Archive for the ‘Boots’ Category

F*Me Pumps

March 5, 2009

First up Vinly Cafe has set a new freebie – Gucci Style Leather Boots two pairs in Blueberry & Emerald these shinny textured boots make you feel on top, fierce & ready to stick someone in the eye with your stiletto heel to who ever is trying to take the last pair of skinny jeans on the rack towards the back of the store when you clearly saw it 1st! lol sorry random moment xD any who, these are available for a limited time only so get them while you can.

Second runner up, The Dominion Fashion District always has something for you to snatch up (are Vinyl & Dominion related? lol) they put out these adorable, sexy Manolo Blahnik inspired in two tone pink – slingback heels with a sculpted orchid to give it that soft touch. Great for Spring / Easter or even yet for the beginning of Summer (ugh I cant wait!)

They also released booties – ankle high, black suede and patent leather ankle boots. I think they’ll look good in skinny jeans if you ask me (since i don’t think they look so good on me with a dress, but i tried.) You can get these exact same pair of shoes in RED at the Vinyl Cafe.

These purple boots can ALSO be found at Vinyl on a stand. think they are so cute – aside the fact i love purple, i like the way the shoe tip is kind of round kind of like a rain boot :]

(i know my skin is showing out but i was a little spectacle & mostly lazy to resize it T_T lol)

Outfits i matched up with:

dress *Mythology* Scrunch Dress(es) @ *Mythology* (there is also green but didn’t match the Emerald boots so decided not to show it); Big thanks to Eden for tping me to pick up these cute dresses up, tysm again ^_^ ❤
skin *LAZOLLI*Julia 009(darling blue)/Julia 011(purple catliner)/012(pink catliner) @ *LAZOLLI*
earrings SBJ Freebie Nautilus Shell Earring @ Sian Birke Jewelry
nails {Frick} Manicure @ {Frick}

jean/pants [Random Fashions] – Very Skinny Jeans “Dark Wash” @ Gnubie
hair [Random] – Stacey 3 @ Gnubie
earrings SBJ Freebie Nautilus Shell Earring @ Sian Birke Jewelry
top/shirt [IE] Rich Plain Tanks – Green -= Imperial Elegance =-

dress *: Lo*momo :* GroupGift – Thumbelina (Green) (must have tag on) @ *: Lo*momo :*
hair =TEKUTEKU= sunshine(brown) (not free)@ =TAKUTEKY=

glasses Geeky Ageplay Glasses (pastgroup gift – no longer available .. i think) by Decollage
hair =TEKUTKEU= cottoncandy2(black) (not free) =TAKUTEKY=
cig FNKY! Cigarette II (not free) @ FNKY!
dress {J.DIKES} Purple Sequince (by me ;D) @ Free*Style Horst location
nails Manicure French Goth (not free)@ * Ink Slingers Warehouse


Other worn threw out (not available):

bracelet Pearl CubicHeart Bracelet by me
Pearl Necklace (by a friend)
eyes ( DP ) Eyes – Dark Green

Totally Twisted

March 4, 2009

Firstly, a hearty welcome to all our new guest bloggers, especially Ms Eden who I have pestering for months to start blogging! Now you all can appreciate her razor wit as much as I do, yay!


I’m gonna start things off quite sedately with this gorgeous, classy number from A Piece Of Candy. A store I haven’t blogged for ages (shame on me!) You’ll find this, some skins and 2 other outfits in the latest subscribo gift.


And here we have “Jazz Baby” from the ever generous Ms Lemania. Shown here with the stunning “Kept” choker I picked up from Sable Rose as part of the massive Twisted Hunt. There’s a lock and key version in the folder and both are my new sloves.


And speaking of the Twisted hunt, I thought I’d show a few of my faves. I know it’s been all over the feed, but hopefully my faves don’t clash with anyone else’s!! These silks are from Subtle Submission, and I adore them. They come with the wrist and ankle chains shown, and cover quite a bit more than regular silks, perfect for shyer wearers!


