Archive for the ‘Bikinis’ Category

Cute New Store

January 28, 2009

Oh happy day. I woke up to extremely good news today, so I’m in an awesomesauce mood! I also had the pleasure of being dropped a folder by a new designer Viviane Hobble. She’s not been designing long in sl, but seems to have made a really nice start.


At her store Viviane Fashions you’ll find an array of dollarbies, some of which I’m showing here. The sim has only the one landing point, so you’ll need to turn round when you land, to find the store.




A girl can never have enough swimmers or undies! (I was moaning to Sasy the other day that out of a 42,000 item inv, I had only one pair of undies, and they’re guy’s y-fronts!)


This gorgeous gown isn’t a dollarbie, it’s free!! And oh so pretty. I feel a wee bit like a princess!!


And this beautiful dress landed in my inv via Sysy’s subscribo. Aren’t the feathery bits gorgy! This was a gift for the massive EFA-AIFW2009, which unfortunately I missed (cursed rl work pft) Speaking of rl work, it’s about that time, Ash out.

Hair (not free)
Philotic Energy

January 25, 2009

Back at the start of the year, I found a new to me store through fashcon, Luna’s Boutique. Luna has once again put out a gorgeous gift for you guys to enjoy, the dress shown below. You’ll find it on the second floor of her store. Last time I went, looking for the retro outfit I had seen blogged, my poor craptop was dying a death and I never even made it through the front door!


Now time for a bit of torture 😛 These beautiful skins are from BEBAE. They are limited edition skins for Valentines, due to be released tomorrow. While not free, they are so damn gorgeous I had to show you. They will be available for a month only, before they vanish forever, so if skin is your thing, be sure to treat yourself!


While at Luna’s, I found this super cute number, perfect for showing off this terribly lick able skin 😉 Bed time for me now, off on an Australia Day picnic tomorrow, wish you were here Ames 3. Ash out.

Hair (not free)