Archive for the ‘Awesome New Designer’ Category

Yay Me!

January 27, 2009

Abra, darling Abra, I blame you ya know. Having resisted plurky goodness for ages and ages (I had an acount but never used it) I am now utterly addicted. You can find me here, crapping on about stuff and things!


Angie Dryke sent me a LM very early this morning for a store called Cybernetic. For today only you can get the fecking gorgeous skin shown above for free. I even remembered to send a notice to the group, double yay me!! The super cute dress is from the lucky chair at *Sisters*. The wonderful Eden TP’d me in, and bless her didn’t ask why I was wearing a Slutty McSlutterson prison uniform and no shoes, that’s a troo friend!


My favorite pant maker in SL has set out another dollarbie for you to enjoy. Get thee to Strayer to grab these rockin pants. The gorgy top and shrug were part of this weeks group gift from Sweeter Than Candy, really pretty colour candace, thank you so much!


And another dress from Sisters, my letter came up twice in a row, there was much happiness 😛 The lovely boots are from TD Boots, really cute store. Thanks to Cornelius for letting me know 🙂 K, it’s back to crack smoking Plurk for me ;P Ash out

Hair (not free)

Stuff And Moar Stuff

December 22, 2008

I should actually call this post “Eden Rocks My World” because seriously, that woman is a freebie finding machine! She drops me LM’s and notecards like a demon, then yells at me if I haven’t had time to go check em out.


This was an Eden find. She knows I love doll clothes, keys and everything in between. So She sent me to All Dolled Up. Follw the slurl in this post, that’s very important. Cam down to a mousetrap on the floor below, and find a teeny tiny box. Click on that box and get this whole outfit for free, key included!

This lushness is from Kouse’s Sanctum. You’ll find it under the Christmas tree. Scuse the pics of the sleeves, I did something um interesting in PS, theyr’e not bluish in world XD! I love Kouse’s gowns, they are always prim perfect and move so beautifully.


Aeons ago, Eden TP’d Q into Dilly Dolls to clear the lucky chairs there for her. I dropped in there yesterday to grab the Christmas gifts, then saw this! It’s a Midnight Mania dress. You get 56856856 different corsets and tops, too many options to show here. The stunning skin was a group gift from the ladies at Cupcakes, part of the new Celebrity line. Happy holidays girls xoxo


Check out this skin! The luffley Tuli sent it out probably last year, but I only just got it now (my group notice getting issue is still not fixed). Merry Christmas to you Tuli and thankyou!! The dress is a yummy gift from the Happy Happy update group. Now I’m back on my normal comp instead of my craptop, I can appreciate Mayuki Nozaki’s designs even moar!


And last but by no means least, a new store! Eden sent me a fashocon note sent out by Fandabydozie. I had to go look for the name alone! You’ll find a lucky chair and several dollarbies, the ones shown being just a couple of them. I also bought some yummy shoes there and was lucky enough to bump into the designer’s boyfriend, who dropped an amazing ice cream backpack on me, which I will feature in a later post. Now I have to get to work, then brave the shops for some last minute shopping. Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

The Black Canary

November 21, 2008

Eden takes me to the best places, some dark, some snowy, always fun and nine times out of ten, filled with yummyness. So when she told me she was at The Black Canary, I had to go! The name sounded familiar to me somewhere in the recesses of my hungover mind, and when I got there I realised we were in Pulse.


Morrigan Denimore won the Pulse sponsored location for new designers and if you take a look at his amazing clothes, you’ll see why. All of the clothes shown can be won on the lucky chair, or if you’re totes impatient like me, you can buy them.


Beautiful period pieces, stunning textures, heaven in a store!!


Check out this gorgy nightdress, complete with hair ribbon and the most adorable bloomers!! My only complaint is there weren’t more dresses or outfits to buy!!! Do yourself a favor and stalk this store like woa! Ash out.

Other Schtuff
Hair (not free)
Deviant Kitties

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Skin (not free)
Deviant Nation By Celestial Studios
One I already had but loved so much I was totes gonna buy it again at the sale! Good job I checked! Ps, thanks Loli, now I totes can’t stop saying totes, pft 😉

No Label!

November 12, 2008

Get off yo’ hawrse ‘n drink yo’ melk…


Got a really nice surprise for you all here!

When I logged on today I noticed that komeko Shinn, the incredibly original and stylish designer behind [/NoLabel/] Has given the most generous gift out in her group: Drunken Cowboy boots in brown! (complete with bourbon flask tucked into one of them!!) you should also check her amazing earrings, accessories & clothing out. She’s extremely talented, I ❤ it all!

Without further ado… These babies are the group gift!


Textures are really well done and have a resize script, so they’ll fit pretty much any foot/leg combo! Have to say they look remarkably cool, I’ll be wearing these a lot! You can buy them in her store in other colors for $250 which is very reasonable for this quality


Really like the way the toe points up that little bit more than other designs I’ve seen!


The other bits I’m wearing are the gorgeous tartan scarf from Edge Grafica, along with the waistcoat and short shirt & skirt from the ever generous Peppermint Blue (no longer free).

Hope you all like these as much as I do XD

Have fun, Cheri ❤



Skin: Minajunk Bad Black02

Hair: BP* Mitsuami Braids

Hat: ::Mezzo:: Cowboy hat

Cup Of Crown

September 2, 2008

Weeks ago, the lovely and very talented owner of Cup Of Crown dropped a folder on me, letting me know about a luffley freebie in store. Me being caught up in moving and building, I totally forgot, Ash=bad. However! I remembered today, and dragged Ken along to check out the store.

Free*Style Blog - Cup Of Crown

This yummy top could be yours if you get your hawt butts down there and scoop it up before it vanishes!! Doesn’t Ken look edible!!

