Archive for the ‘Anime’ Category

P@rk y0 @ss!

June 21, 2008

It’s no mystery to anyone that knows me well, that I love bright colored, cute and fun clothing too!

I did a double take when I stumbled upon Utsuku City, a place that’s full to bursting with venues where you can camp for items, including edge grafica (previously blogged on free*style).

There is a cute shop called AMIPuu with a gorgeous build where you can sit on your jacksy for 10 minutes to win an item. While I was doing my usual mundane rl stuff I did so and won this pretty Ami skin, helmet & hair, umbrella (with cute animation), bag, shoes & some cute leggings which I unfortunately forgot to show!

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aww bless, cute babbai pingu’s in the background

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The skin is so cute, such a fresh complexion with gentle rosey cheeks, the eyebrows are very well done, to compliment the pretty skin I camped just 15 minutes for these pretty anime style blue eyes at Omeme. This funky chunky beaded choker by Wednesday Soon of [Woo’s] (not yet released), lurvely group gift denim shorts from Cupcakes (Now $250 to join, but, if you see the quality of what mimi Coral has given so generously in the past I can only imagine what’s coming!)& the Nylon Outfitters stripey skull sweater freebie goes perfectly with this ensemble!

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You can see for yourself the wonderful details on the accessories and the cuuuutest teddy bears on the bag! They are a pinch for sitting down doing nada for 10 minutes!

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And onto these beary cute, phatass bootaiz…

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You will also find hair in Utsuku City to camp for, as well as lingerie etc.

Please remember to join the ‘Utsuku City Members’ group so that your ass will be counted!

Non-free items worn:

[Woo’s] Pink Stars on black – Chunky Bead choker (not yet released) Currently having a 50% off sale, go grab yourself a bargain!

Picnic Lace gloves

Light yellow socks by saltcandy Voom (LM is missing from profile, please IM if you wish to purchase these wonderful socks which come in many colors).

Bye for now, Cheri <333

Alice in Modern Days

May 29, 2008

5月31日までの期間限定でこちらの2点の可愛いフリフリなワンピースが無料で置かれています。アリス・ドレスという名前のワンピ、本来ならガーリーに着こなすのでしょうが私はBubblegum Pink x Toxic Greenの組み合わせが大好きなのでヘアは緑を選びました。昨晩慌てて撮ったSSなのでヘアと服のプリムの調整ができてないです・・・スミマセン

Outfit – Likka*House (Free until the end of May JST. Other colors available for only L$20)
Skin – Rave Nation (Free)

Outfit – Likka*House (Free until the end of May JST. Other colors available for only L$20)
Skin – Winter Moon (Free)

Some Schtuffs

March 1, 2008

Please give Olivia Connaught a warm welcome to blogging here! *Yay*

Firstly today, there is a new group gift in Mimikri Hot Couture, search groups using the word ‘Mimikri‘ and it should be really easy to find! They’re giving away this unusually patterned ‘Lady Minx’ dress in Pink, has gorgeous matching gloves! The pattern is reminiscent of lined crepe paper, also I really love this deep, off-pink hue


mimikri_ladyMinx_pink_difference skin_Periquita_booties_purple_etd_hair

The cute spangly purple sculpted ‘booties’ haven’t been released yet at Periquita Shoes , these will be available in a variety of confident colors, they’re so much fun to wear. They match the Mimikri dress so perfectly!

Hair: ETD (not free)
Skin: Difference 1(I heart Cupcakes $25L sale pack)

While catching some rays of island sun at the Aventi sim I found this cute free Heart dress at Lycee Feelings Shop looks like a polka dot at a glance, but they’re cute ickle heartsies!

Lyceefeelings_heartdress_BP_mitsuami_braidhair_platninum_difference6skin_lycee hat for princess

the hat was sitting right next to the dress & it’s also free!

Hair: Mitsuami braids – Platinum from BP* Shop (not free)
Skin: Difference 6 (I heart Cupcakes $25L sale pack)

These really nice free jeans also come from Lycee Feelings Shop! You will find them near the hat & heart dress above. With them I’m wearing this cute Valentine shirt from *Yamy* shop it comes in about 4/5 colors!

exclusion_skin_bigbomb1hair_yamy_valentineshirt_yamy_springmuffler_grey_lycee_feelings_jeans_ubu_pink psycho boots

Also I’m wearing the cool grey Spring muffler from the same shop! The items here are amazing value, and it’s also selling mens clothing! Awesome if you’re on a tight budget.

I was a little naughty at Urban Bomb Unit, but I just couldn’t resist these Pink Psycho wellie boots, they’re so awesome… Not free but I absolutely recommend them for quality & style.

Hair: Big Bomb Hair1 from BP* Shop (Lucky chair gift)
Skin: Exclusion from I heart Cupcakes $25L sale pack

The other night I left myself camping for this cute anime style ‘Summer – pink’ skin from KAO, it’s a 2 hour camp but well worth it, so pretty


There is another skin to camp for at the other KAO too, the lipstick on that one is a really warm orange! along with a box containing a free set of beautiful eyes (worn in above close up)

I also found this summery free outfit at Aventi, it’s from a shop called Little Town, the outfit is called ‘resort gift – blue’ and comes with matching shoes!


