Archive for the ‘Castries Flickr Pool’ Category

Oh Castries, you make me happy!!

April 4, 2009

so I kinda ran away from blogging >.<
some of you know, my puter kinda died. Silly video card!
Anyway, I’ve been on my mum’s laptop, or as I call it, the crap top, and it’s been horrible. I can’t take photo’s, blog, or anything that I have been craving to do for the past weeks or so.
BUT, I have taken refuge in The SL fashion feed, the wonderful Free*Styler blog and the Free*Style Flickr Pool.
You may recall, a few weeks back, I featured some picks of Quinn Swashbuckler, who posted some gorgy pics of her as a sexy elven goddess! Well, I also slightly confessed my love for Castries, who’s amazing images are always in the F*S Flickr pool, and are now being featured here in the Free*Style Blog!
Castries takes an amazing picture!!
She puts outfits together well, in a perfect mix of free, cheap and full priced fashions and accessories.
Here are a few of my current favourite outfits she’s put together!
Leave some comment love on her images! She deserves it!!
(Check out each image on Flickr for the item credits! The link to Castries Flickr will be at the bottom!!)

ALL images used in this blog are by Castries. I gained her permission to show them on the Free*Style Blog.

You can see these, and more of her work on Flickr, by clicking here.
I’d love to see people drop there outfit ideas, freebie finds and lots of other funsies into the Free*Style fashion pool! I know, I love seeing fresh faces and fresh fashion ideas! Thank you to Castries for making my blogging-free weeks bearable with your wonderful images!!
(Ps. I hope to be blogging in the next few days. I’ve got a few new ideas up ma sleeves!!!)

Check out Castries Flickr page HERE

Check out and join the Free*Style Fashion Pool HERE