Archive for the ‘Complete Avatars’ Category

Ssshhh, spot the green!!

March 16, 2009

As I’ve mentioned before on the blog, if you’re a hard core RP type, finding “your look” can be terribly hard on a budget. Recently there have been some incredible packs floating round the grid, covering all sorts of looks/avatars. So today it’s the turn of the vampire. Fitting as one of the terribly good looking undead has joined our ranks 😛

Lunas Boutique is a store I’ve blogged a few times, discovered through Fashcon around the New year. Do a search for the LL group, there are some super cool gifts in the archives. Including a pose hud stuffed full of poses, total must have. But these outfits are what I’m stoked about, a gift from Candy Shop (in the Lunas Boutique group archives). They are complete vampire avs, including skins (not shown) shapes, teeth, emote hud and all the clothes shown. So many options and stunning pieces, to say I’m blown away is an understatement! Skins! The skins worn with the red outfit are from the Imagen hunt. You’re looking for 20 teeny shamrocks, and you’ll get 19 skins and some eyes. If anyone needs a hand, drop me a line inworld and I’ll be happy to help. None are hidden in walls or anything like that, lets just say that sometimes the most obvious hiding places are the hardest to find 😛 The skin worn with the black outfit is a gorgeous dollarbie from Domestic V. There’s a huge sale going on also, and loads of freebs on the ground floor (you’ll find the skin shown upstairs).

I had to sneak a wee bit of green in here!! This beauty is a group gift from Fairytails. You’ll need your group tag activated, then snag this for an L. The skin I’m wearing here, and for the rest of the post are part of the Rockberry gift for the most random hunt ever. I love love love them!

I saw a small post about this store on the Freebie Telegraph, and had to go have a nose for myself. Nah! is a new to me store, and all these outfits are free from there, unbelievable! The brown dress also comes with super cute cowboy boots, not sure if you can see them too well. I can’t wait till the store is fully stocked so I can go spend, as at the moment, everything is free. Now I’m off to try and give mini Ash a bath, hard at the best of times, but the little princess is sick, so I anticipate much sadness! Ash Out.

Non Free Awesomeness
Gritty Kitty
ETD (still closed?)
Dejavu (some avail to buy, 2 are old group gifts)

Lazy Places

Ballet Boots

Loco Pocos free tiny avatar and not-free katat0nik frock

March 10, 2009

Free Loco Pocos Avatar, shirt, and fishing rod

Last night, Mouseat0nik Pidgeon called me over to Loco Pocos. “I’ve got a new dress out that I’m selling for the Loco Pocos av!” she said excitedly. I showed up, and the cute little mousey was surrounded by a veritable posse of small cute creatures, including Cthullantha Larsson (sadly, I didn’t get a photo of her, but here’s the Cthulhu av).

Behind Mouseat0nik I spotted a free avatar (photo above), and soon was outfitting it with a free t-shirt and fishing rod from XStreet.

Then I got all fancy in not-free stuff (photo below). I bought the Francine avatar (call me Foxariya!), katat0nik’s dress and eyes that work with the color changing hud, and a wee tophat. I think I look quite dapper!

Not free Loco Pocos Avatar, katat0nik dress, Philotic Energy hair, and top hat

Credits for Free Loco Pocos Av and stuff:
***Fishing stick: Loco Pocos fishing stick
***Shirt: Loco Pocos logo shirt with color-changing hud
***Avatar: Loco Pocos Benny with fur and eye and expression changing hud — and a built-in AO, and all the fun benefits of being a Loco Pocos tiny. :p

Credits for Not Free Loco Pocos Av and stuff:
You can find all this at the Loco Pocos boutique (SLURL HERE)
***Avatar: Loco Pocos: Francine (fox)
***Dress: *katat0nik* (purple) Dollie Dress for Loco Pocos
***Eyes: *katat0nik* (scripted) color changing eyes for Loco Pocos
***Hair: Philotic Energy Kelly for Loco Pocos
***Hat: 213 Industries Top Hat Mark I for Loco Pocos

Thats Hot!

November 4, 2008

Well it’s nearly over, y’all would have voted by now, or you’re about to!! I’m unbelievably excited, even living in Oz. Most of my SL friends are Americans and the talk of change has been rife for weeks. For once the taboo subject of politics has been openly discussed and debated, now that’s hot!


And here she is, the about to be elected President, trashbag extraordinaire, Ms Paris Hilton!! Seen here, about to head up to her room and prepare her victory speech.


“Gimme my key bitches!”


Now with the hard part over, she just has to get on with the pesky business of running the country, while looking hot, not a hard ask really!!

And for those that missed it, here’s Ms Hilton’s announcement that she was indeed running for President, see her in the Whitehouse bitches! Ash out.

Paris Avatar
KA Designs (complete down to shoes)

ETD (sale on atm)

Free Greenies Halloween Avis! EXTREMELY limited!

October 17, 2008

Greenies is giving out 500 of the regular-sized Greenie Halloween avatars and 500 of their Tinies version! When you tp in, you’ll end up in a little mouse hole. Use the “show on map” feature to find the store to get your free avi. The shop is inside the large-scaled house.