This is the gift from Blueblood, shown with the most amazing hair from Burning Chrome. Apart from the yummy hunt gifts, you’ll also find mucho goodness at the main store, and hit up the group too, a little bird tells me there’s something waiting for you 😛


I love love this dress from Skinzor, shown with incredible stompers from Self Expression. I’m only up to 20 something out of 103 pressies, so far some have been easy to find, others really really hard. Best advice I can give is de prim, take your time and above all have fun with it. If you can’t find a gift, move on to the next. There’s a list of the stores participating on the blog, and it’s not the end of the world if you have to leave a gift till later. And for the love of all things holy, don’t be an asshat kthnx 😛 Ash Out.

Amazing Shtuff That Ain’t Free


Well Duh

February 28, 2009

I’d been anxiously waiting for Tuli to release her new line “Natalie”. Stoked was not the word when the group preview came through. It really is a beautiful skin


The lips are to die for and the light smattering of freckles are just perfect. My fave bit?


Colorable brows. Mostly I’m blonde, but I do like to have the options of wearing other colours, and brows I can edit or change is a massive plus in my book.


The tones are gorgeous, and I love the body. No doubt there will be something here for everyone. The group is 250L to join, but worth a million times more than that!! Thank you Tuli, “Natalie’ rocks!


For the clothes I’m showing, I indirectly have Helena Stringer to thank. She was visiting a store called Duh!, and got chatting with the owner Renee Harvy, and told her to drop me some stuff, so here we are!!


Cute, tongue in cheek tees for an L each. My personal faves are “Attach To Pelvis” and “Douche Magnet” There’s a lucky chair with yummy boots, a group gift happening at the moment, Paddy’s Day specials and nothing in the store is over 20L. Yup, that’s the regular pricing.


Know someone new? Wanna save them from blingtastic boots and shoes? Send them to Duh! I should also mention the boots are scripted with sounds and poses, but all very easy to turn off, just click the boots to bring up the menu. I’ve shown them with my usual dollarbie jeans from Torridwear and the new hair from Troof. The hair’s not free, but pretty rockin’ no? New build for the store, new textures for the hair and new skins for the boys. Yes I managed to say the word “new” 3 times in one sentence 😛 Ash Out.

Skin (not free)

Yes,Girls Have Pillow Fights In Their Lingerie!

February 26, 2009

It’s true!! We all sit around playing Sl looking like Playboy cover girls in our super expensive and delicate lingerie, glammed up to the nines, without a hair out of place.

With that in mind, it made me chuckle when I found this little number at Lunas Boutique, complete with a scripted pillow! There’s 4 commands to play with, so much fun!! It does come with really cute white ballet flats, but being Aussie, I’m an Uggs kinda girl. And these from Concrete Flowers do the job nicely. The “Cute Panda Doodle Boots” are this week’s dollarbie, grab em before they poof.

My beautiful friend Lyra was in my nawty box this morning reminding me to check the SHI group notices. The stunning “Pepper” boots in leopard were sent out very late last night. Fecking gorgeous or what!! They are scripted with sounds (which I didn’t know and kept wondering why everytime I landed, it sounded like a gunshot going off…duh) but you can easily turn them off with the click of a button. The dress I’ve shown them with isn’t free, but I thought it too spectacular to hide. Also found at Lunas.

And check out these glittery overalls!! Grab em upstairs at Lunas. They do come with a top to wear underneath, but then, that soo wouldn’t be me now would it 😛 Ash Out.

Not Free But Made Of Win



February 23, 2009

Not only is my remote desk top having Mondayitis (making work a sodding nightmare) but apparently my Photoshop is also having conniptions. However I haz pretties to show, come hell or high water!


An ode to a bygone era of glamor and elegance from Lemania called Ginger. You have less than 24 hours to grab it before it’s retired forever. It’s Oscar day over at Lemania’s too, so you never know what other lushness you’ll find!


This is a yummy group gift from Sweeter Than Candy, and evidence of how Photoshop is being a complete hoar for me! The dress is all nude, not nude and cyan as shown here *shakes fist at computer* Also gave me a chance to wear my fave boots from 69, that while aren’t free are bloody awesome!


My Yohane from Strayer has done it again with a funky, quirky number, that while isn’t for everyday wear is so fun I had to camp it up. There’s boy’s and girl’s versions in the group gift, thanks Yohane! Shown here with freebie sunnies from Redgrave and BRIGHT PINK BOOTS (Suri) from Vinyl Cafe. Now I shall skulk off back to work and pray that by some miracle, the database has fixed itself, yes even I have a dream 😛 Ash Out.

