Archive for the ‘dollarbies’ Category


April 12, 2009

So I’m feeling thoroughly sick, I have eaten waaaaaaaay to much choccy today. But Mini Ash is totally stoked at her scoreage (she woke up at 5am to hunt her eggs!)


I had logged into a message the other day from Dakota, asking if I wanted to blog the dollarbies at the new Dakota’s Skins And Shapes. After much squeeing, I answered a terribly sedate “yes please”!! Shown above is the “Prettyboy” shape, a total score and a very welcome change from the huge muscle mary type of shape that makes me roll my eyes. Shown with a shirt from Mayden Couture, Kmad jeans, and some ossum sauce 5L Skull VanZ from Amplify. The skin is an old promo gift from Damiani, which could still be available? “Joshua Deco” is all beaten up and teary, perfect in my books!


I was so excited about my next find, I read about these sneakers here (thanks Gabi!) Get thee to Hoorenbeek to grab em! There’s girls and boys sizes in the gift, you’re looking for a HUGE easter basket. Hit up the subscribo while you’re there, and you’ll be rewarded with this nifty shirt. The skin shown from Laqroki isnt free, but I wanted to show that the shape worked well on diff boy’s skins. All the boy’s hair was a group gift from Kmad, might not be available now, but definitely worth checking the subscribo and inworld group.


LeeZu Baxter sent out this beautiful dress through the subscribo the other day. A million and 27.5 layers and looks to play with! The skin shown is another dollarbie from Dakota. It’s a beautiful Sezmra mod, very delicate and pretty.


And bringing up the rear is an added gift in the Dare Designs Easter hunt. Fanfuckingtastic wings or what! Get thee to hunting :p Ash Out.

Pic 1
Mayden Couture
Skin (old promo freebie)
Hair (old group gift)

Pic 2
Top & Shoes
Hair (old group gift)
Skin (not free)

Pic 3
Hair (old freebie)
Leezu Baxter Subscribo gift

Pic 4
Dare Designs hunt
Skin (old Halloween freeb)
KA Designs
Hair (not free)

Moar hunts and such

April 6, 2009

With Mini Ash being on the mend (read running round like a lunatic trying to kill hug the cat) I had some time yesterday to do stuff.

My favie store Axel is having a hooooooooge sale. Everything is 50-75% off. There’s also 2 dollarbies to be had, the gold dress shown here is one of them. Your old LM’s won’t work so please use the slurl at the bottom of this post.

Then I found out about a hunt at Miasofia. Cue bloodcurdling scream for the lack of group notices (ps LL sort that out soon pls kthnx) You’re looking for fried eggs, theyre not hidden at all, the idea being for you to explore the new build. I also won twice on the lucky chairs while I was there, this dress from Lurvebite is one of my winnings!! Also made me realise I have some kind of bug going on when taking pictures of items with glow in them. Anyone else having glow issues or is it something *special* reserved just for me?! I also won a gorgeous “Romance Room” from the Miasnow lucky chair, which I left on Sasy’s beach, bah!

This gorgy chocolate dress is one of the Lurvebite gifts. It comes with a choice of 3 skirts and all sorts of layers, yay!!

OMG. Is this not the cutest skin in the whole of fucking SL? This is prize number one from Miasnow. It’s different from the original Hunny skins, especially around the mouth and nose, I love the changes! I’m hoping for a new line of these *bats eyelashes* 😛 On another note, for this post I used the VR Foundry pose HUD and library (after getting yelled at by Sasybum for not having an updated product!!) I’m not good with technical shit, but Sas has an awesome video of the front page of her blog, outlining how to use the pose stand, HUD and HUD library. I was moaning about not being good at location pics, and also the rezing of poseballs and such is an issue. Not anymore! Once you get the hang of using it, it’ll revolutionize your photo taking, srsly. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Axel (dress is a linden, other outfit 75L)
Shoes (not free)
Hair (not free)
Cupcakes group gift

Pics 2 &3
Lurvebite (lucky chair & hunt)
Skin (not free)
HOM hunt gift

Pic 4
Skin & Hair
Miasnow hunt gift


April 1, 2009

Oh god I hate it when I wake up, and it’s raining, been raining all night. Dark skies at 7am are just wrong. Specially on a Weds, specially when mini Ash decided at 2.30am that there was no way on earth she could sleep in her own bed. Specially when she takes up my whole damn bed.

