Archive for the ‘Doll’ Category


April 1, 2009

Oh god I hate it when I wake up, and it’s raining, been raining all night. Dark skies at 7am are just wrong. Specially on a Weds, specially when mini Ash decided at 2.30am that there was no way on earth she could sleep in her own bed. Specially when she takes up my whole damn bed.

Van Stantz, he makes me happy, in fact he makes me squee. These amazing boots are yours for free, for a limited time at EvA. As always, they are scripted sculpts of yum, and we are spoilt rotten. Be sure to fangirl Van and Evangeline if you see them!

Next we have a gorgeous opening dollarbie from Amaranthus, a new project from Elbereth Nightfire of Star Kindler fame. This is a bit of a departure from the jewelery we are used to from this talented designer, featuring Victorian gothic pieces that are just stunning. The perfect foil for these gorgy silks from Silk & Satyr, also an opening gift. Do hit up the subscribo, and do spend lots of lindens in this yummy store, it’s my first choice for silks…….srsly.


And here is where Ash got thoroughly fed up today!!! Ash and Q were looking decidedly similar, so here we have the new (for the moment) Ash! I’m prob the only one that can tell the difference, but that kinda counts..right?!



I haven’t posted about the cutest store on the grid for awhile. Lo*momo long ago claimed that title in my books, and there has been no contender since!! Shown here are a mixture of group gifts (avail in store with tag activated) dollarbies and the Bunny Hop gift. Ohh and there’s 2 lucky boards there now, both dresses eluded me, but they are stunning. And now I suppose I shall drag myself off to do something semi useful, Ash out.

Pic 1
Hair (not free)

Pic 2
Silk And Satyr Group Gift
Hair (not free)
Amaranthus opening Dollarbie

Pics 3,4,5

Hair (not free)

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Skin worn Throughout
Seduction Cupcakes Group Gift

Hunty Goodness

March 28, 2009

I have to admit, the thought of hunting at 300 stores scared me a little, also the strain of my already ridonculous inv had me fearing sim crashes and all sorts of other madness on Ash. So with that in mind, the only choice is to do it as Q. Also, my personal plan of attack is to go to my favie stores first, then have some exploring time, going to stores I’ve never heard of before.


This first outfit is the hunt gift from Little Heaven. The ears are made of total win, all floppy and pierced!! You even get 2 types of hair with this gift, but I had a hell of a time trying to get them to look right so I haven’t shown them.


An amazing gift from Wretched Dollies shown with shoes from Nonko. You get a choice of aprons to wear with this outfit, I chose the ones with bunnehs on it of course!! The gorgy skin is the gift from Chaos By Design. The pack also has mens skins too, yay for the boys!


And lastly on today’s hunt agenda is the outfit from Bare Rose. Shown with the TOTALLY NOT FREE NEW HAIR FROM ETD. Can’t wait till the stores properly up and running, oh Elika how I’ve missed thee!! Look at my adorables shoes!!! These are the new gift from the Dilly Dolls midnight mania board. I’d get in early if I were you, the board has no problems filling up as soon as it’s opened again!! No wonder, these are colour scripted so you get 790856078540 options.


And as a break from the hunt, check out this amazing jacket from the Lunas Boutique group. I totally love it, and am so stoked to have such a versatile piece. Shown with undies also from the same group. They were sent out last week, so get in quick. I’m telling you, this is one group to keep in your 25, not just for the gifts, but for news of the new releases too! Ash Out

Pic 1
Hunt Gift #2-Little Heaven
Hair (not free)
The Stringer Mausoleum
Skin (not free

Pic 2
Hunt Gift #246- Wretched Dollies
Hunt Gift #288-Chaos By Design
Hunt Gift #27 –Nonko
Hair (not free)

Pic 3
Hunt Gift #1-Bare Rose
Dilly Dolls MM Board
Skin (not free)
Hair (not free)

Pic 4
Lunas Boutique Group Gift
Skin (not free)
Hair (not free)


March 1, 2009

Not one, not two, but nine new lucky chair dresses at Katatonik.


These are not fat packs, you need to win each dress separately. Grab your girlfriends and have a chair party!


The Dollie dresses are gorgeous, and each colour is a “must have”.


Shown here with non free hair also from Katatonik and non free skin from Curio. And to think, not an hour ago, I was wondering what to do with myself during some terribly rare time off from mini Ash. Huge thanks to Kat, Ash Out.


