Archive for the ‘Charity’ Category

More RFL Treats

March 17, 2009
This year’s Relay for Life Clothing Fair is nothing short of spectacular.  I arrived low-ARC(16) with full pockets and ended up buying more Lindens while I was there.  While you can go and load up on freebies and cheapies (I sure do!), the Fair benefits the American Cancer Society, so if you have Lindens to spend now is the time.  You will get beautiful limited edition outfits and be helping a worthy cause. I’ve included slurls to each item.  It will not take you directly to the item but if you follow the red arrow you should be able to easily find these. 

The first outfit is only 1 L at The Crystal Queendom.  It is named Princess Jen’ire and has a regal quality befitting royalty.  No expense was spared in quality from livinglight Yiyuan, the creator.  Absolutely stunning and includes resize scripts.  This gorgeous outfit can be found on Sim 6. 
Crisscrossing over to Sim 1 I found this great free highwaisted skirt at Ingenue. It’s called High Seas, keeping with the Pirate theme of this year’s fair. I paired it with a free white blouse I found at Ash Style (not at the fair).  I particularly love this blouse because if you’ve ever looked you will find it’s hard to find plain white tops in SL. 
I have a penchant in RL and SL for menswear so I was excited to find this free suit at Sartoria (back over on Sim 6), right by the Crystal Queendom. It’s called Positano and it’s for men but I think it looks hot on women.  The manspanker (!!) is one of those freebies that you can pick up in lots of free BDSM gear boxes throughout SL.  I probably have 5 or 6.  
I definitely have a silly side and was so geeked when I hit the subscriber at Total Betty and was rewarded with this free Laundry Day outfit.  If only it was this easy to clean up my inventory! It’s been a constant battle since I figured out how to leave Orientation Island. 

Don’t be afraid to de-prim.  You will look more stupid if you don’t!

Not Free or Cheap: 
Picture 1 
Hair – Zero Style
Shoes – AW Design

Picture 2 
Hair – Ingenue
Glasses – Artilleri
Shoes – Tesla (previous group gift)

Picture 3
Hair – Zero Style
Shoes – Maitreya

Picture 4
Hair – Bewitched
Vacuum – got it in a lucky chair a million years ago
Skin – all pictures – Zullay Designs

RFL Part One

March 17, 2009

Every year, the grid pulls together and shows it sense of community spirit in the form of RFL. This years is the biggest yet with 9, yes 9 sims. I won’t lecture, we all have our own personal reasons for this event being so close to our collective hearts. Suffice it to say, the residents of Second Life shine at this time of year and do themselves proud.


I thought I’d start with the practical advice as called upon by our Ach! My 1arc point look (dun ask me where the 1 comes from :P) was based on the Foxygirl skin from Miasnow, as was alot of people’s, Loli, Autumn and I were triplets XD. Beater from Last Call, and shorts from Loulou&co as part of the Twisted Hunt. I have to say, for the most part on my travels, people were de primmed and very low ARC. I just won’t mention the “Master” who had an ARC up in the 1000’s, or the lady who was fully decked out in the biggest, floofiest dress I have seen, with stuff attached to every single possible attachment point…..ahem. My purple shirt is a gift from SD Wears, sobering message.
Around 2000 people will see this top.
675 of them will get cancer.
Change the statistics,
Support RFL


This first amazing dress is the RFL gift from Kouse’s Sanctum. Please note, although I am including slurls to the main stores of the designers featured, all of the dollarbies or gifts can only be found at the RFL sims. Click here to get to Sim 1.


This pink gorgeousness is the gift from Sysys with an amazing dollarbie skin from Tea Lane.


And following the pirate theme this year, this beautiful mermaid dollarbie from LVS & Co. You can pick from several different colours, I thought pink was the most appropriate. Go low prim, go cashed up, and if none of the limited edition designs take your fancy, you can donate at one of the many RFL kiosks spread accross the sims. A very frazzled Ash Out.

Non Freebs



February 13, 2009

Yay for an excuse to get my bewbs out!! It’s been ages and I do believe long overdue 😛


This Clubbing Jacket is from a new store called Modd.G. I’m sure that in someone else’s hands this could be made to look all high fashion and such, but it screamed pasties to me. It’s one of the many grand opening gifts you’ll find this weekend.


Hit the subscribo too as I have it on good authority you’ll find some goodies in there too.


The dress is my fave, it comes with the darling ballet flats, although for some reason last night, they wouldn’t rez properly for me inworld, but the pics came out fine, SL is soo odd. Thanks so much to moddishh GossipGirl for letting me know about her super cute store.


How amazing is this suit. It’s from Dilly Dolls and is their Vain Hunt gift. I was actually there doing the Betrayed Heart hunt, but when I landed (literally) on the Vain lips, how could I resist! You get 678097809 options and ways to wear it, it’s perfection for swishing ones way round the grid!


The stunning rosary I’ve worn in various ways throughout this post is from Balderdash. It’s not free, but 50% of the proceeds will go to the Bushfire Appeal. Taken from the note I received “Saiyge is also participating in the Bushfire Red Cross Fund – you can either donate at the kiosk she has set up OR purchase a special red dot item, primarily Merlot coloured items, and 50% of all proceeds go directly to the Fund.”

mod copy

And this is what I had been after for bloody ages I tell you. Massive huge bajillions of thanks to Suri who helped me find the last heart that had thus far eluded me! This is the Betrayed Heart hunt gift from Dilly Dolls. Hunt down the 10 hearts with daggers through them to get the various pieces of the outfit. Boots included, spoilt much? Yes we are! Ash out.

Not Free

Ashia Designs-Timeless 2009
Belleza-Greatest Love Hunt Gift
Ti’ko-Dark Doll

Ash Hearts SL

February 12, 2009

It’s true, I confess!! I’m adoring SL at the moment, not least because of the community spirit and generosity of my fellow gridmates. The last few days in SL and RL have blown me away and have given me the warm and fuzzies. Before we get to the clothes, again I would like to say a massive thankyou to everyone who has donated to the Bushfire appeal, be it their Lindens or their time to organise events or make special stuffs for you to buy. More on events a bit later in this post 😛 I appologise if any of the clothes I’m showing have been shown previously, I’ve had my head in Photoshop and also have been volunteering for the Red Cross taking donation calls. My time in SL has been brief to say the least.


First up we have this shexay number from Sweeter Than Candy. It comes with 2 skirts, a top and a bra, yay for options! You need to hit up the subscribo, if you haven’t done so already.


I love this group gift from Kunglers. It’s been awhile since I’ve worn something from there, but the gorgeousness always makes me feel good. Yes I cam on my own butt, sue me 😛 Shown here with a super cute collar from the Katatonik group. The full version available to buy in store is colour change scripted with 670899786878 options for metals, colours, textures etc.


New boots from Eva. Special, yummy delicious Valentines boots, grab em quick. They go so perfectly with this Anti Valentines tail from Volt, only available on Xstreetsl. I saw it on the Freebie Telegraph and had to make it mine, plus I sent it to all my gf’s too! The tail also terribly conveniently matches this gorgy group gift from Alchemy. It looks so cosy, which is how I need to feel right now, seeing as our heatwave seems to be over and I’m a total wussbag about the cold!



Vasha Martinek from +DV8+ sent me these amazing lucky chair specials awhile ago, apologies Vasha for me not posting them sooner. These colours can only be won from the chair, they will never be available to buy, so get stalking!

Announcing the Date for Down Under

And last but by no means least, my secret crush friend Winter Jefferson has organised for me to be sold into slavery a date auction for the Bushfire appeal. It will be held on Sunday 15th 7pm SLT at Seven Ultra. Click on Winter’s name for a fully detailed post about the party and event. All are welcome and Seven has waived the usual cover charge and dress code. Fair warning though, Kid has already bid 59L for me, and Winter has bid 60……ahem. Even if you dont bid, come party and have some funs! Ash out.

Not free
Ashia Designs

Intergalactic Planetary

August 27, 2008

Hurry up!!! Today is the last day to get some wicked freebies from the Juicy Bella sim. For a super duper detailed post on other outfits you can find there, check hurr!! The shoes are from Unique Needs, The Death Dolly Goth Mary Janes, All Colors. Another triumph from Ann O’toole, with a nifty colour change script thats easy peasy to use. Click and change!! Even I can manage it. They’re not free, but so worth the lindens IMHO. The hair is a freebie from Magika, that can be picked up from Hair Fair.

