Archive for the ‘dollarbie’ Category

Who Knew?

April 9, 2009
I’m not sure how often this wonderful woman has been blogged but she is very deserving of attention.  Tucked into the corner of the Monkey Mall at Baby Monkey is Rarurick Ragu’s :WhoNose: shop.  Rarurick has a very distinctive style of layered skirts and uses lush colors.  The first dress is an exclusive gift for the Lucky Chair Stalkers group (it’s in my profile).  We recently grew to over 1000 members and Rarurick’s store is a big favorite of one of the group owners, Elliandra Parx. 

I paired the dress with the adorable elven skin and ears that Brutus Martinek gave to the Pididdle subscriber group.  She is eliminating her regular group by the end of the month and going all subscriber.  I believe you must be in the group already to receive the gift so get over there and get your name in.  She is one of my favorites.  The hair is a score from Madam Ashia, who told me that you can get older Kin hair free on XStreet.  All the hair I feature in this post is from there.  There are other styles, including some for men.  

I was telling Rarurick today that her Lucky Boards hate E so she came over and set her boards to wild for a spell and some of us got this incredible dress and egg backpack from her lucky boards.  The colors in the egg are fantastic.  If you don’t want to wait for your letter or want different colors she has a fatpack of eggs for only 50 L.  If you see Rarurick around the grid she is probably wearing a Lucky Board backpack that really gives out prizes!  Look for her for a gorgeous pink dress.  The skin I am wearing in the last three pictures is a new dollarbie from Beauty Avatar called Alyssa. 

I’ve been anticipating these shoes for a long time.  My darling Pixieplumb Flanagan, the creator of Baby Monkey shoes has been working on these hunnies for awhile.  The Ultimates are prim footed shoes and get this:  You can pick your skin tone from a menu (or you can match colors)! The nail color can be changed as well as the toe rings.  This style was a group gift today to the Baby Monkey Junkies group.  There are 4 more styles in about a million colors.  And even better: if you are a member of the Baby Monkey Junkies group you can get them for 100 L a pair!!!!  Nongroup members can get them for 150 L, which is still a bargain, but Pixie is such a generous designer and always working so hard to expand her selection.  I’ve been a devoted fan forever!  

 I received this incredible dress yesterday from On the Catwalk through their subscriber.  It is a very sexy number which wonderful texturing.  I didn’t show the back but it has a great skull graphic.  It’s hard-core and posh at the same time.  It is #1 (Ed Hardy mini-gift) in the messages.  I haven’t taken in off since I got it. 
PS.  Rarurick just added a Midnight Mania at :WhoNose:, too, for an amazing color change jewelry set!

Crimson Chair And More

April 8, 2009

Mini Ash went back to school today, woohoo!!! Means I also have to go to work, but dealing with grown up children will make a nice change 😛


Lets take a look at the latest dollarbie from KOSH, named “Kretch”. Yes, it’s named after that Kretch, the uber cool Sn@tch model I have seen strutting her stuff at many a show. I love the textures on this set, all earthy and warm, it won’t be available for a linden for very long, so best to grab yours now.


This morning I woke up to a folder from the lovely Lokum Shilova of Crimson Shadow fame. Yes! It’s time for lucky chair newness there, so get to stalking. This stunning dress is called “Whisper Of The Feather”, it is just beautiful, Ash=pretty princess!! I’ve shown it with part of a jewelry set you can grab at a hunt at Dare Designs. Prizes include: A full set of jewelry for ladies broken up amongst various eggs – specially designed for this hunt and not available any other way…
A claw torc for men (necklace)…
Special Edition ‘Vicious’ boots for ladies…
…and more…
There is one simple rule for this hunt, and I’ll paste it from the card so I don’t bugger it up: Rules:
Simple. Come, hunt, don’t give away the locations of the eggs.

To keep it fun for everyone, anyone caught publishing, shouting out, or giving away the locations will be ejected from the sim – possibly banned. This includes TPing people directly to the eggs. It’s called a ‘hunt’, so let’s keep it fair for everyone.


And speaking of Dare Designs, check out this Enforcer set. So much hawt in one folder, it’s not out as yet, but keep your eyes peeled for special lucky chair colours and/or MM versions. When I get the exact info, I’ll update my post! Back to work for me now. Ash Out.

