka ::: (FREE)

上のアニメーションと、下の3種類ポーズは::: u:ka :::さんのFREEです。^^*
Artist’s animation and three kinds of poses are FREE of the shop ::: u:ka :::.

Pose : ::: u:ka ::: (FREE)
Necklace : ::69:: (1L$)
pants : Moni Criss (50L$)
Shose : Juisy Shoes (500L$)
This very savory shoes are Juicy Shoes.:p
I like it with HQ very much. 🙂