February 13, 2009

Yay for an excuse to get my bewbs out!! It’s been ages and I do believe long overdue 😛


This Clubbing Jacket is from a new store called Modd.G. I’m sure that in someone else’s hands this could be made to look all high fashion and such, but it screamed pasties to me. It’s one of the many grand opening gifts you’ll find this weekend.


Hit the subscribo too as I have it on good authority you’ll find some goodies in there too.


The dress is my fave, it comes with the darling ballet flats, although for some reason last night, they wouldn’t rez properly for me inworld, but the pics came out fine, SL is soo odd. Thanks so much to moddishh GossipGirl for letting me know about her super cute store.


How amazing is this suit. It’s from Dilly Dolls and is their Vain Hunt gift. I was actually there doing the Betrayed Heart hunt, but when I landed (literally) on the Vain lips, how could I resist! You get 678097809 options and ways to wear it, it’s perfection for swishing ones way round the grid!


The stunning rosary I’ve worn in various ways throughout this post is from Balderdash. It’s not free, but 50% of the proceeds will go to the Bushfire Appeal. Taken from the note I received “Saiyge is also participating in the Bushfire Red Cross Fund – you can either donate at the kiosk she has set up OR purchase a special red dot item, primarily Merlot coloured items, and 50% of all proceeds go directly to the Fund.”

mod copy

And this is what I had been after for bloody ages I tell you. Massive huge bajillions of thanks to Suri who helped me find the last heart that had thus far eluded me! This is the Betrayed Heart hunt gift from Dilly Dolls. Hunt down the 10 hearts with daggers through them to get the various pieces of the outfit. Boots included, spoilt much? Yes we are! Ash out.

Not Free

Ashia Designs-Timeless 2009
Belleza-Greatest Love Hunt Gift
Ti’ko-Dark Doll

Dress Up Dolly

January 11, 2009

Remember those amazing boots from Shi?


These amazing latex boots got sent out to the group this morning. They’re so detailed and just yummy.


I thought I’d take a trip down to the store as I hadn’t been there in a while, and good job I did too! I found this full doll outfit (mask not shown) for free! You get everything you need to turn you into a latex dolly, gloves, boots, posture collar and mask included.


A few days ago, Creams did an awesome post on a limited time freebie at Elemiah. Another store I hadn’t been to in ages either. I found heaps of stuff around, most for free, there were also some 30L outfits (not shown) item camps and a lucky chair.


I love these dresses, being summer here, they fit my mood perfectly.


And some yummy casual tops, something a girl can never have enough of! Now it’s back to doing laundry….EMO SAD, must be time for Falloutboy 😉 Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Jeans (1L)

Hoofies (not free)

All Over Bar The Shouting

December 26, 2008

So it’s the end of Boxing Day here. I’m sick, minime is sick and it’s official……other peoples kids suck like woa!! Q’s hubby has gone home for 5 days, so there is much sadness, txt messaging and token msn sessions!! And digesting (yup ate so much I swear I’m still trying to digest it all XD!)




But! Katatonik always has the power to make me smile, despite myself! Find these yummies under the tree at Axis Mundi. The first one is 25L, the last 2 free. I’ve shown them here with some amazing jewels from Sanu. Group gifts, so join now, and stay in the group! Also, if you love Sanura’s store, for the love of god put her in your picks in your profile. She would never ask, but I can, cos I haz no shame!! She has always been so terribly helpful to me, chatty, accommodating and just totes awesome.


This was a group gift from Analise, shown in a different form by our luffley Suri hurr. The whole outfit screams subtle sex to me, so I had to post it (mostly cos I’m a vain egomaniac who only blogs to see pics of myself *coughs*) Anyhoo, time for that random MSN session 😉 Ash out.

Hair And Stuff That Aint Free
Agrace (old group gift)
Dejavu (old group gift)

Lazy Places

Stuff And Moar Stuff

December 22, 2008

I should actually call this post “Eden Rocks My World” because seriously, that woman is a freebie finding machine! She drops me LM’s and notecards like a demon, then yells at me if I haven’t had time to go check em out.


This was an Eden find. She knows I love doll clothes, keys and everything in between. So She sent me to All Dolled Up. Follw the slurl in this post, that’s very important. Cam down to a mousetrap on the floor below, and find a teeny tiny box. Click on that box and get this whole outfit for free, key included!

This lushness is from Kouse’s Sanctum. You’ll find it under the Christmas tree. Scuse the pics of the sleeves, I did something um interesting in PS, theyr’e not bluish in world XD! I love Kouse’s gowns, they are always prim perfect and move so beautifully.


