Archive for the ‘bik’ Category

I’M 25 ANS..

November 15, 2008

…well, I do feel like I am 25 when I play Second Life.

25 ans is a really cute Japanese fashion magazine and they have a location in Second Life. You can find lots of great free gifts, some which you have to join the group before you can receive them. The group joiner is in the store next to the freebie.

So what have we got?

There are 4 gifts in each corner of the store where near the landing point.

Absolutely beautiful dress from Aoharu

A pretty Daydream Jewellery set

Stylish coat by InStyle

There is also a hairstyle which I am wearing in the wedding dress photograph.

I found the following outfits at the Cafe area, the teleporter is at the landing point and they are inside the building. Easy to see once it has rezzed.

A free wedding dress, hey there’s also a church there if you are crazy enough to get married in SL. Personally I prefer to just flounce around in a wedding dress without the marriage bit.

This bikini comes in 3 colours and has blingy bits you can attach, if you fancy blingtarding it up. Lately I’ve been rockin the bling again, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.

This cute dress comes with the little pearl necklace (hoy Olivia, I know what you are thinking you filthy hoar) 😀


You may find more free gifts around, I only looked in a few places.

TP to 25 ans

Other items worn
118 free skin neutral (shaved) [42] (0L for all tones)

Kalia Hair: Philotic Energy (not free)
Shoes by Periquita (not free)
Logo Aviators: Paper Couture (not free)