Archive for the ‘Crimson Shadow’ Category

Crimson Chair And More

April 8, 2009

Mini Ash went back to school today, woohoo!!! Means I also have to go to work, but dealing with grown up children will make a nice change 😛


Lets take a look at the latest dollarbie from KOSH, named “Kretch”. Yes, it’s named after that Kretch, the uber cool Sn@tch model I have seen strutting her stuff at many a show. I love the textures on this set, all earthy and warm, it won’t be available for a linden for very long, so best to grab yours now.


This morning I woke up to a folder from the lovely Lokum Shilova of Crimson Shadow fame. Yes! It’s time for lucky chair newness there, so get to stalking. This stunning dress is called “Whisper Of The Feather”, it is just beautiful, Ash=pretty princess!! I’ve shown it with part of a jewelry set you can grab at a hunt at Dare Designs. Prizes include: A full set of jewelry for ladies broken up amongst various eggs – specially designed for this hunt and not available any other way…
A claw torc for men (necklace)…
Special Edition ‘Vicious’ boots for ladies…
…and more…
There is one simple rule for this hunt, and I’ll paste it from the card so I don’t bugger it up: Rules:
Simple. Come, hunt, don’t give away the locations of the eggs.

To keep it fun for everyone, anyone caught publishing, shouting out, or giving away the locations will be ejected from the sim – possibly banned. This includes TPing people directly to the eggs. It’s called a ‘hunt’, so let’s keep it fair for everyone.


And speaking of Dare Designs, check out this Enforcer set. So much hawt in one folder, it’s not out as yet, but keep your eyes peeled for special lucky chair colours and/or MM versions. When I get the exact info, I’ll update my post! Back to work for me now. Ash Out.

Pic 1-KOSH
Pic 2-Crimson Shadow lucky chair
Pic3-Dare Designs


Pic 1-Chai
Pic 2-Curio
Pic 3-Chai