Van Stantz, he makes me happy, in fact he makes me squee. These amazing boots are yours for free, for a limited time at EvA. As always, they are scripted sculpts of yum, and we are spoilt rotten. Be sure to fangirl Van and Evangeline if you see them!

Next we have a gorgeous opening dollarbie from Amaranthus, a new project from Elbereth Nightfire of Star Kindler fame. This is a bit of a departure from the jewelery we are used to from this talented designer, featuring Victorian gothic pieces that are just stunning. The perfect foil for these gorgy silks from Silk & Satyr, also an opening gift. Do hit up the subscribo, and do spend lots of lindens in this yummy store, it’s my first choice for silks…….srsly.


And here is where Ash got thoroughly fed up today!!! Ash and Q were looking decidedly similar, so here we have the new (for the moment) Ash! I’m prob the only one that can tell the difference, but that kinda counts..right?!



I haven’t posted about the cutest store on the grid for awhile. Lo*momo long ago claimed that title in my books, and there has been no contender since!! Shown here are a mixture of group gifts (avail in store with tag activated) dollarbies and the Bunny Hop gift. Ohh and there’s 2 lucky boards there now, both dresses eluded me, but they are stunning. And now I suppose I shall drag myself off to do something semi useful, Ash out.

Pic 1
Hair (not free)

Pic 2
Silk And Satyr Group Gift
Hair (not free)
Amaranthus opening Dollarbie

Pics 3,4,5

Hair (not free)

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Skin worn Throughout
Seduction Cupcakes Group Gift

Bunny Fever And Sparkly, Magical Unicorns

March 28, 2009

I think I must have had a glitter overdose, cos if I haven’t been running round the grid dressed as a magical unicorn, I’ve been hopping round decked out like a bunneh!! Just like Ach, my daughter thoroughly approved of my attire today, although she did ask at one point for moar pink.. ahem.


The other day, I got a notice from Prism Haute Couture and off I went to check out the new releases. I was also lucky enough to get this dollarbie while I was there, shoes included. It’s the perfect spring outfit, can be mixed with anything else you may have in your inv already!


This is the not free new release, but it’s so gorgeous and fun I had to show it. Journey McLaglen told me that she had a great time putting this together, and personally I think it shows. I didn’t even have to fiddle with the prims, can’t get better than that seeing as prims and I = fail!!


This cutey is from Apple May Designs and is 10l till the end of the weekend. Shown with amazing boots from Bax Cohen, not free but look how gorgeous they are! Plus you have a million ways to customize them to make the look your own, a nifty ankle fixer and all sorts of other things that make em worthy of the L’s.


Yes there is a war being waged, but because we are an equal opportunities blog, I thought it only fair to show both sides 😛 Above is the Anti-corn, with a yummy blood covered skin from Imagen, grab yours at the Harold playground, along with loads of other great dollarbies. The shorts are part of a Twisted Hunt gift from Loulou & Co.


Could I be any moar glittery??! With my unicorn parts, Starlight hoofies from Lazy Places, rainbow skin from Imagen and the yummy outfit from Deviance (blogged beautifully by Sai), I’m all ready to spread magic and love across the grid 😛 Grab you pro unicorn stuff here! Ash Out.

Not Free But Completely Ossum
The Stringer Mausoleum

Skins not mentioned in the post

Gold Shoes

Moar Gifty Goodness

March 24, 2009

Oh what a day in SL for little ol me!! Not only did I get to take pics with Boi Ach (be still my heart) but I found some amazing things to show you!