Hair: Hudsen – Brownie from Sandshack Surf Co. (Not free)

From the POZA MART/Kmaxi I got this really cute free Camisole set with denim shorts


Hair: Kristin – black by Zero Style (Not free)

Aww, look I know Christmas has long since past now & this maybe out of sync…eep! But I found this Cuuuute Tiny Santa at Nooker Works on Aventi, has the most adorable blinking eyes, and gives that puppy look that I can’t resist… lol


A few shops along you even find this tiny snorkelling beach set free from Lucky Card

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They also sell a gorgeous tiny sculptie avatar along with other freebies!

The shapes worn in the pictures are made by myself, I may also include a shape or two of mine at the Free*Style shop soon!

❤ Cheri

Inspired Treasure Hunt

December 1, 2007 I am up late again! I didn’t intend to do a post tonight, but I went on a quick treasure hunt in the ‘Inspired‘ store and just had to show you my finds in case I don’t get around to it tomorra. Busy weekend ahead and all and I plan on having a hangover…SL & Hangover = BLECH!!

I have featured Inspired in many of my blog posts, Meagan gives away ace freebies and today is no different, there are 12 teeny tiny stockings dotted around the store with festive gifts inside.

Here’s a few of the goodies I found. A couple of hats, a beautiful doll-like winter anime skin, red and green sweaters…



Gorgeous fluffy earmuffs and scarf



Floating Hello Kitty plush..awwwwwww!


Hopefully you can just make out these sweet snowflake ‘cheekies’ tattoo’s and I just had to give you a close of up these amazing eyes, a group gift from Callie Cline, can you see the little heart in them?


If you would like these eyes, join Callie’s group, check notice archives and you will see these eyes attached to one of the notices (there are also a 2 other gifts in there too). They are only available for a limited time so get them quick.

Ooooh, nearly forgot, while I was hunting around Inspired I won this bunnylicious hat on the lucky chair!


I can’t be arsed with treasure hunts usually but this one took no time at all, no lag and the prizes were fab, head over to Inspired and have fun!

*Hair – Courtenay in Ash Blonde, (group gift from Philotic)

I’m Inspired

November 23, 2007

If you aren’t a member of the Inspired Group yet, hurry up and do it, Maegan gives away great freebies and this time has given us this sweet new hair called Aiko in Poison. Inspired is not your usual SL store, Maegan creates beautiful anime skins, hair clothes and accessories.

I am wearing the Aiko hair on the 1L complete anime avatar set which can be found in her store, see this blog post for more details, you get so much for your 1L.


These beautiful flexi wings are also in the dollarbie section of the store. This photo does not do them justice, they look a little blurred here (blame my crappy graphics card), you will also find eyes and decorations in the dollarbie section, not forgetting the gifts on the lucky chair.


I just had to show you this adorable limited edition Fairy Princess Hair which comes with a detachable crown, this hair available in lots of different colours, each only 50L in the store. It fits perfectly on the petite shape in the anime avatar set.


Here is the hair and skin worn on my own shape. I did need to do some adjusting to the hair to fit my big ole head, isn’t it just soooo cute?


So if you would like to look a little different from the rest, TP over to Inspired.

*The dress just seen in the pics is the Icing Gossamer Fantasy which I managed to find at the Fashion Victim treasure hunt last week.


November 5, 2007

I found a little gem the other day, I was surfing around checking out Second Life fashion blogs and I came across this cute little store called Inspired – Kawaii Fashion (link to site on the right of screen). Now I love this sort of thing so I tp’d direct to the store and was delighted with what I found.

Beautiful anime inspired skins, eyes, accessories and hair, and best of all…loads of freebies. Have a look at these pics – everything pictured is part of 1L anime avatar set complete with various skin designs, eyes, hair, lashes and shape.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I think they are so pretty, ethereal almost. You can also wear the skins/hair/eyes with your own shape to create your own unique look. Everyone is looking more and more realistic on SL these days, I love to stray from the path everyone else follows sometimes.

The following items are group exclusives, if you join the ‘Inspired’ group and check past notices you will receive these goodies.

Pretty flower headband

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Sweet Miaka hairstyle

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The ribbon skirt worn below is 1L from a Japanese store called BettiePage, her clothes are the cute quirky style I adore. The top I found in a store called Umi Usagi in the LicoLico mall and I think it looks like these items of clothing were made to be worn together.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

LicoLico mall is a huge place, it’s full of Japanese gothic lolita style clothes, lots of unsual finds there – I love it. The only prob is, it’s easy to get lost and you really have to hunt to find the freebies, but, if like me, you are a dedicated follower of fashion – you can do it! I think after about 2 hours and 20 crashes I covered the whole place and found lots of lovely bits and pieces, no doubt they will be popping up in future posts.

The above pics were taken in a fantastic store called The Abyss. I saw photo’s of The Abyss when I was reading Ana Lutetia’s blog, the scenery looked amazing, I had to go there and take a look. It’s really atmospheric, perfect for photo opportunities and the clothes and hair in the store are really cool too (no freebs though). I’ve included the link below if you’d like to take a look.

Umi Usagi @ LicoLico:
The Abyss: