Archive for the ‘Christmas’ Category

All Over Bar The Shouting

December 26, 2008

So it’s the end of Boxing Day here. I’m sick, minime is sick and it’s official……other peoples kids suck like woa!! Q’s hubby has gone home for 5 days, so there is much sadness, txt messaging and token msn sessions!! And digesting (yup ate so much I swear I’m still trying to digest it all XD!)




But! Katatonik always has the power to make me smile, despite myself! Find these yummies under the tree at Axis Mundi. The first one is 25L, the last 2 free. I’ve shown them here with some amazing jewels from Sanu. Group gifts, so join now, and stay in the group! Also, if you love Sanura’s store, for the love of god put her in your picks in your profile. She would never ask, but I can, cos I haz no shame!! She has always been so terribly helpful to me, chatty, accommodating and just totes awesome.


This was a group gift from Analise, shown in a different form by our luffley Suri hurr. The whole outfit screams subtle sex to me, so I had to post it (mostly cos I’m a vain egomaniac who only blogs to see pics of myself *coughs*) Anyhoo, time for that random MSN session 😉 Ash out.

Hair And Stuff That Aint Free
Agrace (old group gift)
Dejavu (old group gift)

Lazy Places

Attack Of The Killer Barbie

December 15, 2008

Oh joy!! I can safely say that school holidays are in full swing, judging by the amount of assholes I’ve run into in the last 2 days. Anyhoo



On with awesomeness. The scrumptious Fae Eriksen from Fishy Strawberry has put out a couple of gifts for us for the silly season and and and a new lucky chair set! I’ve shown the top and the shrug from that set, paired with some (not free) jeans I’ve coveted since seeing them on Dakota, eons ago. They’re from Tokeo Plastik, and after Creams and I had been to their latest fashion show (totes not cam perving on the hottest av on the grid, swear) I had to run get em. The beautiful chokers shown are from a store the luffley Eden sent me to, and I’m so glad she did. Sanu has some really special pieces. I fell in love as soon as it rezed. There is a lucky chair too, a wall of freebies and if you join the group, there’s 576456578 gifts in the notice history. Sanura Sakai is terribly generous to her group, as well as being an amazing designer.



Tinker Hax sent me an IM to let me know that her store Amplify is having a hunt. The clothes shown here are some of what I found. There’s 25 candy canes all up, you have to hunt “high and low”. The hunt runs all this week so you have plenty of time!


A few months back, I posted about a gorgeous store I had found called Inara’s Fantasy Couture. A massive wall of dollarbie silks can still be found there, as well as these stunning dresses you can camp for. The prize camps are a half hour each, so so worth it. Now I’m off to boink my ken doll in our Barbie Dreamhouse. Ash out.

Hair (not free)
Gritty Kitty

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free)

yer mom…

December 7, 2008

…you know when you’ve had too much wine on a Sunday and you can’t think of a title? If I look like yer mom in this post then yer mom is cute and foxy.

You need to see this new skin store ti’ko, there is a beautiful 1L skin, only available at this price until tomorrow so hurry on down and get it quick.


Check out this cute little Christmas outfit from Luxurious World, it comes in red and green with cosy legwarmers and shrug



Eloise McCullough knows me so well, she contacted me today about Lemania Indigo’s Tartan outfit under the tree…cos Creamy loves tartan. Thanks Eloise! (There’s load more lovely gifts under the tree here)


I made the Asia shape I am wearing in this post today and I’ll put it at the Hotel Dare Free Shizzle Forest location for 1L (or whatever you think it’s worth)

Asia Shape

Other items worn
The skins worn throughout this post are by ti’ko, but only the first one shown is 1L, the rest are full priced.

Poetic Color eyes are by Lano Lang (1L)
Bikini worn is in the POE globe at Digit Darkes (free)
The colour changeable stilletto’s from Unique Needs (free)
Hair by Diversity (not free) but remember if you are under 30 days old you can choose any hair you like in the store, and there are also gorgeous free female skins for new players

Santa’s little attention whore

December 6, 2008

It’s all about me, my House of Nyla and skin fetish today!

As soon as I saw this notice to the group about the House of Nyla 1L gift I had to go right over there. Nyla’s creations are beautiful, many are replica’s of her beautiful real world designs which you can see HERE.

Check out the sexy ‘Santa’s Little Helper’ outfit (thank you to the person who sent the notice to the group about this, I couldn’t find it again so I don’t remember who sent it),

You can find this at the top of the stairs near the entrance, it comes complete with dress, jewellery, hat and…..


….sexeh snakeskin boots, all for 1L.

nyla boots_005

Now for some great group gift skins, any excuse to show off my (non free) Nyla outfits, these were some of my first purchases when I joined SL over 2 years ago (as Mini May) and still look amazing now).

