Archive for the ‘Expo’ Category

Christ In A Hatsack

August 22, 2008

My best friend and long suffering business partner Kenlee is colourful to say the least. The title of this post is one of her fave sayings, when something is so outrageous it beggars belief. I know for a fact that is what she would have said if she was at the Hair Fair sims today. The time and effort, not to mention the creativity that has gone into this event is just amazing. I was lucky to get a preview, and pat pat Sasy as she nearly passed out from lack of sleep and waaaaay too much Redbull!!! Shown below are jut a tiny few of the gifts you can pick up at the fair when it officially opens tomorrow.

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And what would a preview be without Ash spending eleventy twelve million lindens on brand spanking new, only available at the fair hair? Shown below are my fave purchases so far.

hair fair

hair fair

hair fair

hair fair

Get yourselves to the fair and spend or donate as much as you are able. With most of the hair, 50% of the proceeds goes to Locks Of Love, and if you buy a bandana, all of the proceeds go to that charity. Locks Of Love provides wigs to children that have lost their hair due to chemo treatments, and seeing a kid smile again, well it’s priceless isn’t it. As an aside, when talking about what I should do with my bandana, someone who shall remain nameless revealed that they were a survivor, and that their hair had only started to grow back recently. So, you never know just how close cancer is to you, especially in Phil’s Place xoxo

Hair Fair Purple
Hair Fair Pink
Hair Fair Red
Hair Fair Orange

Ash Gets Her Way

August 14, 2008

Yus! Sometimes I do get my way, and after weeks of asking politely (begging) Ann O’toole to make some more shoes, she has, double win!! Aaaaaaaand Jojo from Wigwambam has a stack of new releases. Be still my heart (quote shamelessly pinched from Loliviva)!!

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The dress you lot will be interested in is the yumtastic blue and pink dress, it’s an L and is available now for the taking at the main store.


I had to show close ups of Ann’s shoes. They’re not free, although at 150L a pair, a better bargain you won’t find.


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Next up, Lemania’s dress of the floofiest proportions (and I mean that with luff, cos me and floof are friends nd shiz!) Also, the retro outfit pictured is a hunt prize called “Fallin For The 40’s”. The hunt runs from August 15th -20th, you’re looking for apples, each apple contains a part of the out fit pictured. There’s 15 all up and they cost an L each. Everything you need for an awesome retro look is here, the hair, skin and shape is up to you though! (The hat pictured is not part of the outfit, you can get that from Mezzo. Not free but very cheap)

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And last but by no means least, 2 of my finds from the Creators Pavilion. The pink dress I have blogged before, but it’s so damn lush it deserves a second post!! I had to show the Alice In Wonderland Storybook, cos it’s been all over the feed and I wanted it like woa. I bought it along with a million and 5 other things for the CSR. And as you can see, I’m still hopelessly addicted to fiddling with my pics, when I should really be working on nipples (none of you tell Sasy k?) xx

Pic 1
Wigwambam (the blue and pink is the dollarbie, the rest ARE NOT free)

Hair (not free)

Pic 2
Shoes used in above pics
Unique Needs (not free)

Pics 3&4

Hair (not free)

Pics 5&6
Dresses*Picopure C* @ Creators Pavilion

Hair (not free)
Diversity Hair

Alice in Wonderland Storybook (not free)

My Usual Non Freebies
Body Politik


Lazy Places

Here Comes The Bridezilla

July 22, 2008

If you’ve been following the comments in the last few days, you would see that our luscious Liv has been getting all hawt and heavy with Anon. This culminated in a proposal, and now lovely readers, our Liv is slsingle no longer!! So this post is for her and all you slbrides out there!! There is a bridal expo happening right now as we speak, showcasing the best of sl bridal wear and jewels, and of course giftys for you.

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Perfect for the night before the big day, get sloshed, wear a veil made of condoms, and behave rather badly feeling up the groinal region of a long haired, over muscly stripper!

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Ain’t this dress the shit! You wont find this at the expo though, it’s from G & N Design, and it’s only free for this week. I saw in the lobby wedding invites from the designer. What a lovely way to celebrate her wedding, giving you lot a stunning dress. Give her a massive huggle if you run into her.EDIT:, It’s the designers first wedding anniversary, yays!! See lurve can last! xxx

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This dress is a gift from the expo, perfect for leaving your reception in style!

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The ultimate in wedding night attire, boy shorts and a tank, woot!!! Now I’m off back to rl work, and it’s also my rl birthday, so I expect comment lurve, and shoes…….lots of shoes!!! 😉

Bride’s Dress
G & N Design

The Most Perfect Pearls Ever
Flirt @ The Bridal Expo

Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

PJ’s, T-Shirts and Black Formal Dress
Bridal Expo

Hair (not free)