Pic 1-KOSH
Pic 2-Crimson Shadow lucky chair
Pic3-Dare Designs


Pic 1-Chai
Pic 2-Curio
Pic 3-Chai


April 3, 2009

Mhm, it’s 5am, and I’m awake…….WTF? Late nights talking to my friends in the States are totally buggering up my time clock. Wouldn’t change it for a second, although I would like to sleep longer 😛


First up is an outfit that isn’t free, but all the proceeds go to RFL. This super cute offering from Lemania is my kinda gorgeous. Look stunning for a good cause, can’t get better than that!! Have you noticed my rather fetching monocle? For that we have Azia Lunasea to thank. She let me know that it was sitting in Tekeli-Li’s mainstore, waiting to jump in my inv for a linden! Yup a linden. Everything about the monocle is customisable, you pick your metal, gems, lens colour and glow. It’s a limited edition type dealio, once it’s gone, it’s gone forever so grab yours now.



Seeing as the weather is getting warmer for you guys, I thought it was time to show off some swimwear! You’ll find these beauties in the lucky chair at Swim. Shown here with the super extravagant hair from the Clawtooth By Clawtooth group, as blogged by the yummy Eden.


You can get this set for a linden at Swim, it’s the April dollarbie. There’s also a midnight mania board, so it’s well worth joining the group to keep up with the happenings! Many thanks to Ianni Lane for letting me know! And with that I shall drag myself back to bed to grab an hours sleep before mini Ash wakes up! Ash Out.

Pic 1
Lemania RFL
Hair (not free)
The Stringer Mausoleum
Cupcakes Eater hunt
Hoofies (not free)
Lazy places

Pics 2,3,& 4
Skins (not free)
Clawtooth By Clawtooth group gift


March 29, 2009

Oh what a beautiful morning, the sun is shining in Sydney (and in sl, cos it’s always sunny in Ash’s world :P) Mini Ash is at pre school, I don’t have to start work till a bit later, housework=done, washing=done, inv sorting kinda done?! Not bad for a Monday morning.


Even better than all the above, look at the amazing things I logged into today. First is today retiring dollarbie from Lemania. Tapika sent me an IM saying this is a must have, I 100% agree with her. Eggplant Elegance is the kinda dress you’d wear while dancing the night away with a significant other (without a hint of hooing!!) I needed a skin to go with it, to do the dress justice, and despite going through my 70895709785723563854057 collections of skins I was coming up empty. Till a group gift from the Cupcakes group landed in my inv! This is the new line “Seduction” and if you adore Lovespell, this skin is for you. It is just stunning. Rosemary and Mimi just get better and better with each release and this is my favorite so far. The lips are absolutely amazing, and this makeup features a gorgeous irridescent eyeshadow and liner. At this stage, there are 8 tones available, 10 makeups per tone, so get to demoing!


The super cute bikini shown here is part of the April gift from Voodoo Baby. There is a men’s gift available too, as well as unisex flip flops (thongs to us Aussies!) Aren’t these boots scrummy!!! They are free for a limited time from Wik’s Wardrobe. I love the Burberry pattern, and the red soles are to die for, I have been cammed on my feet for ages, yes I’m strange I know!! The hair shown is not free, but there is a massive sale going on atm at Aden, so all hair is 50L. I think it’s a closing sale. I sincerely hope not, because I love Aden’s hair and skins and we really don’t need to loose another awesome content creator. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Sedution By Cupcakes (group gift)
Hair (not free)
Necklace (not free)

Pic 2
Voodoo Baby
Wik’s Wardrobe
Hair (not free)
Skin (not free)

More RFL Treats

March 17, 2009
This year’s Relay for Life Clothing Fair is nothing short of spectacular.  I arrived low-ARC(16) with full pockets and ended up buying more Lindens while I was there.  While you can go and load up on freebies and cheapies (I sure do!), the Fair benefits the American Cancer Society, so if you have Lindens to spend now is the time.  You will get beautiful limited edition outfits and be helping a worthy cause. I’ve included slurls to each item.  It will not take you directly to the item but if you follow the red arrow you should be able to easily find these. 

The first outfit is only 1 L at The Crystal Queendom.  It is named Princess Jen’ire and has a regal quality befitting royalty.  No expense was spared in quality from livinglight Yiyuan, the creator.  Absolutely stunning and includes resize scripts.  This gorgeous outfit can be found on Sim 6. 
Crisscrossing over to Sim 1 I found this great free highwaisted skirt at Ingenue. It’s called High Seas, keeping with the Pirate theme of this year’s fair. I paired it with a free white blouse I found at Ash Style (not at the fair).  I particularly love this blouse because if you’ve ever looked you will find it’s hard to find plain white tops in SL. 
I have a penchant in RL and SL for menswear so I was excited to find this free suit at Sartoria (back over on Sim 6), right by the Crystal Queendom. It’s called Positano and it’s for men but I think it looks hot on women.  The manspanker (!!) is one of those freebies that you can pick up in lots of free BDSM gear boxes throughout SL.  I probably have 5 or 6.  
I definitely have a silly side and was so geeked when I hit the subscriber at Total Betty and was rewarded with this free Laundry Day outfit.  If only it was this easy to clean up my inventory! It’s been a constant battle since I figured out how to leave Orientation Island. 