This beautiful Aneal skin, also worn above is a free gift from Babae (in group or in store), the sexy flower leather short suit is by House of Nyla(not free)

nyla bebae_007

Belleza also have a stunning skin in their group notices, worn with sexy oh lala peacock lingerie from House of Nyla (again this is not free) I’ve also got the amazing peacock mask to match. It was so nice to wear this again.

nyla, belleza_010

One more and then I’m off to bake some Xmas biscuits.
LionSkins held a fashion show last night at the beautiful surroundings of Bryant Park, you will find there for a limited time little gift bag with these 2 gorgeous skin previews. (thankya to our very own Ash for TPing me to these yesterday)


Also worn
Curly Hair by Redgrave (not free)
Woolen Cardigan with Hoodie by Dutch Touch (not free)

Bring it on Santa!

December 1, 2008

OK folks you better get used to this, all the Christmas goodies are gonna come in thick and fast now that its the 1st Dec. You’ll be so sick of red and green by the time I’ve finished with ya.

Ghanima of Blue Blood has made the most gorgeous dress for her lucky chair, the cute Santa’s have been drawn with her own fair hand, this will be available on the chair until Christmas so don’t all rush at once, even though I know you want to.

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Amazing hair shop Waka & Yuki has a new group gift hair in store, this is where I have been getting most of my hairs lately. Fantastic styles at great prices, most items are less than 100L and some are scripted to change colour/style. To get this one you must join the group and touch the sign in store, check out the huge bow made out of hair on top of the head. Lubs!

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The festive green fur is a group gift from xxYOMESHOUJOxx , also comes in red. The gorgee skin I am wearing is by Wigwambam, you can find this at Free*Style in the skin section.

Take a deep breath before you look at the next pic….





1 dec_004

Boots with Xmas Lights AND Tartan!! I can’t contain myself. These are a group gift from /NoLabel/ a store which Cheri introduced us to on this blog previously, (remember the amazing cowboy boots?). Join the /NoLabel/ group and look in the notice archives for these.

Are you in the festive spirit now? I am and I’m gonna get me a nice glass of Sherry.

Pure as the driven snow..oh yes

November 28, 2008

Some Crimbo foxyness here for you. A new Xmas gift at Bijou and its wonderous! Big thankies to Gogo for TPing me to this, she’s got her eye on that Fashion Feed (unlike me)

I roped in a couple of smexy friends to take pics with me, Gattina Dumpling (of Hotel Dare ) in the black and Kookie Lemon in the white. Freezing our arses off Mudshake, the cutest place for all your Winter goodies, (you can buy everything you see in the background on these pics.)


Gattina dutifully poses whilst Kookie and I hump the snowman, he’s so hot (or not)


Tis freezing work standing out in the snow in inappropriate footwear (in mine and Gatt’s case) Kookie is wearing her own creation, these gorgeous warm booties which Suri previously blogged here on special offer in her store.


So we retreat inside the cosy cabin and I read them a filthy, pornographic story, cos that’s the way we roll!


Outfits 3 colours, including the hood with hair – Bijou (free)
Skate Shoes on Creamy: ShoeFly (not free)
Kookie’s Boots: Kookie (95L special offer)
Gatt’s Shoes: probably Stiletto Moody knowing her 😉

Exxessive Xmas

November 19, 2008

Hey people! I’m getting all Christmassy on yo’ ass, hope you don’t mind.

It’s just I received the most gorgeous Chrismas outfit yesterday from Exxess, I have never been to this store before but WOW, I don’t usually dress in a fantasy style, but this store is going to change all that. I was drooling over the sexy outfits, I think I want to be Egyptian girl.

This outfit is the Chrismas free gift and really the photo’s don’t do it justice, it has to be seen in virtual reality to see the way it moves, it is stunning. The boots and earmuffs also come with the outfit.

The hair worn below is not free but it is AWESOME so I had to have it, I have never seen anything like it, it comes with this spider like crown. There’s loads more beautifully designed unique hairstyles at Exxess if you like something a little bit out of the ordinary.


Free boots, check out the heel.
I personally wouldn’t like to be kicked in the sphincter in these, but I’m sure there are many who would, going by the freak show Zuzu, Gattina, Valentine and I took part in at the bukake place yesterday (on Elizabeth Hallstrom’s recommendation XD)

exxess 4

This beautiful hair and toy are also free in the Exxess store. You will find the free items in the hair section.


ARgghhhhh, SL is being a tool at the moment *sighs* I see a few people are having trubs logging on. I did manage to log on but only as my account which has payment info on file, not sure if this is the reason I could log on.

Sexy Smexy at Greenies

December 14, 2007

It’s been a while since I’ve been to Greenies. What’s happened to it? Last time I was there it was an amazing huge house and now it’s an illuminous clothes/avatar store which gave me a migrane.