Non Freebs


Ash Hearts SL

February 12, 2009

It’s true, I confess!! I’m adoring SL at the moment, not least because of the community spirit and generosity of my fellow gridmates. The last few days in SL and RL have blown me away and have given me the warm and fuzzies. Before we get to the clothes, again I would like to say a massive thankyou to everyone who has donated to the Bushfire appeal, be it their Lindens or their time to organise events or make special stuffs for you to buy. More on events a bit later in this post 😛 I appologise if any of the clothes I’m showing have been shown previously, I’ve had my head in Photoshop and also have been volunteering for the Red Cross taking donation calls. My time in SL has been brief to say the least.


First up we have this shexay number from Sweeter Than Candy. It comes with 2 skirts, a top and a bra, yay for options! You need to hit up the subscribo, if you haven’t done so already.


I love this group gift from Kunglers. It’s been awhile since I’ve worn something from there, but the gorgeousness always makes me feel good. Yes I cam on my own butt, sue me 😛 Shown here with a super cute collar from the Katatonik group. The full version available to buy in store is colour change scripted with 670899786878 options for metals, colours, textures etc.


New boots from Eva. Special, yummy delicious Valentines boots, grab em quick. They go so perfectly with this Anti Valentines tail from Volt, only available on Xstreetsl. I saw it on the Freebie Telegraph and had to make it mine, plus I sent it to all my gf’s too! The tail also terribly conveniently matches this gorgy group gift from Alchemy. It looks so cosy, which is how I need to feel right now, seeing as our heatwave seems to be over and I’m a total wussbag about the cold!



Vasha Martinek from +DV8+ sent me these amazing lucky chair specials awhile ago, apologies Vasha for me not posting them sooner. These colours can only be won from the chair, they will never be available to buy, so get stalking!

Announcing the Date for Down Under

And last but by no means least, my secret crush friend Winter Jefferson has organised for me to be sold into slavery a date auction for the Bushfire appeal. It will be held on Sunday 15th 7pm SLT at Seven Ultra. Click on Winter’s name for a fully detailed post about the party and event. All are welcome and Seven has waived the usual cover charge and dress code. Fair warning though, Kid has already bid 59L for me, and Winter has bid 60……ahem. Even if you dont bid, come party and have some funs! Ash out.

Not free
Ashia Designs

The post I meant to do last week…

January 26, 2009

Last week I did one of my favourite things, exploring the grid alone, (you might be surprised to learn I am an INFP according to the results of my personality test, I certainly was, I always though I was an extrovert but that certainly answered a few questions I had about myself).

Anyhooo enough about me, me, me…

I discovered this gorgeous new shopping area called Pareja in a notice from a group I am in (I think it was C’est la vie as they had opened a store there). It was a horrible day of non-rezzyness but I perservered and I’m glad I did, because look what I found.

To save time I will list all the store names, but not the exact SLURL for each item, anything which is not from the Pareja sim I will provide a link.

Pareja is pretty easy to explore from the landing point, it’s worth visiting all the stores (you might find more than I did)

I’ll start you off here at Jetcity where all goods are unisex and everything is between 0-5L!!!

Cropped Pants: C’est la vie
Accessory: Jetcity
Boots: Jetcity

Fake Tie T shirt: Vitamin girl
White dress: Salire
Boots: Jetcity

Grey Dress: Salire
Boots as before

Green top: Vitamin girl

Outfits and eyes: Kuri Style
Hair Accessory: Silvery K
Shoes: Fuel (not free)

21-1_011 jetcity
Tops, Jackets, boots and scarf: Jetcity
Female Socks: Duck Nipple (not free)

Hat: Jetcity
Hair worn above on male and female: Aden group gift

C’est la vie have opened a new store at Juicy del mar too, and they are giving away this pretty pink dress

Dress: C’est la vie at Juicy

Yumptious boots: Pixel Mode group gift

Violet Morellet has a luffly hair store called Inorite at Dogtown and the above style is freeeee and in loads of colours.

Isis Hair: Inorite

Other stuffages worn
Skin worn throughout
Romi Juliesse group gift in store
Belleza (previous gift)

Dress Up Dolly

January 11, 2009

Remember those amazing boots from Shi?


These amazing latex boots got sent out to the group this morning. They’re so detailed and just yummy.


