Archive for the ‘essential soul yuli lelutka minnu plus’ Category


January 17, 2009

Just a quick one today, cuz I have been putting it off for some time now…those who love a romantic dance will love these 2 dresses..definately 2 on…

~Yuli Black Gown~Pose: Essential Soul: Misfit 3~

1. Dress: Yuli – Black Evening Gown, $1L
2. Hair: LeLutKa – Stefani (not free)
3. Pearls – +Plus – The Vintage Black Pearl Necklace (not free)
I absolutely adore the jewellery from +Plus, if you have not been to the store you should definately check it out!!
4. Pose: ESSENTIAL SOUL STUDIO – Misfit 3 (not free, but they have some awesome freebie poses and new picks profile reward…just need someone to pose with!!)


1. Dress: Yuli – Tavia Gown in White (black also avaliable), $1L
2. Hair: LeLutKa – Peta (not free)
3. Pearls: Alyssa Bijoux – Draping Pearl Necklace (not free, but totally fab with backless dresses!!!)

‘Til next time!