No I haven’t knocked the slider all the way to the right by accident, it’s one of the skin options from my yummy landlady Poppy 😛 The LL Popfuzz group will now be for land and rental purposes only. Poppy has a kiosk up in the mainstore for a subscribe group that won’t pinch one of the precious 25. Join the subscriber, then wait for the chat to tell you you’ve been added to the database. Once you get that, touch the picture next to the subscriber to receive these amazing skins. You get all skin tones, ranging from super pale to a gorgeous chocolate shade. Aaaaaand for each tone you get 4 skins, light and dark brows, cleavage or no cleavage. Shown here with a cute bikini from Pixel Passion that I nabbed for 10L. There’s a whole table of cheapies there.

This is another of the 10L outfits. With this one you get a choice of latex or fabric, yum! There’s a couple of lucky chairs, prize camping and of course gorgeous clothes and lingerie of all kinds. The RFL outfits look especially gorgeous.

Loli’s favorite store Kuri Style has put out these super cute numbers, for 2L and 5L respectively. The little shorts remind me of an outfit my bestie Kenlee used to wear when she was being Rollergirl, I know she’ll love these ones. The dress is all kinds of gorgeous, and you can get other colours for 100L, which is totally reasonable.

One of the amazing things about the RFL Clothing Fair (apart from the money raised) was having some many designers in one place and being able to join their subscribos. One such store I joined was Devilish Cupcake, who sent out this gorgeous dress this morning. It has wee tiny cuppycakes all over it, yes I tried to nom myself 😛 The skin in the last pic is this weeks dollarbie from KOSH. It’s fecking lush, the eyemakeup is to die for *sighs happily* See the shoes? Both pairs were sent out in the Duh! subscribo, join now dammit!! Thanks Renee, sorry it took so long for me to post em! Right I’m off to fantasize about Boi Ach sort inv. Ash Out.

Not Free
Black Maria

Skins not mentioned

JE Republic

RFL Part Deux

March 18, 2009

I have some absolute stunners to show you today from the RFL Clothing Fair. I sent Q there all cashed up and ready to spend!! Also got her to join heaps of subscribos too, some of which gave out welcome gifts. Also, again, please note, although I am including slurls to the designers featured main stores, these are RFL gifts and or subscribo welcome gifts, click here to get to sim 1.


This first dress is the RFL gift from Blueblood. I love Ghanima’s clothes and this dress is no exception, just gorgy.


This offering from Greenwood Designs may look like 3 different dresses, I assure you it’s not! I haven’t even shown the half of it either, the options, layers, it’s a pack to play with to your heart’s content. I pinched this from the card that came with the dress: Greetings! This gown would NOT settle down in my mind. Every time I thought I had it down, it changed again. So, you will be getting a gown of many moods. Depending which skirt or corset or jacket combination you pick, you may go formal with purple stripes or purple overtones or dress for a dance in crimson and black! There are also two sets of sleeves and a jabot. Play with the clothing, find out what you like. I hope you enjoy it while you do, and all the prim pieces are scripted as always. I hope you enjoy your new gown[s] from Greenwood Designs! Cordially yours, Kembri Tomsen
I think this may have been a subscribo welcome gift, but don’t quote me on that 😛


I nearly died when I found this. A stunning offering from Mashooka Designs. I’m so stoked cos it’s a new to me store and I got that tingle I get when I find something amazing. As soon as I get time, I’m off to the main store to spend!


For a fun, super cute treasure hunter outfit, head to the eLDee booth. Eye patch included of course, and the belt has a treasure map! Also, stay tuned for a skin from me that will be up at Freestyle’s Horst location, all monies will go to RFL, so donate what you can. Ash Out.