The reason I went there was for today’s Avastar goodies (which I couldn’t find in the end), but I did discover a treasure hunt was on. I took a look around the clothes and to be honest, not really my style, but I came across a lil box containing a Christmas Corset. Initially I thought “hmmmm…I’m not gonna like this”, but I thought I would give it a try.

Actually, I was pleasantly surprised…check it out. It’s supersexy and very well made, it goes perfectly with the Maitreya Loelle hair in red and the beautiful new Serie 2 Dutch Touch skin, (group gift, see previous post for more about this.)


Word of the day…’bum cleavage’, the lacing detail on this corset definitely shows glimpse of that.


The whole set comes with stockings and these snowflake shoes. You could wrap yourself up in this and jump out of a box on Xmas day (not in front of the kids and grandparents though, that would be so wrong).


While we are on this theme, I thought this was a perfect opportunity to show a couple of pairs of Xmas boots. These are the Christmas Fashionista Boot, todays gift at Digital Dragon, DD are doing a gift everday from now on until Xmas.


These are the groovy Robson Street Stilletto from ADIMU. I have to send big apologies to lovely Rubina, I meant to do a post on these when she gave them to me a couple of weeks ago, but yet inventory swallowed them up.


I must…I must..clear my inventory, my SLife would be a whole lot easier!

Oooh Bijou

December 10, 2007

I had one of those wonderful moments when I received an LM for a store that has something extra special. Thank you to Mirah Vieara who discovered this and notified the group.

This fabulous store is called Bijou, when you first arrive you see a table of freebs in the corner, including some beautiful dresses, Christmas outfits for men and women and this fun crying skin. This skin is just like me after a rough night (slightly more attractive possibly).

Waaaaah…my inventory is such a mess!!!

What can a girl do but weep?

These dress called ‘poison’ has a beautiful silky appearance with a floaty sheer skirt. In the folder are no less than 6 different colours too and can be worn with or without the neck thingy.

This free dress called Lux, also has 6 colours in the folder. Personally I would wear this as a top.

As I was pondering on how to show you both the male and female Xmas outfits, my chum Aemilia (Fashion SOS) pops online. So, I grab Eisa and YAY, here’s the perfect Xmas couple.

These are Xmas outfits with a twist. Eisa looks like he’s walked right off a Beatles Album cover, I’m loving his striped pants and military jacket. Aem’s outfit comes complete with fluffy gloves and scarf, it’s cute, I imagine it’s what a flapper dancer would have worn at Xmas. Both of these outfits could be worn any time of year too and combined with other clothes.

Aemilia and Eisa in Bijou

(By the way, I heard Eisa wants to marry Aem now she has divorced Violet…Shhh you heard it here first. This could be the Lavender Marriage of the Year… this space!)

So, moving on….after I grabbed these freebies from the table I glanced around, saw a few lovely skins and a few accessories, thinking this was all this store had, I was just about to leave…but then I noticed an upper level. I ventured upstairs and ……oooooooooh, I nearly fainted with desire for these quirky outfits, just the sort I love.

bijou store_001

If you feel like splashing the cash about, Bijou is the place to do it.

Cute Combo

December 6, 2007

Hallo my pretties! I worked my first outfit around these ultra-HUGE free moonboots from PXL today, they look utterly ridiculous and that why I like ’em. Mooki and I teamed them with this sweet little dress from Wrong (part of a dress outfit which was today’s free gift), and I’m wearing the ‘Pump up the Volume’ 80s inspired top from Diff on top.


I look like I’m strangling her here, but I wuff her really…


Mooki’s filthy Xmas hat was free from Chicanary. I think it’s the best Santa hat in town, there are 3 free designs in the store.

I know this is supposed to be a freebie blog, but sometimes I just fall so in SLove with something I have to buy it, this uber-cute hair from called ‘Crave’ from Cake, yes..I craved it! I saw Stumbelina (Cake designer) wearing it on Snapzilla , the swept across fringe and soft waves are so beautiful. I felt Creamy deserved a treat after all her hard work, this hair is 300L.


I was going to finish the post there, but I just hopped on down to Ivalde to get the free outfit for today, this Gothic Punky style dress called ‘Petronella’ – it rocks so hard! I had to show you, check out the little panda’s and cherries along the bottom…sooo cute! It’s only available for 1 day so grab it quick if you want it, remember to join Ivalde group and wear the title above your head.



The gorge Zebra Tights were free from Sheer at Le Zoo

Remember! Free gifts from Ivalde and Wrong everyday on the leadup to Christmas, remember to head to Reaction too (boys and girls), some cute trainers under the tree in the girls store today.

I can’t forget to mention the skins worn in these pics, these are the new Seven Deadly Skins from Another Shop, (I don’t know if they are actually called this but there are seven skins all named after the 7 Sins, only 100L for loooads of these babies!!!!!).
I love Eloh’s skins, you might notice I wear them a lot on my posts. Her free demo’s are also wearable with in Eloh’s words ‘not the best teefs in the world’, see here for proof.