It was checking Adi’s post that led me to the title of mine!! Once again, I’m running round the house singing badly, while my daughter yells “shuddup mummy I’m trying to watch the Wiggles”!! Well excuuuuuuse me! Katatonik has put a new dollarbie out at the Free*style main store, the Ghostfire dress in blue,it’s out of this world (punny pun punnnyness)!! I’m wearing it with the amaaaazing Wish hair, which at the moment can only be picked up at Hair Fair

And bubbles!!! I stalked the HPMD lucky chair till I was triumphant. I saw off many other a’s including mermaid Ach!! You get 6 different bubbles, each with it’s own super kyoot pose, and the poses seperately, in case ya wanna stick em in some other random piece of furniture! I have furniture and houses in general on the brain, having just packed up my store and moved, and found one of the best sky boxes I have ever seen!! I will be taking lotsa pics in my new home woot!!! A massive thankyou to Suri Christen, who helped me more than I can say in terms of decorating my home, with some pretty unique and quirky items. Heart yooooo xoxo

Shtuffs You Need To Know
Juicy Bella

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Magika Gift @ Hair Fair

Rest Of The Pics
Katatonik @ Freestyle Main Store

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)
Katatonik @ Hair Fair

Christ In A Hatsack

August 22, 2008

My best friend and long suffering business partner Kenlee is colourful to say the least. The title of this post is one of her fave sayings, when something is so outrageous it beggars belief. I know for a fact that is what she would have said if she was at the Hair Fair sims today. The time and effort, not to mention the creativity that has gone into this event is just amazing. I was lucky to get a preview, and pat pat Sasy as she nearly passed out from lack of sleep and waaaaay too much Redbull!!! Shown below are jut a tiny few of the gifts you can pick up at the fair when it officially opens tomorrow.

hair fair freebs_001

hair fair freebs_002

hair fair freebs_003

hair fair freebs_004

hair fair freebs_006

hair fair freebs_007

And what would a preview be without Ash spending eleventy twelve million lindens on brand spanking new, only available at the fair hair? Shown below are my fave purchases so far.

hair fair

hair fair

hair fair

hair fair

Get yourselves to the fair and spend or donate as much as you are able. With most of the hair, 50% of the proceeds goes to Locks Of Love, and if you buy a bandana, all of the proceeds go to that charity. Locks Of Love provides wigs to children that have lost their hair due to chemo treatments, and seeing a kid smile again, well it’s priceless isn’t it. As an aside, when talking about what I should do with my bandana, someone who shall remain nameless revealed that they were a survivor, and that their hair had only started to grow back recently. So, you never know just how close cancer is to you, especially in Phil’s Place xoxo

Hair Fair Purple
Hair Fair Pink
Hair Fair Red
Hair Fair Orange

Tip of the Green Iceberg

March 18, 2008

I wasn’t going to do any more posts dedicated to green items but then I received a note from Rack of Imagen to let me know there is a 1L dress at her store to celebrate St Patricks Day. It is absolutely stunning and comes in two lengths. This will be only available for a limited time so hurry down and get it.


Everywhere I went today, people were asking me where I got this dress from, the texturing is luscious and the lacing around the hem is beautifully made.

Dress – Imagen (1L, limited time)
Porcelain Doll Skin – GG Couture Group Gift
Nissa Hair in Kiss – Diversity (not free)
Boots – Blaze Update Group Gift (for some reason the group is no longer open enrollment so you may not be able to get these at the moment.)

While I’m on a roll, I’ll show you these other goodies I picked up recently…and then no more overdosing on green ok?

This funky green outfit is free or 1L from Second Wave Apparel (limited time gift)

paddy_004 paddy_008

This cool flatcap hat is a group gift from Glam & Indigo, beautiful egg necklace from Virtual Impressions, the striking skin is a new group gift from


Check these funky pink Doc Martin style boots with the breast cancer charity logo, these are free from Oi at the Relay for Life, the famous SL Cancer Charity event.

“Hosted by Relay’s Raiders with sims donated by the Rezzable Group. This event is bringing together 84 premier fashion designer in Second Life to raise money for a great cause!!!
Lots of great music, requests, shopping , giveaways and much much more during this celebration! Wear your green or better yet buy something green from the fair to support Relay for Life.”

So come help us as we Celebrate. Remember. and Fight Back!! against cancer and lets all join in the cause! Until there is a cure!! We Relay for Life!!!”

Boots – Oi at the Relay for Life, WINTER SIM, number #14 (free)
Socks by Corduroy, (30L)

Cheri TP’d me direct to these boots, I’m afraid the TP link only takes you to the landing point. It’s hella laggy down there so please be patient. These are on the WINTER SIM, number #14

Look at this adorable keychain by Moontan, beautifully detailed.


One more then bed, this cute little number is the Shamrock n Roll outfit at Rose Petal Creations (1L)


Ni nites…tomorrow is another day xx