Not Free

RFL Part One

March 17, 2009

Every year, the grid pulls together and shows it sense of community spirit in the form of RFL. This years is the biggest yet with 9, yes 9 sims. I won’t lecture, we all have our own personal reasons for this event being so close to our collective hearts. Suffice it to say, the residents of Second Life shine at this time of year and do themselves proud.


I thought I’d start with the practical advice as called upon by our Ach! My 1arc point look (dun ask me where the 1 comes from :P) was based on the Foxygirl skin from Miasnow, as was alot of people’s, Loli, Autumn and I were triplets XD. Beater from Last Call, and shorts from Loulou&co as part of the Twisted Hunt. I have to say, for the most part on my travels, people were de primmed and very low ARC. I just won’t mention the “Master” who had an ARC up in the 1000’s, or the lady who was fully decked out in the biggest, floofiest dress I have seen, with stuff attached to every single possible attachment point…..ahem. My purple shirt is a gift from SD Wears, sobering message.
Around 2000 people will see this top.
675 of them will get cancer.
Change the statistics,
Support RFL


This first amazing dress is the RFL gift from Kouse’s Sanctum. Please note, although I am including slurls to the main stores of the designers featured, all of the dollarbies or gifts can only be found at the RFL sims. Click here to get to Sim 1.


This pink gorgeousness is the gift from Sysys with an amazing dollarbie skin from Tea Lane.


And following the pirate theme this year, this beautiful mermaid dollarbie from LVS & Co. You can pick from several different colours, I thought pink was the most appropriate. Go low prim, go cashed up, and if none of the limited edition designs take your fancy, you can donate at one of the many RFL kiosks spread accross the sims. A very frazzled Ash Out.

Non Freebs


Ssshhh, spot the green!!

March 16, 2009

As I’ve mentioned before on the blog, if you’re a hard core RP type, finding “your look” can be terribly hard on a budget. Recently there have been some incredible packs floating round the grid, covering all sorts of looks/avatars. So today it’s the turn of the vampire. Fitting as one of the terribly good looking undead has joined our ranks 😛

Lunas Boutique is a store I’ve blogged a few times, discovered through Fashcon around the New year. Do a search for the LL group, there are some super cool gifts in the archives. Including a pose hud stuffed full of poses, total must have. But these outfits are what I’m stoked about, a gift from Candy Shop (in the Lunas Boutique group archives). They are complete vampire avs, including skins (not shown) shapes, teeth, emote hud and all the clothes shown. So many options and stunning pieces, to say I’m blown away is an understatement! Skins! The skins worn with the red outfit are from the Imagen hunt. You’re looking for 20 teeny shamrocks, and you’ll get 19 skins and some eyes. If anyone needs a hand, drop me a line inworld and I’ll be happy to help. None are hidden in walls or anything like that, lets just say that sometimes the most obvious hiding places are the hardest to find 😛 The skin worn with the black outfit is a gorgeous dollarbie from Domestic V. There’s a huge sale going on also, and loads of freebs on the ground floor (you’ll find the skin shown upstairs).

I had to sneak a wee bit of green in here!! This beauty is a group gift from Fairytails. You’ll need your group tag activated, then snag this for an L. The skin I’m wearing here, and for the rest of the post are part of the Rockberry gift for the most random hunt ever. I love love love them!

I saw a small post about this store on the Freebie Telegraph, and had to go have a nose for myself. Nah! is a new to me store, and all these outfits are free from there, unbelievable! The brown dress also comes with super cute cowboy boots, not sure if you can see them too well. I can’t wait till the store is fully stocked so I can go spend, as at the moment, everything is free. Now I’m off to try and give mini Ash a bath, hard at the best of times, but the little princess is sick, so I anticipate much sadness! Ash Out.