I thought I’d take a trip down to the store as I hadn’t been there in a while, and good job I did too! I found this full doll outfit (mask not shown) for free! You get everything you need to turn you into a latex dolly, gloves, boots, posture collar and mask included.


A few days ago, Creams did an awesome post on a limited time freebie at Elemiah. Another store I hadn’t been to in ages either. I found heaps of stuff around, most for free, there were also some 30L outfits (not shown) item camps and a lucky chair.


I love these dresses, being summer here, they fit my mood perfectly.


And some yummy casual tops, something a girl can never have enough of! Now it’s back to doing laundry….EMO SAD, must be time for Falloutboy 😉 Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Jeans (1L)

Hoofies (not free)

Fullll Of Monocle-y Goodness!

January 4, 2009

Have I mentioned how much I’ve loved the holidays? Not only has Q gotten to hang with her hubby, like everyday, but AMES HAS BEEN ONLINE!! Oh the trouble we used to cause, and the ridiculous amounts of fun we used to have before real life stole her away from me.

sanu lucky chair

And for a change, I got to tell her about a store, instead of the other way round heh. So a few posts down, Abra showed a monocle from an unreleased set from Sanu. Oh so much happiness, that set has now been set to sale, I got my hot little hands on it before the notice had a chance to load properly!! Sanura happened to be at the store, and we got to talking. When she said she was updating the lucky chair, and did I have any suggestions, I’m like MONOCLES!! And monocles you shall have people! 6 to be exact. Click on the pic for a close up view of their delicate beauty, then get to stalking that chair!


Isn’t this the height of retro kyooot!! This was a gift from Marly’s, sent out to the Starlust group. I’m a massive white shirt fan, and this one rocks!


NEW BOOTS FROM EVA!!!. These one are cheeky kitty ones and like all boots from Eva are adorables. Grab yours, along with past freebies you may have missed.


And finally these boots. They are from the lucky chair at Sentou Yousei. The pair shown here, you can only get from the chair, they go perfectly with my Toxine suite from Silent Sparrow and I fecking adore them. You too can have a pair! If you cant wait for the chair you can purchase other versions of the boots at a 50% discount for a short time. Now it’s 6am, I’m going back to bed for an hour, I only got up to roll around with hubby get a drink of water. Ash out.

Other Shtuff
Hair (not free)

Luxurious World (a gift sent out through Fashcon mebbe?)

Ash’s Second Crush

December 8, 2008

I got so excited telling you about my first crush the other day, I completely forgot about my second! Never fear, it’s waiting for you in all it’s glory at the end of the post.


First up this beautiful group gift from Evie’s Closet. The group is now closed, but if you are a group member and mebbe haven’t received your group notices (not that that *ever* happens in SL) you’ll find this hidden somewhere in store. Wear you tag when you find it. It’s just too gorgeous not to post it. The stunning necklace and earrings are a POE gift from Essentia. I wish I could have got a better close up for you, but the grid just wasn’t rezzing stuff right for me again.


Then we have another A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Pair of boots from Eva. As with the Dalmation pair, posted by myself and Ach, these are fully scripted, so you can turn stuff off and on (poses, sounds and such). Shown here with one of the advent gifts from Damiani, all of which are transfer btw, how cool is that!


The shoes!! Sweeter Than Candy sent these out today, via the subscribo, can you say yum! Another of the Damiani advent outfits, and Denier Cri‘s POE gift skin.


There’s a reason I love Yohan from Strayer, he totes understands my need for showing off my ass/boobs!! These teeny tiny hotpants are available for a limited time. Shown with some super cute boots from the Brain Restriction group. They were sent out very early this morning, so you have awhile to grab them. Also shown is the POE gift skin from Rockberry, so gorgeous! Ah, and now onto my crush. Kings Of Leon, Caleb especially, I wanna take him home, sober him up and swoon all over him!! So damaged and so talented……enjoi, Ash out.

Sex On Fire

Shtuff (No slurls today, search is your friend 😉
hair (not free)

Lionskins -Limited Time Freebie (no longer available)
Rockberry- POE Hunt
Dernier Cri- POE Hunt

Essentia POE Gift

Damiani- Advent Gift
Strayer- Xmas Gift
Evie’s Closet- Group Gift

Eva- Xmas Gift
Brain Restriction- Group Gift