Aeons ago, Eden TP’d Q into Dilly Dolls to clear the lucky chairs there for her. I dropped in there yesterday to grab the Christmas gifts, then saw this! It’s a Midnight Mania dress. You get 56856856 different corsets and tops, too many options to show here. The stunning skin was a group gift from the ladies at Cupcakes, part of the new Celebrity line. Happy holidays girls xoxo


Check out this skin! The luffley Tuli sent it out probably last year, but I only just got it now (my group notice getting issue is still not fixed). Merry Christmas to you Tuli and thankyou!! The dress is a yummy gift from the Happy Happy update group. Now I’m back on my normal comp instead of my craptop, I can appreciate Mayuki Nozaki’s designs even moar!


And last but by no means least, a new store! Eden sent me a fashocon note sent out by Fandabydozie. I had to go look for the name alone! You’ll find a lucky chair and several dollarbies, the ones shown being just a couple of them. I also bought some yummy shoes there and was lucky enough to bump into the designer’s boyfriend, who dropped an amazing ice cream backpack on me, which I will feature in a later post. Now I have to get to work, then brave the shops for some last minute shopping. Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

princess dolly

December 12, 2008

Today’s blog post comes to you with a hangover…

Following an interesting morning fending off my hangover and larking around in some dubious sexytime place with Q. (Oh, and in case you were wondering, Creamster does not partake in sexytime, but omg, there was some pretty cute av’s there which surprised me, normally these places are full of fug).

Anyhoo, I have now managed to get off my virtual arse and do a post.

Those of you in the Pixel Dolls group may already have this charming Elizabeth coat. If not, get down there now cos its gorgeous. Marvel and the lush texturing and beautiful cut. It’s in the subscribomatic group at the store, touch the sign, touch it again and choose history, option 1


also worn:
skin: ti’ko (not free)
Nomad boots: Truth (300L)
leggings: GHOST (part of Valle dress, 150L)
Hair by Seu: (not free)

Next up, remember new skin designer ti’ko? Well, he has created a beautiful new set of doll skins for December, and this one is 1L for today…snowflake doll!

ti'ko 1

I am in love with these skins, I love to look like a doll in my Second Life

ti'ko 2

Also worn: Butterfly Hair by 69 (poss no longer available)
Eyes by Tokeo Plastik (free)

The Black Canary

November 21, 2008

Eden takes me to the best places, some dark, some snowy, always fun and nine times out of ten, filled with yummyness. So when she told me she was at The Black Canary, I had to go! The name sounded familiar to me somewhere in the recesses of my hungover mind, and when I got there I realised we were in Pulse.


Morrigan Denimore won the Pulse sponsored location for new designers and if you take a look at his amazing clothes, you’ll see why. All of the clothes shown can be won on the lucky chair, or if you’re totes impatient like me, you can buy them.


Beautiful period pieces, stunning textures, heaven in a store!!


Check out this gorgy nightdress, complete with hair ribbon and the most adorable bloomers!! My only complaint is there weren’t more dresses or outfits to buy!!! Do yourself a favor and stalk this store like woa! Ash out.

Other Schtuff
Hair (not free)
Deviant Kitties

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Skin (not free)
Deviant Nation By Celestial Studios
One I already had but loved so much I was totes gonna buy it again at the sale! Good job I checked! Ps, thanks Loli, now I totes can’t stop saying totes, pft 😉

Curiouser and Curiouser…

October 22, 2008

‘`Curiouser and curiouser!’ cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English)’ ~ Lewis Carroll

:O :O :O I know, i know, it’s been a looooong time emerging but finally I got to post again!

Lewis Carroll is by far my most favorite writer of verse, child stories. It’s so imaginative, colorful, crazy, barbaric, dark & often dreamlike.

Anyway, when my great friend Wednesday Soon of Woo’s mentioned about the anniversary Alice dresses at Dreaming Alice, I went galumphing on over!

First up the Pure Alice dress… the traditional Alice!


comes with hair bow!


And the Dark Alice dress, also with hair bow… For those times when you feel like shouting a piggy-nosed ‘Orf with ‘er head’ and asking the Cheshire Cat just wtf he thinks he’s smirking at!


Wednesday Soon – Woo’s has just released some gorgeous & very well detailed mega bangles which she kindly dropped me. They are size adjustable, come in silver and gold versions for both forearms! ❤ them



Little Bird skins (from Lucky chairs)

Hair in pic 1/2

Maya – ND (not free)


Ballet flats in white – Shiny Things (not free)

Frabjous Day All, Cheri ❤