Archive for the ‘Celebritard’ Category

Thats Hot!

November 4, 2008

Well it’s nearly over, y’all would have voted by now, or you’re about to!! I’m unbelievably excited, even living in Oz. Most of my SL friends are Americans and the talk of change has been rife for weeks. For once the taboo subject of politics has been openly discussed and debated, now that’s hot!


And here she is, the about to be elected President, trashbag extraordinaire, Ms Paris Hilton!! Seen here, about to head up to her room and prepare her victory speech.


“Gimme my key bitches!”


Now with the hard part over, she just has to get on with the pesky business of running the country, while looking hot, not a hard ask really!!

And for those that missed it, here’s Ms Hilton’s announcement that she was indeed running for President, see her in the Whitehouse bitches! Ash out.

Paris Avatar
KA Designs (complete down to shoes)

ETD (sale on atm)

You know I’m no good

June 29, 2008

Glastonbury Festival in the UK is one of the most famous music festivals in the world. I couldn’t make it there this weekend, so I watched it on TV, (which is almost as good as you don’t get covered in shit and mud and you can go to bed without the fear of someone pissing on you in the night).

Amy Winehouse somehow managed to perform at the festival, dispite being diagnosed with the early stages of Emphysema due to her high intake of serious hard drugs and fags. She punched a fan in the face and sang her heart out…good on her, she’s a love or hate type of character, but I love her!

Well, when Francesca Balogh sent a notice to the Free*Style group about a store called Kazu, I TPd over and as soon as I saw this dress, I instantly thought ‘Amy’. It’s slinky and fitted, retro style with a thick red and black belt (this belt is a jacket layer so can be worn with other outfits). This is definitely a designer worth visiting, the clothes in the store are cool.


I made this pose here based on this pic of Amy so you can have it, in fact, I’ll make a set of Amy poses and put them out for 1L soon. The white strap on the shoulder is actually a bag also free or 1L in Kazu, my bad, I forgot to get a good pic of it but it is super-stylish.


Check this out, it’s almost the same dress, (she is absolutely trashed in this video, but that’s Amy, being wasted has become part of her act)

And how about these for a pair of ‘Fuck Me pumps’? These sooo high ‘n’ sooo sexy snakeskin shoes from are a group gift from SKG , they set this dress off perfectly doncha think?

Anyway, I’m off to rehab, see ya!

Dress: Kazu (free or 1L)
Snakeskin Shoes:
SKG (group gift) – many free and low priced shoes of loveliness in store too!

Not Free
Maggie Tattoo:
Cateye Skin:
Amy Hair:

Whitneh (before the tacky drug thing XD!)

May 28, 2008

I love seeing sl takes on rl designs. All those red carpet dresses, I can wear them in sl and pretend I’m a celebritard!! Wait……what do you mean you don’t know who I am??!!

This first dress is based on a design the original diva herself has worn. Yus dear whitney, when she still had a booty and all her teefs XD! The sl version from Lemania is just lush.

I even downloaded the new rc so I could photograph this dress……

because for the life of me, I cannot get a system skirt to rez in the normal client! I’m not keen on the colour scheme of the rc, but hey, whatever it takes to bring you guys awesomeness!I had another dress in my inv I had been sitting on for the same reason, so now with a shiny new ability to see my skirts I can show you this. The colour is so rich and deep, I just love it.

The last outfit is something I won on the Awesome Designs lucky chair. I hardly ever win stuffs, so I was chuffed I tell you! It has a skirt and pants option, both terribly smexeh. The cute as a button bag is a limited time freebie I think, so hurry to grab it, in all it’s sparkly glory!

Glitter Girl

Lemania Indigo

Dress 2

Awesome Designs Lucky Chair

Hexed (not free)

In all Pics (not free)
Aden– Sofia


Body Politik

Seriously Gorgeous

May 21, 2008

Alas, I am not full of the goofy today as I have much on my plate. (The proverbial plate, that is. Chez G would sock me if I implied I had yuck on my actual plate, as he is a marvy chef.) But I am full of the freebie joy that comes from finding *really* nice freebies. Today was also “Adaire can’t decide on a Photosphere background because there are too many darn options” day, but hopefully you can get a good enough look to decide to go snag ’em.

Kellie Iwish of (Elate!) generously marked down a kyoot lil blue dress to $1L and gave the Free*Stylers a heads up. Thanks Kellie! Her shop is adorable – I will definitely be back when I’m not spaztastic. I also have on Tuli’s S6 Elf Skin in Rose (I blogged it previously here and I think it’s still available in her group) and the Moontan Silver Tile Set vs. 2 that is free at K&K Fine Quality. The hair was a hunt find from Retrology named “DarkChyld” that is no longer available for free but is available for $100L at Old Gravy. The pose is the free “Beyonce” pose from Striking Poses. Beyonce is apparently famous for showing her armpits and thanks to SL, we can all look fabulous showing our own pits too. Woot!

Yet another awesome freebie find comes from GoodLook Designs. SIX free gorgy shirts called “Slinky Gloss” are marked down to $0L. I show two of ’em below. The gold pants are from Kunglers Fashion Design, also free. The ETD “Airy” hair that I am constantly reaching for despite investing trillions in ETD’s full-priced hair is available for $1L on OnRez. The Perquita earings and Starlust charm bracelet were blogged previously here (and let’s be honest – I’m just too darn lazy to copy the links). Oh! And Creamy blogged the Di Chantilly skin here. The nails are a freebie from Skin Within for having the store within your picks. The shoes are Imperial Elegance’s “Sooty Pumps,” available for $1 L.

This is the Slinky Gloss shirt in “Burg,” shown with a brand new *Beauty Avatar* freebie outfit pants. Sita Loire put two tres chic freebie outfits out on the second floor of the clothing section of her store. Thanks, Sita!

Here’s the other freebie outfit, which is called “Lisbona” and comes with three tops to choose from and a swanky black pair of pants.
Here’s another style of top that’s included:
Enjoi! And keep sending those pics to the Free*Style Flickr group!!
P.S. Forgive the pixely pics. I am trying to beat photoshop knowledge into my head and it’s not going well.

Celbritards ‘r’ us

November 25, 2007

Want to join the ranks of the SL Celebritards? Lots of them about I tell ya (read about the latest dramas on one in particular on the Shopping Cart Disco blog!

Moire at Bossa Nova is poking fun at these wannabe’s too with these free unisex ‘Celebrity’ Tee’s in the store. You will find them at the back with the free Dress and Swimsuits blogged previously (these used to be group gifts but now they are in store for free).




*Hair – Philotic Energy Courtenay in Ash Blonde (Group gift), see previous post
*Skin – RAC Lily (not free)
*Glasses – Artilleri reptile (not free)