Don’t be afraid to de-prim.  You will look more stupid if you don’t!

Not Free or Cheap: 
Picture 1 
Hair – Zero Style
Shoes – AW Design

Picture 2 
Hair – Ingenue
Glasses – Artilleri
Shoes – Tesla (previous group gift)

Picture 3
Hair – Zero Style
Shoes – Maitreya

Picture 4
Hair – Bewitched
Vacuum – got it in a lucky chair a million years ago
Skin – all pictures – Zullay Designs

Bunny Hop Flair

March 14, 2009

3am, all was not well in the Tomsen household, mainly due to my super loud boinking neighbours, who not only woke me up, but Mini Ash too, grrr. And the grid was broked too, awesome. So I was moaning on Plurk about my Sasybum being MIA and me missing her terribly. Well I found out last night there’s a terribly good reason for her not hanging out. Shoes. Awesome sauce ballet flats to be precise. Sasy has a new project on the go, named “Flair”.


The ones shown here can be nabbed on Xstreet for an L. In the pack you actually get 2 versions of your chosen shoes, so thats 4 pairs of shoes for 2L. Get the grey ones here and the pink ones here.


If you want other styles, colours or demos check out Sasy’s merchant page here. The regular retail price is 150L, so it’s well worth checking the dollarbies out, trust me theyre gorgeous. Speaking of gorgeous, how are these little short suits!! Tomoko Manamiko sent me a lm this morning for an amazing store called DrLife. Not only do they have 4 lucky boards (2 of them contain full skin sets) but there’s also some yummy group gifts you can claim with your tag active. The shorts come in all sorts of colours, there’s hair and jewelery also. yay for new to me stores!


A big hunt is about to get underway, the Bunny Hop grid wide hunt. Check out the official blog here. This first dress is the gift from Weird Designs. It’s called “Dead Bunny” and I fecking love it. Shown with the very not free, but totally awesome “Dead Dreamer” skin from Miasnow.


Here we have offerings from Angelwing and Spork for the clothes, Sentou Yousei for the shoes and Chaos By Design for the skin. The shoes are truly to die for and you get 6798679 colours, not just the ones shown here.


The bunny outfit is from Venice Picassa, the ears twitch, too cute!! And the skin and middle dress are from Skinzors. The skin is beautiful, delicate and ever so pretty. Do check out the official blog, for more participants, and stay tuned here for more gifty previews. Ash Out.

Not Free

Skin from 1st & 2nd pic

For the Love of Crashing

March 9, 2009
I swear lately if I’m not crashing every time I try and edit a prim or TP somewhere, I’m turning black on some part or all of my body!  Between that and my son taking over the computer on weekends, I thought I would never complete this post! 

Pure Style has 2 locations, each with different goodies to discover.  At the Buncrana location, I got this adorable blue dress for free. The Eternity necklace was 1 L at Violet Voltaire (heaps of dollarbies there on the top level). The stockings are part of a fatpack of stockings from ALB Dream Fashion and were not free but a great deal at 99L.   The blue French Kiss shoes are inexpensive (50L) from Unique Needs. Quite a nice look for very little cost.  The hair I recently won at Junwave’s lucky board. 

This way cute dress is also from Pure Style at the Aventi Isle location and is free if you touch the voting station.  It’s perfect for St. Patrick’s Day but what I like about it is that I can wear it year around.  The stockings are from Sock Shop and I must have gotten them as a Christmas dollarbie but there are other dollarbies in the shop (different dollarbies at different locations) as well as for a limited time a cute 2 L cupcake hat.  There is a really cute pair of socks at the Floyd location called Blue Bird socks that would be perfect with this dress.  
On a different note, I must share with you a shop that us Lucky Chair Stalkers have grown fond of called Jeckalicious.  I scored both of these coats on the lucky chairs there.  There are also other outfits on the chair and there are two chairs on 10 minute timers so it moves quickly. The details could not be more intricate.  Look at those arm straps and stitching on the gown portion.  These are defininte new staples in my wardrobe.  
What I particularly LOVE LOVE LOVE about these jackets is that they come with 3 lengths as well as an open and closed style.  And even better (especially for me since I crash ever time I try to adjust prims) a resize script.  The pants I wore in the bottom picture are probably my favorite pants in my inventory; 10 L Bastard Britches from Bare Rose’s UFonly HQ.  The skin is free at Fleur as one of the newbie skin tones and the unisex hair is free also at Boon.