We were lucky enough to meet the designer, Emperor Oyen and got to go all fan girl about the amaaaazing clothes. The Kiam Jacket and Ruined Ball Gown are my personal faves. Not free, but so worth checking out for the beautiful textures alone.

Emperor also makes delightful kimono, the store is small, but what’s there is lovingly made.

Watch out for this store, Cup Of Crown is destined for big things kids!!

First Pic
Cup Of Crown

Rest Of The Pics
Jackets & Dresses (not free)
Cup Of Crown

Vain Inc

August 14, 2008

Toko Voom runs an amazing group called Vain Inc for designers and advertisers alike.

At the moment the group is closed, BUT, it will reopen on 18th-20th for 3 days ONLY (put that in your diaries!), so if you like amazing quality, high fashion previews and gifts it would be well worth making a space for this group… Not only do you find gifts, but designers have secret sales, promotions and really handy information that is often limited to this group!

I wish I had more time to blog today because there are some really lovely items in the group right now, this is the ‘Gangsta’ dress by OOPs

These gorgeous stilettos are the color change ones from Unique Needs, there are 66 colors!! a Must have, and currently FREE!


I really love the high collar and subtle textures of this dress, the leather belt gives it a certain edge. Along with it I’m wearing this absolutely divine ‘Toko Headpiece’ by Valena Glushenko of Diamonde (self tinted) Everything Valena makes is a treat of proportions, her flair for the unique, glamour and high fashion come through always.



These Glamour eyelashes by *GG* Boutique were found on the Fat Fannies hunt Olivia blogged so wonderfully HERE These particular ones are not for sale yet, but available on the hunt ONLY… Hunt finishes today, so if you want them hurry on over to Fat Fannies, you’ll love this sim 🙂

I really love this ‘Nocturnal’ skin in opaline by Gala Phoenix of Curio the lumine blue eyeshadow is so well done and perfectly captures the mood I was trying to create! The Gertrude hair also by Curio gives it a classic 20’s feel.



The ‘TaDa’ pose I used in the closeups was made by Toko Voom and it’s free in the group.


Curio Nocturnal skin
Curio Gertrude hair
Celestial Studios black fishnet tights
*Amrita* Black lace gloves & rose wristlet

Have fun ❤

PLEASE refrain from IM-ing Toko Voom for an invite as the group will be open as above and you will have a chance to join then.

Strawberries Are T.A.R.T

August 11, 2008

A while back I posted about a new store called Fishy Strawberry, luff the name and luff the store!! My how it’s grown since I was last there, heaps of gorgy new clothes for you to go crazy over, and of course a dollarbie!

fishy strawberry

Isn’t this shirt the kyootist? Pick it up for a linden at the main store. The leggings shown aren’t free, but serve as a good example of this awesome designer’s work.



These 2 yummies are the latest freebies from T.A.R.T. It’s one of my fave stores and I spend waay to much time and money there!! Not sure how long they will be out for so grab em now. The first outfit has a system skirt, so have yer flat bummed, no hips shape ready to go XD!

bai copy

bai2 copy


I saw quite a few of you at the Shiki opening event. As well as a whole table of freebies at the landing point, there’s a treasure hunt on. I’m afraid I only found the Baiastice goodies, while walking in place for 5 mins at a time, flying into walls and getting stuck under the floor. The lag was beyond bad *whispers JEVN=evil*, but I’m sure it’s much improved now! The hair is not free, but from my much loved Cocoluv, whom I’ve blogged several times before. If you’re reading this Coco, I’m the crazy lady who’s been in your IM box begging you to do Hair Fair!! I hope you do because your designs are made of awesome and really should be seen on a larger scale 33.

Photo 1
Fishy Strawberry

Pants (not free)
Fishy Strawberry

Hair (not free)

Photos 2&3

Hair (not free)

Photos 4-6
Baiastice @ Shiki (hunt Items)

Hair (not free)

HPMD new sim Open!

August 9, 2008

Happy Mood have done the most amazing build I’ve seen in a long time, It kind of feels like a Gulliver meets Swiss Family Robinson meets Peter Pan! It’s lovely and I thoroughly recommend anyone visiting.. here you can dream of those wonderful, fantastical things that this place evokes!


Along with this impressive build comes an array of new products including a very cute beagle avatar, those pretty little birds & bunnies that make you melt ❤

They also have a multi posed wooden rocking horse up for CSR Summer 2008 which I’m sitting on here!


There is a hunt on for this gorgeous star dress which comes with a pretty transparent layer of stars that lights this cute outfit perfectly!


I love the necklace that comes with this too, it’s quite unusual.. like small moons, the star socks & underwear layers are so cute too ^^

I just also have to say that I cannot take off this Gisele Sia hair, it comes with & without the antique pearls/roses… I’m excited by what this new designer Pecorine Vita might come up with next, as this is right up my alley in terms of beauty and sumptuous style <333

Also, I love the quality of these shoes from R2, to find a pair of high quality sculpty shoes for under $100 in SL is quite a task, but these fit the bill and are great if you want high quality on a budget (they include a high shine version and an ordinary!).


Not sure how long this hunt item will be in the shop, so hurry over and get hunting!!


Live01 normal skin – Minajunk ($1000)
Sia hair in milk – Gisele (2 gorgeous versions included $180)
Kahakai shoes in white/normal – R2 ($90)
Antique light heart 2 bead anklet – Bonita’s ($can’t remember, sorry!)
CSR 2008 Wooden rocking horse (multi posed) – HPMD (You need to buy something of at least $100 in the CSR event to claim this)

Disclaimer: Please look closely at the subject/main content and reason for this post before accusing the poster of plagiarism. Thanks.

Have lots of fun, Cheri ❤