Non Free Awesomeness
Gritty Kitty
ETD (still closed?)
Dejavu (some avail to buy, 2 are old group gifts)

Lazy Places

Ballet Boots

Slaves & Shamrocks from Guest Blogger Glamouramama Boa

March 10, 2009

Being a new Second Life Fetish Pornographer with a new pulp pornographic magazine titled SLag featuring sexy pierced and tattooed naked ladies & sexual fetish related articles (shameless plug to check out our blog and look for the mag after April 5th in world and on, I’ve been learning a lot more about the love of Latex and other equally as kinky materials in costumes, boots, and other *ahem* accessories. So I’d like to share some almost freebies for your inner fetish freak as well as some slave lulz, because I like a nice balance of intense kinky sex and many many laughs…though maybe not at the same time.

My good friend introduced me to the hilarious limited time dollarbie slave girls which is a part of an Avatar Pack, and i have not taken these ladies off since they crawled their way into my inventory. Not only do these blow up like slave attachments make my avatar look like a Mistress pimp, but I can’t stop giggling incessantly in RL as I see my favorite neglected slave who is positioned on the longest leash the furthest away from the group. Plus, it is a fabulous conversation starter in world when you are out and about shopping for some gags or strap ons, you won’t believe how many interesting people i’ve met since I got these bad girls. I’d hop on over asap and pick yourself up the “The Most Sadly Infamous Manstress of all time” Avatar.


The first Latex ensemble is the “Tease” catsuit from Plausable body which you can find amongst a handful of Open Price Items (where you pay what you can, whether it’s $1 or $100). It has a few style options, 2 different types of bottoms (fitted or not) and an option for “cutouts” in the chestical area of your avatar.

Glam Doghouse Slave

I shed my usual red locks to don the hair styles from the Feb. 28th Release Gift at House of Hearts, with the blonde style blogged earlier by Eden. House of Hearts hair styles are some of my favorite in all of SL (probably because I have crazy curly hair in RL which I can often emulate in SL). Mia Snow of the fabulous MiaSofia store dropped the new amazing Photo FX frame attachment (NOT FREE) on me and I immediately tried them all, finding this could be wonderful inspiration for photogs. All you do is attach it and take a screenshot and you’re golden. I’ve got the Old Photo 5 on in the close up photo, there are 16 option variety pack with frames and key holes. Speaking of the lovely Mia Snow (I think everyone knows by now her skins feel like they were made for my full figured shape), I’m also wearing the limited lucky chair MiaSofia skin as Ach blogged in her adorable rainbow outfit post.

Glam CU Frame

I’m half Irish and 100% freak, so for Saint Patrick’s Day I found a fun latex dollarbie at a tiny store called Cortes N’ Rossini. I must say I kind of felt like a Lucky Charms super hero in this get up, I was just missing my clover mask! The ensemble has a long prim skirt and appropriately places shamrocks on a nice green latex catsuit, so I say you surprise your Irish pals not only with a kiss but a little latex lovin’.

Shamrock Glam 1

Shamrock Glam 2

SO that’s it for me, Thanks to Creamy that sexy slag for letting me blog something a little more offbeat and dirtier than everyday streetwear, and hopefully I’ll be back with some more intimate kinky additions for your wardrobe.


(1st outfit)
Slaves – Part of The Harpie Hawkbreath Avatar Pack – ($1)
Latex Catsuit – Plausable Body – (Open Price)
Hair – Bailey in Candy from House of Hearts Feb. 28th release gift – (free)
Skin – MiaSofia (limited lucky chair skin)

LipRing – Unruly – ($50) –
Photo FX Frame – MiaSnow – (L$120 for 16 option variety pack)
Boots – Angelique’s Fashion – Overknees in Pink – ($20)

(2nd Outfit)
St. Patricks Day Latex – Cortes N’ Rossini – ($1 gift in store)
(also another $1 New Years Baby outfit still out)
Hair – Maria Sandy – House of Hearts Feb. 28th release gift (free)

Not Free Now:
Skin – Tuli Emily Light Freckle Coal – (Old group gift)