Archive for the ‘boys skins’ Category


January 6, 2009

I’m used to hearing the “beep beep” of my IM’s going insane when I log in. However, it’s an unusual occasion that I get message from Ach the second I rez! Oooh she always has the bestest news.


Yummy, delicious new group gift from Silent Sparrow. The sim has been totally remodeled, the store all moved around and in Hya’s words “Please make sure to take a little wander outside the shop. Jessica has once again been working her magic through out the sim.”


There’s stuff for the girls and stuff for the boys, and 4651471 different options and ways to wear this gorgeous set. Hya, once again you’ve outdone yourself, congrats on the new sparkly sim and a very happy birthday to you xx.


The hair is new from Kin, whereupon my discovery of said hair, I TP’d the entire Aussie SL contingent to spend up a storm!! Not free, but only 100L per colour and so worth it. Is this not the most perfect bob you have ever seen? I used to be a hairdresser many years ago,before I moved to Sydney, and I tell you, I would have killed to do this kind of precision cut! Check out the skins. Amazing dollarbies from Trap. Use the slurl here as you won’t find this location in the designer’s profile.


And remaining on the skin subject! I got a very sweet note today from Sheena Benelli of WEiRD DESiGNS, letting me know about a dollarbie she has instore. There’s actually a few cheapy skins ranging in price from an L to 25L. These aren’t your average skins either. You’ll also find a lucky chair in store, soo worth stalking.


The one above is my fave, and matches the frosty theme!


Give us a kiss!!


It’s totally amazing to see the creativity inspired by the Splendor bases. All the mods I’ve seen so far have been nothing short of awesome, and the ones shown here are no exception. Thanks again Sezmra! Ash out.