Archive for the ‘Ballet’ Category

Strawberries Are T.A.R.T

August 11, 2008

A while back I posted about a new store called Fishy Strawberry, luff the name and luff the store!! My how it’s grown since I was last there, heaps of gorgy new clothes for you to go crazy over, and of course a dollarbie!

fishy strawberry

Isn’t this shirt the kyootist? Pick it up for a linden at the main store. The leggings shown aren’t free, but serve as a good example of this awesome designer’s work.



These 2 yummies are the latest freebies from T.A.R.T. It’s one of my fave stores and I spend waay to much time and money there!! Not sure how long they will be out for so grab em now. The first outfit has a system skirt, so have yer flat bummed, no hips shape ready to go XD!

bai copy

bai2 copy


I saw quite a few of you at the Shiki opening event. As well as a whole table of freebies at the landing point, there’s a treasure hunt on. I’m afraid I only found the Baiastice goodies, while walking in place for 5 mins at a time, flying into walls and getting stuck under the floor. The lag was beyond bad *whispers JEVN=evil*, but I’m sure it’s much improved now! The hair is not free, but from my much loved Cocoluv, whom I’ve blogged several times before. If you’re reading this Coco, I’m the crazy lady who’s been in your IM box begging you to do Hair Fair!! I hope you do because your designs are made of awesome and really should be seen on a larger scale 33.

Photo 1
Fishy Strawberry

Pants (not free)
Fishy Strawberry

Hair (not free)

Photos 2&3

Hair (not free)

Photos 4-6
Baiastice @ Shiki (hunt Items)

Hair (not free)

Tha PHLow

June 22, 2008

This is a real quick one

There is a really colorful bird tattoo in light and dark to be found for $0L at PHLow, along with this lively Black & Pink silk bra! I tried to get a kinda punk ballerina thang together here…


The nicely textured bra and detailed tattoo in closer detail…


I should get back to my stress filled rl Sunday now! Snapshot_003

Non-free items:

Skin: Live01 – Wine Minajunk

Hair: Jenna – Cerise ETD

Eyes: Black onyx jewel eyes – DP Yumyum

Socks: Gillian’s leggings – Corduroy

Boots: Darklord boots – Beckenbauer

Collar: Posture collar from Arachne/catwalk collection @ Last Call (now closed)


Tutu (self tinted): Primalot, where you will find loads of lovely freebies, including a gorgeous red dress! (not featured because I ran out of time!)

Bird on a wire waist cincher – Silent Sparrow (old group gift, )

German Fashion & Style Show + Gifts and other stuff!

May 18, 2008

From one of the notices that was sent out today I discovered the German Fashion & Style Show which runs from 17.5 – 14.6.2008 , so there’s plenty of time to grab these great gifts, I was just desperate for some lag ‘n rubberbanding 😛

I am only featuring a few bits in this post, there are tons of freebies & dollarbies…

Note: The slurls are not the main stores, they’re markers for the Fair stalls at the show.

First off is this free Betsy skin by HD Skin Design, the machine that gives it is a little touchy but it should arrive after a bit

Cheri_Betsy skin from HD Skins

With it I am wearing the lovely $1 Sasa dress from Liberte, so delicate in white.
Hair: Danny II in black – TRUTH (previous dollarbie/no longer available)

Cheri_Sasa dress from Liberte

I couldn’t believe my eyes at how lovely this was when I put it on, this is the beautiful, bold Fairy dress from Freda’s with 2 different skirts.. one of which is a tutu! ($1 which includes another separate outfit).

Cheri_Fredas fairy dress_pink pandy skin_FS rapunzel hair

Skin: Pink Pandy (not free) – Candy Mountain Hair: Rapunzel in black (Free) from Free Speerit

Found this amazing outfit by Pastaria & Jade Designs (main slurl) . Really nicely textured and quite striking in a trendy way!

Cheri-Paja outfit_FD hair_Mercury bag_ST ruffle boots

Hair: Overgrown boy by Fashionably Dead (not free), Bag: Mercury Couture (not free/store no longer available), Shirt: by Veschi (not free), Shoes: Ruffle boots – Chocolate by Shiny Things (not free)
Skin: group gift by Di Chantilly ….. This gorgeous skin was given to the Di Chantilly group today, love this purdy makeup, you can check these beautiful skins out at the store.


Earrings: Dirty Brass chandeliers from JUNK, Hair: as above.

Onto to the shoes…

Also found these gorgeous free Ballerina Flats from Ibizarre, so nicely sculpted, I love this texture… reminds of a tweed coat I used to own!

Cheri_Ibizare ballerina flats

Join the Pixel Mode update group for these smart black peeptoe sandals as well as a silver and a gold shoe necklace! (See last picture) Oh my, those SLankles make kittens cry! 😮

Pixel Mode black sandals

Also, Rosemary Galbraith of Rosemar Sent out another beautiful set of skins in her update group which is well worth the $250 join fee as she sends out numerous high quality gifts per month, I’m featuring it with the necklace from Pixel Mode, along with that I’m wearing the Anti Reactionary Dress by Royal Blue (50% off & everything is under 50L at this slurl), hair: bouffant 2 by Mercury Couture (not free/store no longer exists).

Pixel Mode Necklace_Rosemar group Skin

Pfft I’m now shattered, I must go bed – Cheri ❤

Crazy Antics with Ashia

May 6, 2008

Another post featuring photo’s from the Free*Style pool. Today I have gathered some of of Ashia Tomsens great pics. She’s found some yummy fun things most of which haven’t been featured on this blog yet. Just what I’m looking for.


Outfit – Rebel Hope Designs (Includes Boots)
Hair – BP* Lucky Chair




Boots – Spirit (only available for this week)
Leotard and Tutu – Spirit, 1 Lala each, when you TP there, go to the dancers dressing room


Shopping Bag-Sixty-Nine Group Gift
Sunglasses-Artilleri Gift

Come on folks, join the Free*Style Flickr group and add your fave freebie snapshots. I’ll try to show as many as I can. The looks which include a combination of items which are still available for free or 1L and have not been featured on this blog already will be most likely to catch my eye. Please remember to include the store name/price and the URL to the store.