I couldn’t help but get G and Creamz to clown around with me in my new Greenies-themed rezzbox, “The Junk Drawer,” which is available for $375 in the Greenies mouse hole. The ah…”Burex” was one of our favorite junk drawer items!

Chillin like villans near the ciggies. [insert Greenies gang-esque sign here]

If you miss out on the limited quantity – no worries, because Greenies is constantly doing cool giveaways and prizes. Be sure to explore the sim, because all throughout October it’s free!

Halloween Loco Pocos Hunt!

October 14, 2008

Damien Fate created Loco Pocos last July to redefine tiny avatars in SL and create a magical, interative sim for SL-ites to explore and have fun with. Ash wrote a great post when it first opened, and now there is a Halloween hunt that you won’t want to miss!

How does it work? It’s pretty simple. You teleport into the main sim, then use the Halloween teleporter to get to the Halloween hunt area. Once there, you click on a sign that will give you a pumpkin. Most of us should choose the “human” one, but if you have a Loco Pocos avi, slap it on and choose that one!

Then you go from door to door, knocking on the ones that have lighted windows, strangely like in real life. You then choose “trick” or “treat” when it pops up on the door after you click it. Depending upon your choice, you get candy, accessories for Loco Pocos avis, and ultimately a key. You need the key to unlock the chest to get the prize – your own Loco Pocos avi!

You may have to knock on a lot of doors until you get the key, but it’s worth it! The key will go directly into your pumpkin when you get a message you’ve received it, and you can click on the treasure chest to get your prize.

I have been wearing the female version of the prize avi, Frieda. There’s one for the bois too. One of the coolest things about it is the hud that allows you to customize eye color and your accessories (like the pumpkin!). You can also make gestures and faces too. It’s really quite amazing how beautifully integrated it all is.

I caught up with the great Damien Fate himself to snap this picture by the prize chest! He’s riding on a broom (not holding something naughty!) and wearing the mummy avi that is available in his shop. If you love your avi so much like I did, you’ll end up there too. I’ve been wearing a few things that are for sale, but the avi, the head bolts, the pumpkin and candy, and the giant candy corn backpack are all free!

Why o why o why o why…..

August 16, 2008

Lemon Sorbet contacted me today (thanks Lemon) about the new free outfit at ALB Dream Fashion.

Now why did I not know about this store before? I’ve just looked at all my fellow freebie bloggers blogs (links at the side of this blog) and a few have already blogged the wonderful free outfits in this store. The first one I am showing you today is the new one, so hopefully it is good news for you. I absolutely love it!

The wonderfully named Shakespeare’s Midsummernights Dream outfit, comes with everything you see here, includes the legwarmers, tights and headpiece


I enlisted the help of Peroxide, Ashia and Amethyst for these pics, thankyaaas girlies!


Peroxide Bleac tongue attack…ooh sounds nasty!


This Pocahantas style Coyote outfit is also free in store and comes with the shoes, hair, two skins, jewellery et al…..amazing!!! Can be worn in loads of different ways too.


Also free on the table in the store is this wonderful skirt (which comes with hat and bag), worn here with the top, shoes, skin and jewellery from the previous outfit and the gorgeous free hair from Teka Li



No…we aren’t done yet, these are the shoes you will find for free in the store, the black ones are not in the same place as the free outfits above, you will find these in the shoes store out on the courtyard. The beautifully detailed sandals are free with the Coyote outfit.


Have to show you the complete pirate ‘Gorgeous’ avatar which Ashia and Amethyst are wearing above. It’s free and I love it, it’s so camp and so much fun. You will find it here inside the building at Gorgeous House, (all the photo’s here were also taken on this sim). Peroxide wore this avatar and was chatted up by a lovely Japanese lady…he is that Gorgeous!!


Outfits, shoes, skins, jewellery from ALB Dream Fashion
Wildwoman hair in first pic: MiaSnow (lucky chair gift)
Gorgeous Pirate Avatar: Gorgeous House (0L)
Eve Hair: Tekeli-Li

Not Free
Byrne Darkly skin in first pic: MiaSnow

Sissy’s Head (I wanna get inside it!)

August 1, 2008

Yup, Sissy Pesoa and Four Yip are 2 people in Phil’s Place whose creativity fascinate me. Sissy has outdone herself this month, with not only a folder full of outfits for the group, but skins too. But that’s not all…..

Baiastice Group Gift

Baiastice Group Gift

Here’s the group gift (skins not shown) you get the dress, and 3 different shorts to wear with the yummy top. Then get to the main store to pick up the most amazing pressie yet. You’ll get a wardrobe, rez it some place you know there’s a few spare prims. Inside the wardrobe will be outfits, accessories, skins and an avatar. You need to open these individualy and copy them to your inventory. This month Sissy brings you “Granny’s Wardrobe”

Baiastice August Gift

Baiastice August Gift

Baiastice August Gift

Baiastice August Gift

Baiastice August Gift

It’s all here kids, from hats, to shoes, skins, hair, shape, bags and everything else you need to run round the grid as possibly the best dressed nana ever!! (I’ve shown the outfits with my shape and skin.) Fankyoo Sissy, you’re made of awesome!

Pics 1 & 2
Baiastice Group Gift

Hair (not free)

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

All Other Pics
Everything Shown
Baistice August Gift-available from the main store.