Archive for the ‘Coats’ Category

Look at meeee…

December 14, 2008

..look at meeeee…

Actually, no, dont look at me…look at this adorable coat from lo*momo. It’s a group gift in store, join the lo*momo group, wear your tag and touch the sign.

I want this coat in RL, it’s just the sort of thing I love to wear. Lovely bright red and green colours to cheer up a dull winter day.


Also worn:
Skin: – chai (bought with giftcard won at the store)
Tights: Glanz group gift, TP to the store and touch the sign for Group gift 11 (also includes a skin)
Hair: Creamshop (not free)

There is a sign in the lo*momo store about a hunt to celebrate a new mall opening (I think its similar to Albero hunt). I’ll try to figure it out tomorrow, but right now it’s bed time.

princess dolly

December 12, 2008

Today’s blog post comes to you with a hangover…

Following an interesting morning fending off my hangover and larking around in some dubious sexytime place with Q. (Oh, and in case you were wondering, Creamster does not partake in sexytime, but omg, there was some pretty cute av’s there which surprised me, normally these places are full of fug).

Anyhoo, I have now managed to get off my virtual arse and do a post.

Those of you in the Pixel Dolls group may already have this charming Elizabeth coat. If not, get down there now cos its gorgeous. Marvel and the lush texturing and beautiful cut. It’s in the subscribomatic group at the store, touch the sign, touch it again and choose history, option 1


also worn:
skin: ti’ko (not free)
Nomad boots: Truth (300L)
leggings: GHOST (part of Valle dress, 150L)
Hair by Seu: (not free)

Next up, remember new skin designer ti’ko? Well, he has created a beautiful new set of doll skins for December, and this one is 1L for today…snowflake doll!

ti'ko 1

I am in love with these skins, I love to look like a doll in my Second Life

ti'ko 2

Also worn: Butterfly Hair by 69 (poss no longer available)
Eyes by Tokeo Plastik (free)

Brain Freeze

November 10, 2008

Ya know how your head goes when you eat ice cream too fast? That’s how my head feels after seeing all the amazing clothes on sale at Brain Restriction for 5L. Yup 5 lindens per outfit.


I got Q there quicker than she could say “sold”!


You’ll find everything from outfits, dresses, accessories and shoes, all for 5L, as well as the usual freebies which I’ve blogged before.


I don’t know how long the sale is going on for, so best to get there um..NOW!! Don’t feel much like talking so…..Ash out.

Other Shit
Hair (not free)

Jeans (old gift)
Girls Style

Finger Tape (not free)

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Hunting Honey

May 31, 2008

Today I’m showing some of my favorite outfits from the Vanity Treasure Hunt. Some really amazing designers are participating and I made some awesome finds!

Vanity Hunt

Vanity Hunt

Vanity Hunt

These lovely outfits are from INDI Designs, total yum!

Vanity Hunt

This smexeh number is thanks to InStyle

Vanity Hunt

And this sex on a texture leather dress is from Ibizarre. Ash=sex kitteh!!! A huge thankyou to all the designers taking part. There are so many stores I love and some I have just discovered thanks to the showcase at Vanity Universe.

Next up is quite possible the cutest shop on the grid! Honey Shop is full of darling dresses and the non freebie items are so reasonably priced I had to spend……I just had to I tell you!! There are 3 lucky chairs here and also a huge freebie vendor. You just scroll through and pick the outfit you want. Alot of the textures displaying the outfits in the vendor have prices on them, but they are indeed free.

Honey Shop

This first dress is the one that I just had to buy. It’s only 50l and look at the kyoooot!!

Honey Shop

This coat is from the freebie vendor, tres smex!

Honey Shop

And look at this gorgy dress!!! All flouncy and frilleh woot!!! I shall be flouncing all round the grid now!!

Outfits 1,2,& 3
INDI Designs

Outfit 4

Outfit 5

Vanity Universe Treasure Hunt

Coat & Dresses

Honey Shop

Worn Throughout

Hair – Sexy Hair Caramel Brown (not free) woot a lighter colour, now I just need it in blonde!
Shop Sau

Ears (not free)
Body Politik

Tattoo (not free)

Mothers Day Amethyst Heart (1 linden for 24 hrs)

Manicure (that doesn’t match any of the clothes but I refuse to take off cos it’s yellow!!!)
Candy Nails @ Juicy
The slurl will take you to GiGi Couture, turn right and walk a little way till you come to candy nails, the gift is just outside the door of the store.