Archive for the ‘Bangles’ Category

Curiouser and Curiouser…

October 22, 2008

‘`Curiouser and curiouser!’ cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English)’ ~ Lewis Carroll

:O :O :O I know, i know, it’s been a looooong time emerging but finally I got to post again!

Lewis Carroll is by far my most favorite writer of verse, child stories. It’s so imaginative, colorful, crazy, barbaric, dark & often dreamlike.

Anyway, when my great friend Wednesday Soon of Woo’s mentioned about the anniversary Alice dresses at Dreaming Alice, I went galumphing on over!

First up the Pure Alice dress… the traditional Alice!


comes with hair bow!


And the Dark Alice dress, also with hair bow… For those times when you feel like shouting a piggy-nosed ‘Orf with ‘er head’ and asking the Cheshire Cat just wtf he thinks he’s smirking at!


Wednesday Soon – Woo’s has just released some gorgeous & very well detailed mega bangles which she kindly dropped me. They are size adjustable, come in silver and gold versions for both forearms! ❤ them



Little Bird skins (from Lucky chairs)

Hair in pic 1/2

Maya – ND (not free)


Ballet flats in white – Shiny Things (not free)

Frabjous Day All, Cheri ❤

The Q Quandry

September 12, 2008

While stalking a few lucky chairs recently, I noticed they had a love for the letter Q. Course I don’t have a Q on my friends list, and after trying to get the girls to make one, I decided to give it a go myself!! Here she is, a brand new Q, looking quite spiffy already!!


And of course every lucky chair I went past today had a sodding A on it!! Wouldn’t you know!! All of these gorgy outfits are from Girls Style. If you haven’t been to this super cute store, now’s the time to start!


How awesome is this?! Chuck on some pigtails and roll round in a field of corn or some such!!


The bangles are from Girls Style also, pink, pink and did I mention theyre pink?! I know you wanna know about the hair. The stars are attached to this afro *sighs* joy!! It’s a group gift from Mayamaya Creations, you need to join the group and pick up the gift from the main store. Now back to lucky chair stalking!! Ash out xoxox

Girls Style

Mayamaya Creations