Not Free or super cheap:
Skin (pictures 1 & 2): M&R Cupcakes
Stockings: ALB Dream Fashion
Shoes: Unique Needs
Hoofies: Lazy Places (white no longer available) 
Hair (picture 2) Argrace
Corset (picture 4) Polina Kaestner

Rainbows of Otaku love!

March 8, 2009


Lola79 Heinrichs has been making some adorable things for Otaku Designs. She’s nice enough to outfit the discriminating animorph avatar completely, from legwarmers to pants to adorable t-shirts to jewelry. Her legwarmers are works of art, and there are several free and dollarbie ones in different colors available at her shop. They fit perfectly over the shoe base for katat0nik’s legwarmer boots! You can check out another of her dollarbie dresses and tattoos here. (SHOP SLURL HERE.)

Also note my skin! It’s a lucky chair item from March 6 – 13 at MiaSnow’s skin shop. (SLURL HERE.)


Otaku Design freebies & dollarbies
***Mariposa Legwarmer – Rainbow
***Emo Armwarmers tintable
***Heart Cupcakes Outfit
***Gothic Choker for twisted hunt
MiaSnow Lucky Chair Skin — Available from Friday March 6 – Friday March 13
***MiaSnow Skin Lolli bloody Pleasure 1
Other stuff:
***Crimson + Clover Momo + Purple (freebie!)
***Atomic Kitty Pink Panda Ears and Tail (not free)
***No Mercy Lip Piercing (not free)
***Shoe base from katat0nik’s legwarmer boots. (dollarbie!)

Eden Goes Glam

March 6, 2009
Yo!  The first outfit all started when I got this awesome gingham shirt from Pig as a gift for the Starlust group.  Venturino blogged the shirt but I wanted to “girl it up” and it begged to be retro. 

The movie star glasses are a dollarbie from Fawn Fotherington. I tinted them to match the shoes. (There is also a new lucky chair there with stuff from Fawn, Punch Drunk and Crap!!!) The purse was a lucky board score at Scribble. You get to pick your prize there and right now there is a limited time selection of a antlered deer barrette that I am so stalking. The shoes are from the lucky chair at Sentou Yousei.  I know Ashia blogged it way back when they had steel toed granny boots in the chair and I’ve been a fan ever since.  There are 3 chairs there (one in the Annex, one on the main floor and one in the basement) with a variety of yummy shoes to be had.  The pants are part of the Dolly Prince set from Bare Rose (not free) and the Pig Socks Mit Suspenders were also not free, but I had to have them.  
While I was shopping at Bare Rose my letter came up on the lucky chair for this OMG glamourous gown.  I absolutely love how the prim parts drape the body and add such sensuality to the gown.  I want to wear this way past St. Patrick’s Day.  The letter changes ever 2 minutes so it’s worth sticking around and stalking.  A men’s outfit is also included (but I didn’t show because I don’t want to take this off!)  The shoes I showed previously and are free at Baby Monkey.  Skin shown in both pictures is Natalie from a recent Tuli group gift (250 to join and I’ve never regretted it.) 

Not Free or Cheap
Hair 1 – ETD –  currently closed
Hair 2 – Clawtooth
Pants – Bare Rose
Socks – Pig

Sweets from Sanu

March 6, 2009
I saw some comments in the Free*Style chat box about new bloggers.  I just want to say that I have admired all the people who blog here and am honored that Ash harassed me into doing this.  Please bear with me while I learn (because I’m still afraid of Photoshop).  I hope all the others stick around for a very, very long time.  

Today has been one of those days where the items I was going to post have been removed, my poses didn’t cooperate and RL totally took precedence.  It has given me a whole new level of appreciation for the work that goes into doing a good post.  Enough whining.

Sanu has a dollarbie lollipop at the entrance to her store.  It is only for today so run down there now.  It is right before you enter the store by her mailbox.  The hair is another group gift (2 this week!) by Bubbles Clawtooth for the Clawtooth by Clawtooth Update Group.   This one is named, Tiny Dancer (Pink Eye), as a tribute to Sir Elton John.  So goodbye yellow brick road!